chapter twenty nine

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The only sound I could hear was the faint sound of the heart monitor beside the bed. I repetitively shut my eyes, hoping that this was all a dream. Of course that would be too good to be true because every time I reopened my eyes I could still see the depressingly plain wall of the hospital room. I was alone in the room, with wires attached to all parts of my body.

I had no concept of time at this point. I didn't know whether it had been 4 hours since the accident or weeks. All I know is that the last thing I saw was the headlights of a car coming right towards the car at full speed. I could have called out for help but I knew as soon as I did the tranquility I felt right now would be gone. I spent the next few minutes either concentrating on my breathing or trying to remember as much as I could from the night. I remember downing God knows how many shots and getting into a fight with Corey. Corey. Where was he? He was the only person I needed to see right now.

"Corey!" I called out at the top of my lungs as tears began to stream down my face at my desperation for his presence. I let out a sigh of relief as he ran frantically through the door. Wearing the same clothes he had been wearing that night which informed me that it had only been merely a few hours since the accident. "Baby..I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry this is all my fault" He said kneeling down beside me holding my hand tightly. He looked up at me with tear filled eyes. I could actually feel myself gasp. Never ever in my whole time of knowing Corey Haim, have I ever seen him cry. It just proved to me he really did care about me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I had forgot to respond to Corey. "Please Baby just say something. I'm so sorry" He said putting his hands in his face. "It's okay" I managed to push out weakly. "Thank God you're okay" Corey said grabbing my face gently as he kissed me with such passion. "I'm so sorry" He repeated over and over. His wet tears dripping on to my forehead. "Corey it's okay, you didn't do anything" I told him. It was that moment that I realised Corey didn't drive me home that night. "Wil? Where's Wil? Is he okay?" I felt myself begin to hyperventilate. Corey said nothing. "Corey..where is Wil" I said in a stern tone. "They're not sure..he hasn't woken up yet" Corey said taking a seat. "What? No no no this is not happening. This is all my fault" I said beginning to cry hysterically. "Babe, calm down please" Corey said allowing me to squeeze his hand as he held me in his arms.

Suddenly my monitor began to beep frantically. Before I knew it there were a handful of nurses around me as another told Corey he had to leave. He protested but eventually obliged. "Please tell me he's okay" I begged one of the nurses. "Who sweetie?" She asked me as if I was insane."Wil, my friend Wil who was in the accident with me" I yelled at her. "Maybe you should get some rest first?" She suggested but it felt like more of a demand. "Just tell me he's alright for fuck sake!" I screamed at her.

They must have given me some sleep medication because the next thing I knew I woke up dazed and confused in the hospital bed again. But this time I wasn't alone. But I wasn't accompanied by the person I wanted. Instead Madi sat opposite me. We sat there in silence for a moment. "How are you feeling?" She asked me. "Where's Corey?" I asked her ignoring her question. "Answer my question first" She demanded. "I'm fine. Where's Corey?" I said through my teeth. "He's downstairs, you're only allowed family rights now" She told me. I sighed rolling my eyes. "So what's the damage?" I asked her. "Few broken ribs, broken leg and a concussion" She told me and I nodded, slightly impressed that it wasn't worse.

"And Wil?" I asked her not sure if I wanted an answer. "He's stable, still unconscious but stable. They said they can almost guarantee he will be fine, but it's too early to be certain" And with that I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God" I silently whispered to myself. "Do you remember anything that happened?" She asked me and I shook my head. "I'm guessing a drunk driver?" I assumed. She nodded at me. "Of course, some asshole being to lazy to get a taxi and Wil and I have to pay the price for it" I said shaking my head in disgust.

"So when can I get out of this hell hole?" I asked unravelling myself from the mountain of blankets that covered me. "You have to stay here for at least three days" She told me. "Great.." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm just glad you're okay" Madi said. "Well obviously?" I said frowning at her. "It's a pity that crash didn't know the sarcasm out of you huh?" She said smirking at me. "Where's Mom?" I asked her. "Downstairs getting you flowers I think, she hasn't slept so I think I'll send her home soon" I just nodded in agreement.
"You should probably get some sleep" Madi suggested. "Madi, I just slept for like 12 hours" I protested. "[Y/N].." She sighed.I knew there was no use arguing with her about this. "Fine.." I said rolling over and shutting my eyes.

