chapter twenty five

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He walked up to us and I clenched onto Corey's shirt in fear. As he got closer to us he began to stroll before leaning against the lockers with a smirk plastered across his face. "Well aren't you two just the cutest" Wil said in a patronising tone which caused me to move away from Corey slightly, as I looked at the ground. "Don't go there Wheaton" Corey said between his teeth as he clenched his fists. Wil brushed him off, turning to me still wearing that smirk. "Thanks for replying to my texts last night, really appreciate it" He said chuckling sarcastically.

I still said nothing, not really knowing how exactly to reply. "So are you just not going to say anything?" He continued with a sour tone. "Wil leave it, she clearly doesn't want to talk to you right now" Corey said stepping in front of me in a protective manner. "I deserve an explanation" Wil said beginning to lose his cool, getting all up in Corey's face. "Well you're not getting one" Corey spat back. "I think she can speak for herself" Wil said shoving Corey lightly. I knew exactly where this was headed so I stood between them. "Stop right now, that's enough! Wil's right he deserves an explanation-" I began but Corey cut me off "But-" he began but I returned the favour and cut him off.

"No buts" I said beginning to walk over to the other side of the lockers and Wil followed. "I'll see you in Science" I said to Corey knowing he was going to want to wait for me. Wil stood in front of me, looking down on me. "Well?" He said sighing. "Look Wil, I know I handled the situation really badly and I shouldn't have broken up with you when you were drunk, but it still doesn't change the way I feel. I thought I could help you but I can't. I can barely help myself at this point and if that's selfish then I'll admit it yeah I'm selfish. I just can't deal with the stress and the pressure of dating you, it's like any minute you're going to flip out and it scares me" I ranted. Wil sighed loudly rubbing the back of his neck, looking at his feet.

"I really hope you understand.." I said quietly kind of expecting him to flip out. He let out a deep breathe. "No no I completely understand, it couldn't have been easy for you to date a complete psycho" He said in a guilty tone. "Wil you're not a psycho, you're a great guy and I really mean it but I just don't think I can help you if we're dating, it's too hard" I said taking his hand in mine. "I will help you as much as you need but only as a friend" I said half smiling at him. He nodded in agreement. "Thanks" He said smiling at me. "For what?" I asked him confused "For trying, you're one of the only people who has" He said squeezing my hand.

"No problem, what are friends for?" I said grinning at him. "Yeah.." He said before there was a long pause. "So are you and Corey back together now?" Wil asked me. "What no? why?" I said confused at why he would ask that. "Really? well you will be soon" He said laughing. "No.I don't think so..I think too much has happened" I said half smiling to hide my disappointment. "I guarantee you in a few weeks you guys will be back, you guys just fit, I don't know I was always kind of jealous of your and Corey's connection" He said shrugging casually. I didn't really know how to respond so I just kind of smiled.

"Well I better get to class..Are we cool?" I asked him as I backed away. "Of course" He said grinning before walking away. I walked into Science and Corey gave me a concerned look. "Everything's fine" I said before he could ask. He didn't ask me anything else throughout the whole class. "So what happened?" Corey asked when class was over. "Never mind we sorted it out" I said trying to be casual about the situation. "So are you guys like officially over now?" Corey asked as we walked out of class. "Yeah I guess...why?" I asked turning my head to face him. "Just wondering" He said chuckling nervously. "I want to show you something after school so wait for me" Corey called as he began walking to his next class. "Where are we going?" I asked him curious. "It's a secret" He smirked as he pressed his finger to his lips. I laughed rolling my eyes before going to class.

After school I stood out in the parking lot waiting for Corey. I felt two arms encircle my waist and a head lean on my shoulder. "Ready to go?" Corey said. "Should I be scared? Where are you taking me?" I said getting into the car. "Well that all depends on whether or not you're still as much as a good girl you were when we first met" He said chuckling as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Hey I wasn't that much a good girl" I said offended and Corey just laughed. We drove for about a half an hour before we came to a cliff edge. "Why do I get the feeling you're going to murder me?" I said raising an eyebrow at him. he just chuckled to himself as he reached into his pocket for something. I stared intently at him as he did.

