chapter thirty three

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I woke up the next morning to an obnoxious siren like noise coming from beside me. I groaned as I sat up and looked up before searching around for where the noise was coming from. I looked over to see Paige giving me a guilty expression as she pressed the snooze button of her alarm. "I'm so sorry" She said wincing in guilt. "It's a Saturday.." I whined lying back down in the bed. "Yeah but I go on really early runs in the morning" She said and I rolled my eyes. Great, I had an over achieving room mate. This was going to be a long two months.

As much as I tried, I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just decided to get up anyways. I groaned again as I realized it was only 8am. I picked up my phone, hoping to see a text or cal from Corey but nothing. I blamed his lack of communication on the fact that is was still early. It said on my schedule that I had to meet my dean and the principal so I got up to get prepared for that.

I figured since I was going to be staying here for a few months it was probably be best to make a good impression. I dressed in the one nice outfit I had brought with me. A white shirt and suit pants. "Paige?" I called from outside our bathroom. "Yeah?" She called back to me. "Em, where do we get food?" I asked her. "1st floor, 3rd door on the left" She yelled back out at me.

I was so preoccupied with my existential crisis that I had forgotten that I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. I made my way down to where Paige had directed me. I walked in to dozens of girls staring at me. I smiled awkwardly at the ones I made eye contact with before going up to where the food was being served. If anything in this school was going to be a saving grace, it would be the food because it looked perfect.

I just grabbed a blueberry muffin and some tea. I was worried that if I ate to much I might accidentally throw up on the principal and that wouldn't exactly go along with my plan of making a good impression. It seemed best not to sit down because it would involve me sitting alone and being glared at so I decided to just eat in my room.

It was now 10am and my meeting was at 10:30. I checked my phone one more time before leaving for the meeting. Nothing, not even a text. I sighed in disappointment before leaving the room once again to go to the meeting.

I could feel my stomach churning as I got closer to the principals office. I always get nervous around figures of authority. I knocked meekly on the door, waiting to be allowed entrance. "Come in" The voice called out. "Hi" I said shyly as I walked through the door with an innocent smile. "[Y/N] come in" The woman who I assumed was the principal said, gesturing for me to come in.

"Sit down" She said pointing to the chair and I took a seat. "Now how have you settled in?" She asked grinning widely at me. "Eh, okay" I said shrugging at her. "Have you had a chance to have a look at your classes?" She asked me leaning on the desk. "Yeah, I like all the classes I've been given" I said half smiling at her.

" your mother tells me you had would you put it..troublesome past back home" She said "Troublesome? I wouldn't exactly put it that way" I said giggling anxiously. "Well it says here, in your Mom's letter that you had issues with drunk driving and violence" She said scanning the letter. "What? Can I see that for a second?" I asked a she handed it for me.

I scanned the letter with a frown on my face. I sighed deeply. "Madi" I said under my breath. "I'm sorry what?" She asked me in confusion. "Nothing, so is there anything else we need to discuss?" I asked rudely but I didn't care because I just wanted to leave I was so angry. "Yes, that is all, I hope you enjoy your time in this institution" She said with another smile. "Thanks" I said on an exhale breath before getting up to leave.

I dragged myself back to my dorm and flopped on my bed. It was barely even 11am and I was already drained. I wasn't even here a day and I already wanted to go home. I checked my phone for the third time, still nothing. I decided to take matters into my own hands and call him. No answer, this was getting ridiculous. Corey knew what I was going through and how hard this was for me and still wasn't answering.

I decided to text him to make sure he knew I needed him right now. "Corey, please I need to hear your voice right now, call me back when you see this...Love you x" Was all I wrote.

I had endless hours of time to kill this weekend so I decided to give Wil a call. Surprisingly he answered almost straight away. "Hey there stranger, how's your new school?" He asked. I could hear the smile in his voice. "It could be worse, but it could be a lot better. I miss home" I said pouting. "I miss you too" Wil told me. "What's your roommate like?" He asked me as I laid down on the bed. "She seems nice enough, I don't think she would kill me in my sleep. That's always a good start" I joked and he chuckled on the other end. "Oh God, how am I going to get through the rest of the year without you?" He asked me. "You have Corey, I'm sure you'll be fine" I told him.

"Have you talked to Corey yet?" Wil asked and I shook my head. "No, he's not picking up his phone" I told him and he was silent for a moment. "That's strange, because I was with him earlier?" Wil said sounding confused. "Oh okay, well next time you see him, tell him to call me okay?" I asked him and he agreed.

"[Y/N]!" Paige called from the threshold of the door. "Sorry Wil one sec" I said putting down the phone. "Yeah?" I responded to her. "We're all going to the cafeteria, come with us. I want to introduce you to everyone" She said gesturing for me to come with her. "Okay I'll be there in a minute" I said putting the phone back to my ear.

"Hey Wil I have to go make some friends, I'll call you soon okay?" I said. "Okay, [Y/N] talk to you soon" He said before hanging up.

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