chapter four

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I walked into Science the next morning, we had a double class which I was severely not looking forward to. I walked in and Corey smirked at me with that stupid smirk he constantly wore. I ignored him taking my seat next to him looking straight at the board "Morning" he said from beside me. I ignored him. "Oh so you're going to ignore me now because I made you admit something you didn't want to admit" He smirked.

"I'm ignoring you" I said continuing to look at the board. "Well you're talking me to right now so that doesn't seem to be going to well for you now does it?" He said chuckling to himself. "Just shut up" I snapped back at him. "Now class I'm going to give you this lesson free to discuss your project with your partner" Mr. Harris said from the top of the room. I groaned to myself. "Guess you're stuck with me for 120 minutes Sparky" Corey leaned in whispering in my ear. I rolled my eyes turning to face him. "Let's just get this over with" I said opening my notebook.

"So why did you run out on me last night?" Corey asked ignoring my statement. "I just had to go my mom wanted me home" I said shrugging. "I think we both know that's a lie" Corey said raising his eyebrow. "No it's not and why would you care anyways?" I asked glaring at him.

He chuckled to himself. "Just admit it, I make you feel nervous" He said as he slid his hand up my thigh. I quickly slapped it away. "I think nauseous would be a more accurate word" I said in a disgusted tone. "You're ridiculously stubborn you know that" He said shaking his head. "I know you're not probably used to girls saying no to you but you're just going to have to get used to hearing it from me" I replied to him.

"You're a tough one to crack but I'll get there" He said leaning back in his chair. I ignored his comment, changing the subject back to our project. "See you after school" Corey whispered in my ear as we walked out of class, sending a shiver down my back and not the good kind.

After school I waited for Corey to show his face but I couldn't see him. I looked around and found him once again playing tonsil hockey with another girl. I wasn't in the mood for manners today so I walked straight up to him dragging him away not letting him finish. "Do you ever take a break?" I asked him in annoyance. "Do you?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. "What is that suppose to mean?" I asked stopping and placing my hands on my hips. "It means you're a bit of a buzzkill" He said smiling smugly at me. "Just because I care about other things other than sex doesn't make me a buzzkill" I said back to him. "So you admit you do think about sex?" He said grinning at me. "What? Ugh just shut up please" I said starting to walk again. "We're going to my house today, no arguments" I demanded. "Feisty, I like it" he said following me.


- Xx valerie :)

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