"You seem a little stressed lately so I thought this might help" He said pulling out a clear bag with green stuff in it. "Is that Pot?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah what do you think it is?" He said chuckling to himself. I blushed slightly embarrassed. "Since when did you smoke pot?" I asked him surprised. "Since forever" He said grinning at me as he began to roll it up. "You never told me" I replied staring at him intently as he did. "You never asked.." He said smiling at me as he finished rolling it. He reached into his pocket again pulling out a lighter. He clicked it a few times before it lit. He leaned the joint into the flame igniting it. Placing it in his mouth taking a drag. holding the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds before releasing it.

He coughed slightly before turning to me, offering it to me. I thought about it for a second and what's the worst that could happen. I placed it between my lips taking a drag like I saw Corey do, keeping the smoke in my mouth for a while before coughing it out. "That wasn't bad" Corey said grinning. "How do you feel?" He continued. "Fine.." I said beginning to laugh uncontrollably which made Corey laugh too. We sat in the car for a while, smoking and talking. I can't remember the last time Corey and I talked like this. I can't tell if it was the pot or maybe we were just growing closer. Well whatever it was I liked it.

We must have fallen asleep in the car because when I woke up I was in the front seat of Corey's car just as the sun rose. As the sun rose it shone on his face, waking him. He stretched looking at me in confusion. "Morning" He said mid stretching. "Morning we're late for school" I said grinning at him. He pulled out his phone checking the time. "Well there's no point going in now is there?" Corey said smirking. "Corey Haim are you suggested we ditch school?" I said gasping in an overdramatic tone. "Yes that's exactly what I'm suggesting" He said chuckling.

"You're such a bad boy I don't think it would be smart of me to go with you" I said folding my arms. "Well you were never that smart anyways" He said winking at me which I couldn't help but smile at.

We drove around town for a while trying to figure out what to do. "Want to go to the beach?" Corey said turning to me. "The beach? it's like 7 degrees outside?" I said raising an eyebrow at him. "We don't have to get in, let's just take a walk" He said pulling into the beach parking lot. "I could handle the pot thing but walking on the beach in Winter is just too much? you're just too rebellious for me" I said sarcastically. Corey just chuckled as he opened the door on my side. Taking my hand as I stepped out of the car which sent a slight tingling sensation up my arm which hasn't happened in a very long time.

Corey began running dragging me along with him. I giggled as I ran to catch up with him. He sprinted directly into the waves splashing me in the process. He leaned down cupping a handful of water and throwing it on me. I gasped. "Corey stop it's so cold" I said hugging myself to keep in the heat. "Come on live a little" He said chuckling as he picked me up throwing me into the water but I quickly grabbed his sweater pulling him down with me.

I through my head back laughing as I resurfaced. "You're going to pay for that" Corey said standing up again. "You started it" I said as he began to chase me down the shoreline. Corey eventually caught up to me grabbing me by my waist swinging me around. I laughed as I fell down in the sand. Corey chuckled as he sat down beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We sat on the shoreline for a while until I began to start shivering from the cold. "Here take this" Corey said wrapping his jacket around me that he had thankfully taken off before I pulled him into the water. "Thanks" I said looking down and smiling as he draped it over my shoulders.

We sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, just watching the waves roll in and out. I felt Corey's eyes on me and I turned to meet them. "What?" I asked him as he stared at me. He shrugged "Nothing..I just like this" He said half smiling at me. "You Like what?" I asked him. "I Like us" He said smiling sweetly. "What is us?" I asked curiously looking up at him. He shrugged pausing for a minute. "We're whatever you want us to be.." He said looking me deep in the eyes. He looked from my eyes to my lips and back again.

I bit my lip as I saw him begin to lean in, his lips were centimetres away from mine. He just hovered over mine making me want him even more. Just as I thought he was going to close the gap, he backed out. I sighed in disappointment as he stood up. "Coming?" He said leaning his hand out for me to take. I nodded as I took his hand.

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