final chapter

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May 30th 2016. The day I was graduating high school forever. Putting it in perspective, it really wasn't a big deal at all. In fact in the larger scheme of things, this event was completely irrelevant to the existence of human kind. But for me, I had an existential crisis on my hands. How was I meant to go out into the world all by myself? And be expected to make my own decisions and pay for my own things and be responsible for myself? Okay maybe I was being a little dramatic but it was a scary time. I'm only 18 and I can barely even drive, never mind make life decisions.

Although I was scared beyond comprehension, there was a small part of me that was excited for the future and what it holds. There was an endless possibility of opportunities that were awaiting me, I could do anything I wanted. Reinvent myself completely. No one was going to know who I am at college. No one knows all the shit I've been through this year, and no one has to. It was going to be a fresh start that I badly needed.

"[Y/N]! Quickly you need to be in school in 20 minutes" Mom called down from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming!" I called as I scrambled around my room, packing all the things I needed into my backpack. I scurried down the stairs to the front door open and my Mom standing there with a proud smile. "Look at you, my little graduate" She said smiling widely. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Mom I haven't graduated just yet" I told her. "Sorry, I'm just excited" She said hugging me tight. She stood there just taking all of me in. "Come on let's go" She said gesturing towards the car. I got in the passenger seat and she got in the drivers' side. "I think this is the first time since your first day of school that I've dropped you to school" She said to me and I laughed. "Dropping me on my first day and on my last, very poetic" I teased and she laughed.

As we drew closer to the school, my Mom brought up the one thing I didn't want her to. "[Y/N], I hate to bring this up, but what's your plans for college? You still haven't decided where your going yet and I'm just worried" She began. "I know, I know I have to decide soon but can we just leave it for today?" I pleaded with her and she nodded in agreement.

The school was completely bombarded with people. "It's going to take me ages to find a parking space so you go ahead you don't want to be late" She told me and I hoped out. I ran to the back of the school to get my cap and gown before heading to the stage where we all had to stand.

"Teachers, Fellow students, this is the day we have been dreading and anticipating for the last 4 years and it has finally come..." Cindy our valedictorian began. They began calling us out individually to the platform to receive our Diploma after she spoke. I kind of blanked out until I heard my name. I flashed back to reality before running on stage to collect it. "Thank you" I mouthed to the principal before shaking her hand. I turned to the crowd, catching a glance of my Mom and waving at her before walking back to my space on stage. After some of the staff said what they called 'Inspirational speeches', the principal came back on stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the graduating class of 2016" She announced before we all cheered and took our caps off and threw them in the air like in some cheesy movie.

I hugged the few people that were standing around me before walking to pick up my cap. I made my way down the stairs of the stage to reach my Mom but stopped when I saw who was standing beside her. Standing there with a happy but guilty expression on her face. I stood there blank expression in response to her. Madi. She looked at me anxiously anticipating my next move, probably scared that I was going to punch her in the face. I let out a sigh as I glided over to her, pulling her into a hug. Her muscles stiffened at my reaction before relaxing and hugging me back. I noticed she was about to open her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "Thanks for coming" I said before she could apologize or anything else.

Before her or I could say anything more, I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me turn around. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I saw who was standing there. "Paige!" I yelled before jumping into her arms. She laughed as she hugged me back. "What are you doing here?" I asked, excited. "Did you really think I was going to miss your graduation?" She asked me. I grinned widely at her. "I can't believe you're actually here!" I yelled. After that Mom insisted on taking a million pictures. Ones with me and her, Madi and me, her and Madi..every combination under the sky.

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