chapter five

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I didn't have a car so we had to go in Corey's car to my house. We didn't say much I would just tell him where to turn every now and then. We finally arrived at my house. My house wasn't small but it was nowhere near as big as Corey's house. "Well are you going to get out?" Corey asked me. I hadn't realised I had been sitting there a few minutes staring into space. "Yeah let's go" I said opening the car door and getting out.

I walked ahead as Corey strolled behind with his hands in his pockets. I was hoping that my parents wouldn't be home yet but knowing my luck they would be. I walked into the kitchen and there was my mom making dinner. "Hi honey-" She began but stopped when she realised Corey standing there. "Oh god I'm sorry I didn't see you there" She said briskly walking over to shake Corey's hand. Why does she always have to embarrass me like this? "It's nice to meet you Mrs. " he said shaking her hand with a genuine smile on his face that I've never seen before.

I stood there in shock, did Corey have some identical twin I didn't know about. Corey Haim the school bad boy was discussing recipes with my mom in the middle of my kitchen. I was still in shock when he finally stopped talking to her and we walked upstairs. "I can't believe it.." I began. "What?" He asked frowning in confusion. "I never knew how much of a kiss ass you are" I said bursting out laughing at him. "Shut up... I'm just good with parents" He said a little embarrassed. "Whatever you say.." I said opening my textbook. "Okay we have to present this in 5 weeks so we have to properly get started" I told him. "Yeah you can do that, I'll just sit here and watch" He said putting his hands behind his head and leaning back. "Not funny, get up and help" I said pulling him forward by his shirt.

He sighed, "what do you want me to do?". "Use your brain for once, I know it's hard for you but try" I suggested. he chuckled to himself.  "You really hate me don't you?" He said. "No... I don't hate you, I just don't agree with your... lifestyle choices is probably the best way to put it" I replied. "You mean the amount of girls I've been with?" he said smirking and I nodded in agreement.

"That's just the way I like to do things, and it would take a really amazing girl to change my mind" He said beginning to write. "I think it would take a miracle for that to happen" I said quietly. Suddenly there was knock on the door and my mom walked in "Corey would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked him. "No-" I began but was cut off by Corey. "I would love to, thank you" He said before turning and smiling smugly at me.

"Why?" was all I said to him. "Why not?" He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes as I walked down to the kitchen. My dad wasn't home from work yet so there was just Corey, my mom, my older sister Madi and I at the table. I sat down and Corey sat next to me. "So Corey where do you live?" My mom asked and I knew this was my cue to zone out. I was only brought back to reality by a hand moving up my thigh. I gasped loudly pushing his hand away. "Everything alright?" My mom said looking at me in confusion. "Yup yeah perfect" I said recomposing myself. Corey laughed to himself looking down.

After we finishing eating Corey spoke. "Thank you so much for having me but I have to get going" Corey said. "No problem anytime Corey" My mom said. I walked him to the door, pushing him outside. "That wasn't funny" I said as he stumbled to get his balance. "I thought it was funny" He said chuckling. "You're an asshole" I said shaking my head. "I know you don't really mean that" he said. I just ignored him, standing there awkwardly. Corey came close to my face, intertwining our fingers.

"I make you nervous don't I?" He said in relation to my unsteady breathing. "No.." I said lying. he smirked before leaning in. He stopped when he was millimetres away from my lips. "Night Sparky" He said smirking before walking away. As we walked away, I caught my breathe, shaking over the tension built up inside of me.

I walked back into my house, completely flustered. "Can I talk to you for a second?" My sister Madi said pulling me to the side. "Look I know you probably think Corey is a good guy the way he acts around Mom but he's a player so just stay away okay?" she said. "I know he is..we're just doing a project together" I shrugged. "Well just make sure he doesn't make you his project" She said before walking away.

- Xx valerie :)

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