chapter thirteen

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The next week was one of the best so far, Corey and I were all over each other all the time. We were outside the school against the wall. "I have to get to class" I said as Corey brushed his lips on mine. I was leaning against the wall and he stood in front of me. "No you don't" He smirked as he kissed my neck. I threw my head back and laughed. "I do..." I trailed off.

He groaned giving me room to move. "Fine, but you're coming over after school" He said letting go of his intertwined grip of my hands. "Okay" I said leaning up to kiss him before walking away to class. When I walked into class everyone turned around. I had really made a name for myself in this school since I began dating Corey.

I waited outside after school for Corey to come. As I stood there my phone began to buzz. I opened it and it was a text from Madi. "We're going out to dinner for Mom's birthday so be home by 4". I sighed it was already 3:30 so there was no point in going to Corey's. I felt two arms encircle my waist from behind. "Ready to go?" Corey said.

"No..I can't anymore, it's my Mom's birthday and we're going out to dinner" I pouted. "Oh okay do you want a lift home anyways?" He offered. I took him up on his offer and got in his car. "Thanks for the ride, I'll see you tomorrow" I said leaning over to kiss Corey before getting out. "Tell your Mom I said happy birthday!!" He shouted out the window at me. When I got to the door, I waved at him before he drove off.

"Madi?" I called out. "In the kitchen" She replied and I walked in following the voice. "Where's Mom?" I asked her. "I don't know why don't you call her?" she suggested. I took out my phone and called her. "She's working late so she won't be home in time" I said after the phone call ended. Madi groaned "Are you serious?" I just nodded. "Well okay you can go out then if you want" She said. I smiled as I left the house heading towards Corey's house.

I walked through the front door not knocking as usual. I made my way up to Corey's room but there was no one there. I assumed he had just gone to the store or something so I decided to wait. I sat on the bed waiting. I heard noise coming from downstairs and assumed it was Corey. I could hear him walking up the stairs and open the door to his bedroom. But the person standing in front of me wasn't Corey. It was some girl standing there in her underwear.

"Who are you?" I asked her. "Who are you?" she said glaring at me. Before I could answer Corey walked in stopping as soon as he saw me. He attempted to say something but I wasn't hanging around to hear it. I got up saying nothing, pushing past him and running down the stairs. "Wait!" Corey called after me. I turned around with tears streaming down my face, "What!" I screamed at him. He hesitated for a moment. "I'm sorry.." was all he said.

I shook my head "Do you honestly think that means anything? I can't believe you did this to me, after everything..." I said wiping away my tears. He rubbed his neck awkwardly not saying anything. "I don't know what else to say.." he said putting his hands in his pockets. "Why? why would you do this to me?" I asked but it only made me cry even more.

"[Y/N] you knew what you signed up for when we started this" he said gesturing to us. "What is that suppose to mean?" I asked in an irritated tone. "It means I can't stick to one girl and nobody not even you can change that" He said shifting his weight. So many thoughts ran through my head of how to reply to him but none of them were going to change anything. I could tell him I hated him that I never cared about him but that would be a lie.

I sighed as I turned on my heels and began walking down the stairs. "I'm sorry" Corey called after me for the 3rd time but it didn't sooth my anymore then it did the first time.

- Xx valerie :)

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