chapter forty

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To say my Mom was happy would be an understatement. I've never seen her smile as much as she did when I told her. Madi was utterly disgusted by the news which was just a bonus. My Mom said I could still take the 3 days off to get settled in before going back to school. Which I kind of needed to prepare myself. I wasn't planning on telling Wil or Ahdree. I didn't want them to make it a bigger deal then it was. I didn't want to have to say a proper goodbye to Paige and the girls because I would probably get too emotional. Besides Paige's goodbye was enough.

Since I still had my stuff at boarding school, Mom was going to take Monday to go down and get them. Which meant Madi and I were going to be in the house by ourselves for at least 5 hours. Which was a recipe for disaster.

I was currently sitting on my kitchen counter eating cereal while my Mom was gone down to my old school. Madi walked in with her stupid facial expression that made me want to kill her. "I'm going out for a few hours" She announced as if she thought I would care. "Cool, don't come back" I said while eating. "Don't worry, I'll be moving out tomorrow" She said shooting me a fake smile before walking out the door.

Finally the day I had been dreaming of was here. The day Madi was actually going to be out of my life and could no longer meddle with my life. Even better, she was moving out of the state which means I would be seeing even less of her than I thought. Naturally, Mom whipped out the waterworks. I don't know why, she knows Madi is a bitch. Well she is her kid so I guess she kind of has to love her. She wasn't going to get any tears out of me. And if she did they would be tears of joy. "I'll walk you to the car" Mom said through her tears. "Okay" Madi said picking up her handbag. She stared at me for a moment. "Well bye?" She said looking at me in angered confusion.

"Hmm? Oh yeah bye" I said giving her a weak smile. She scoffed, shaking her head. "Bitch" I heard he say under her breath. But I didn't care because I knew as soon as she stepped out that door that I was free.

I gave Mom her space to deal with Madi leaving. At around 10pm, I walked into the living room. "Mom, I'm just going to go to bed. Schools in the morning so I don't want to be tired" I told her and she nodded. "Alright sweetie, Goodnight" She said pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much" She said squeezing me tightly. I tensed in shock. "I love you too" I said relaxing before hugging her back. "See you in the morning" I said to her before going to bed.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. I got up straight away hitting the snooze. I wasn't even tired. I wouldn't say I was exactly excited, but I was anticipating this day. I was determined to talk to Corey. And not talk as in throw shade at each other or annoy each other. No. Like actually sit him down and make him listen to my side of the story.

I walked to school as quickly as my legs could carry me. They gave me the same locker and everything so it was almost like nothing had changed. Well almost. I was so blinded by my determination to talk to Corey that I didn't even realise Wil had been calling my name since the entrance. "Yeah?" I said turning around to face him. "You're here! Are you staying?" He asked with a beaming smile. "Yeah I guess.." I said shrugging. "Look Wil I hate to be rude, but can we talk later? I have something I really have to do" I said beginning to walk again.

"Where are you going?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows at me. "I'm going to talk to Corey" I said in a hushed tone. "What? Why?" Wil asked frowning more intensely. "Because I want to get back together with him" I told him. "Why?" He asked again. "What kind of question is that?" I said starting to get annoyed. "He's not the guy he was 3 months ago [Y/N]. He's changed and I don't really want you getting involved with him again" He said and I scoffed. "Well sorry that isn't really your decision to make" I said folding my arms.

Wil opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he realised he had already overstepped his boundary. "Would you know where he would be?" I asked trying to make it less awkward. "Yeah behind the science labs" He said running his fingers through his hair. "Like where all the stoners hang out?" I asked raising an eyebrow and Wil nodded. "For fuck sake.." I said storming off.

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