chapter eight

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It was the day I was dreading, it was Monday, the day Corey and I are meant to present our project. I hadn't seen him since that night because we had no Science classes last week and I wasn't in any other classes with him. Naturally there were rumours going around about what happened between us because everyone knew we were together all the time. I'm not going to lie and say I don't miss him a little bit. As much as I hated to admit it, he was the only person I had, he was the only person I genuinely liked.

I walked into Science, avoiding looking at my desk knowing he would be there. I stared at my feet the entire time until I finally sat down. I could feel him staring at me as I faced forward. It took all my strength not to burst into tears right there and then. My heart stopped for a minute when he spoke. "How have you been?" He asked and I could sense the reluctancy in his voice. I paused for a moment thinking of an answer. A million ideas ran through my head. Sad, hurt, broken, embarrassed. None of which I was willing to say out loud. "I'm fine" was the answer I finally went with.

I could have asked him how he was but I didn't want to know the answer because I knew whatever he said he was doing, is better than I was right now. "Mr. Haim are you and your partner ready to present your project?" Mr. Harris asked us. Corey looked at me for approval and I nodded. We got up slowly as Corey trailed behind me. I could feel the awkward tension in the room as everyone stared up at us. I coughed awkwardly beginning to present the project. After that Corey and I took turns. When we finished Mr. Harris began to clap.

"Wow that was really fantastic, congratulations, you two work really well together" He said. I scrunched up my face knowing that he was right. Corey and I walked back to our desks not saying a word. After class I grabbed my bags as quickly as possible trying to avoid Corey. "Sp- I mean [Y/N]!" Corey said grabbing my wrist lightly. I turned around to face him. "We did pretty well on that huh?" He said rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Look Corey, the project's over now. you don't have to do senseless small talk with me anymore" I said expressionless. "I think we talked about a little more than small talk" He said looking hurt by my comment. I said nothing, just stood there looking at him. "I told you I was sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, but I'm just not good enough for you" He said standing up to face me. "Who gave you the right to decide who is and isn't good enough for me? I'm not some fragile little girl" I said raising my voice slightly. "I know you're not! you're probably the strongest girls I know! You're the only girl who puts me in my place and I love that about you" he said. My stomach fluttered slightly when he

I didn't know what to say back, I glanced at the clock, realising I was late for my next class. I sighed loudly, "I have to go, I'll see you around" I said half waving at him as I walked out.

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