I was going insane sitting in that hospital bed. I was fine, I don't understand why they couldn't just let me go home. There was absolutely nothing to do, all that were on the TV was re-runs of shows I have already seen and my Mom wouldn't let me have my phone. Ironically I grew tired of sleeping because that's all I could do in there. To make it worse, I hadn't seen Corey since the night of the accident. He hadn't come to visit me after that. I wanted to be angry but all I was, was upset. He was the one person I wanted here with me. Not Madi or my Mom. I kept telling myself there was some rational reason as to why he wasn't here. Like there was some family crisis that was keeping him from me.

Thankfully it had been 3 days  since the accident so they had to discharge me within the next few hours. I was going crazy from looking at the dozens of flowers Madi told me she bought me. I rolled my eyes as I noticed Madi walking into my room. "Hey sweetie.." She said wearing a big smile as she walked in. " when can I go home?" I asked bluntly. "That's actually why I'm here" She said holding up a bag. "Here are you're clothes, you can go home now" She told me. "Yes!" I groaned leaning my head back. "We have to fill out some forms but after that you're free to go" She told me. "Good, because I want to go see Corey-" I began but she cut me off.

"No" "No? What do you mean no? He's my boyfriend" I said starting to get angry. "[Y/N] calm down, you have a broken leg and ribs, you have to take it easy. Besides Mom wants to discuss something with you" I sighed saying nothing because saying something would just worsen my situation. As soon as I had gotten dressed and filled out the forms, we headed to the car. It took a while since I was now on crutches. "Cheer up [Y/N] , we're home now" Madi said. How was I meant to cheer up, I'm on crutches for a month and my boyfriend doesn't care enough about me.

As we pulled up into the driveway I noticed someone sitting on the porch. "Corey?" I said, a huge smile growing on my face. His head shot up as soon as he saw me and he ran to meet me. "Hey" He said picking me up off the ground. "How are you feeling?" He asked kissing my cheek. "Besides having to hop everywhere..I'm good" I said smiling up at him. "I missed you.." He said pulling me into his chest. "Why didn't you come to the hospital then?" I said in a disappointed voice. "What? I did everyday. Madi told me you weren't allowed visitors. I left you flowers, did you not get them?" Corey said looking at me confused.

"They were from you? Madi told me she bought them?" I said confused. Corey just chuckled. "I guess Madi is up to her old tricks again". "Hi Corey, [Y/N] needs some rest so you should probably go" She said glaring at us. I scoffed at how rude she was. "Actually I was thinking about bringing her to see Wil, he's out of the hospital and I think he could do with some company" Corey said wrapping his arm around me. "Hmm I don't know" Madi said folding her arms. "Well I do, we're going. I'll be home before 10 bye" I said hopping towards Corey's car.

"God she's insane" I said as soon as we got into the car. "You can say that again. I thought she was okay now?" Corey said furrowing his eyebrows. I let out a deep sigh. "I don't know, she changes her mind a lot" I said leaning my head against the window. There was a silence for a moment before we spoke again. "I'm really sorry for the other night, for making you so upset" Corey said squeezing the wheel. "Corey don't. It's not your fault. I was drunk, my emotions were on high. Seriously let's just forget about it" I said waving him off. He just nodded slowly.

Just before we got to Wil's, Corey turned to me. "Wil's mom called me earlier and told me that he has acute memory loss" Corey said. "What?" I said raising my voice. "No it's not that bad, he remembers everyone but he might forgot some minute events like a party he went to a month ago or something. it's not a big deal, just don't freak out if he does. It's only temporary" He told me.

We pulled up to the house. Corey helped me out as we went to knock on the door. His mom answered and told me he was in the kitchen. "Hey Wil" I said smiling. He turned around and a huge smile grew on my face. "Baby you're here" He said jogging over, grabbing my face and kissing me.

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