chapter twenty seven

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I don't think I have ever held on to a person tighter than I did that night when Corey and I walked home together. I finally had him back and I definitely wasn't prepared to let him go anytime soon. His hand moved around my waist before he tightly gripped my hand. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. We both knew what the other was thinking without even having to say anything.

I hadn't even realised that we were already back at my house. We stood in the porch for a minute just playing with each others fingers. I felt Corey's head lean against mine and I leaned up looking him in the eyes. "Hi" He said smirking down at me. "Hey" I said biting my lip slightly as I giggled. "I better get going" Corey said in a sad tone, indicating that he wanted me to invite him in.

"Would you like to come in?" I said sarcastically. "Well if you're offering.." Corey said chuckling. "Come on, I need a reason to piss off Madi anyways" I said to him. "Oh so you're just using me to annoy your sister" He said holding his chest dramatically. "Fine then don't come in" I said crossing my arms. "No I don't mind being used by you" He said placing his hands on the door between my body. I leaned my back against the door as Corey's l nose brushed mine. "Don't be such a tease" I groaned wanting him to kiss me.

"Says the one.." He said chuckling as he pushed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. I could feel Corey smile into the kiss too as his arms encircled around my waist. His fingers gently traced my back, making patterns at the base.

I pushed him off my chest, taking his hand. "Save it for later" I said winking as I pulled him through the door. As soon as I walked through the door I was met by Madi and my Mom standing at the table. I couldn't help but let a smirk crawl across my face as I noticed the pure shock on Madi's face. "Look who it is Mads" I said grinning. "Hi Corey.." She said in a neutral tone.

"Hey Madi, long time no see" Corey said grinning too. I covered my face as I chuckled, the look on her face was pure gold. It felt good to finally wipe that smug expression off her face. "Well we're going to go upstairs so we'll see you later.." I said still smirking as I climbed up the stairs. "Separate bedrooms" my Mom called up the stairs. "Of course" I said laughing as I pulled Corey into my room.

"Did you see the look on her face" I said leaning over from laughter. "She was so pissed off" Corey said plopping himself down on the bed. I crawled my way beside him, cuddling into his chest. "This feels so weird" I said thinking out loud. "What feels weird?" Corey said leaning his head over to face me. "Us, being together again. Even though it's only been a few months it feel like years" I told him. "Is it a good weird or a bad weird?" He inquired.

"Oh definitely a good weird" I said leaning up to kiss him softly.

I woke up the next morning, stretching my arms out as wide as they would go. I almost forgot Corey was right beside me at this point. I felt his arms wrap around my waist pulling me in closer to his chest. "Corey we have to go to school" I said giggling. "No we don't.." He groaned, his eyes still closed. "Yes we do" I persisted" No..." He said gripping on tightly to me.

"Come on it's only 7 hours and they we can come home and do whatever we want.." I said smirking at him. He raised his eyebrow, smiling. "Okay fine I'll get up" He said playing it down. I just laughed as I rolled my eyes. I walked over to my closet, picking out an outfit for school before making my way to the bathroom. "Hey where are you going?" Corey said holding me by my waist from behind and leaning his head on my shoulder.

"To get dressed?" I said confused. "Get changed in here" He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" I said turning my head to the side slightly. "Well it's not as if I haven't seen you naked before" He said grinning smugly. "Corey!" I said hitting him playfully as my cheeks went slightly red. He laughed as he watched me walk into the bathroom.

I walked out just in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. "You look good" Corey said resting his hands on my hips. "No I don't, I literally look like I just woke up" I said ruffling my messy hair. "Maybe because you just did" He said chuckling. I just ignored him as I grabbed my bag and began to walk down the stairs. "Here let me take that" Corey said taking my bag from me. "Aw such a gent" I said smiling. Corey just shrugged proudly.

We got to school and all eyes were on us. I half expected this though, it was unlikely that I could go out with someone, break up with him, date his best friend, then get back together with him without getting a few glares. I just looked down awkwardly as I felt all eyes on me. I felt Corey's hand intertwine with mine and I looked up at him to smile in appreciation.

We managed to make it all the way to my locker without anyone asking us anything. I took out the books I needed and turned around to Corey. My heart jumped slightly when I noticed Wil across the hall. I completely forgot about him. "Corey, I have to say something to Wil, I'll be back in a minute" I said releasing my grip from his hand as I made my way across the hall.

I looked back at Corey just before I reached Wil and he gave me an encouraging look. I half expected him to want to come over with me but since him and Wil were friends again, it might have been too awkward. Wil stopped mid conversation when he noticed me standing there. I let out a sigh of relief as he greeted me with a warm smile rather than a glare, which I was kind of expecting. "Hey" He said grinning widely as he pulled me into a nice but slightly awkward hug.

"Hey" I said half smiling as he broke the hug. "How have you been?" He asked leaning against the locker as the person he was talking to turned around to talk to someone else. "Good are you doing?" I asked but automatically regretted it because it probably sounded like I was asking about his problems. "I'm good" He replied generically, which I was kind of relieved at.

There was a short silence as I noticed Wil look over to where Corey was and then back to me. "So are you two back together then now?" He said with a neutral expression which sort of worried me. "Em well it's nothing official yet..that's actually what I came over to talk to you about". I said unnaturally awkwardly as I ran fidgeted with my fingers. Wil chuckled to himself as he continued to lean against the locker. "[Y/N] don't worry about it, you don't need my approval. I told you this before, you and Corey are meant to be together" He said smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled in response, "I thought you just said that to be nice" I said laughing nervously. "I don't say anything I don't mean and I meant that. You and Corey are good for each other and I'm not going to be on the one to get in the way of that" He said in a serious tone. "You really think so?" I asked him. "Positive, if you and Corey don't work out, then there's no hope for any of us" Wil said chuckling.

I just smiled at the ground not wanting to make it obvious that I was blushing. I looked back up when I felt Wil's hand on mine. "So are we good?" He said holding my hand loosely. I smiled as I nodded in response. "Of course we are" I said pulling into another hug which was less awkward then the first one. "You know I'm always here for you right?" I said into him as we broke the hug, wanting him to know that I still wanted to help him without making it too obvious. "Yeah I know" He said half smiling back at me.

I turned my head to the side when I felt someones hand on my back. I smiled when I saw Corey standing there beside me. He smiled back before leaning forward to hold his hand out to Wil. Wil put his hand in giving it a firm shake. I didn't really understand why Corey did that, maybe it was just to show that they were still on good terms or whatever. "Is that really it? A handshake?" I said attempting to lighten the mood. They both chuckled to themselves as they both leaned in for a friendly hug.

Just as they did the bell rang and they broke the hug. "Well I'll see you guys around" Wil said shutting his locker before walking away down the hallway. "Well that was a lot easier than I thought" I said turning to Corey. "Yeah it was, but he's been getting help lately so that could have something to do with it" Corey said shrugging casually. "That's good.." I said not really knowing how to respond.

Corey laughed obviously picking up on my inability to make a correct response. "Come on Sparky, let's get you to class" He said picking me up and placing me on his back, giving me a piggy back down the hallway.

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