chapter forty four

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Everything kind of died down after that night. It was the news of the week until something more interesting came along. I guess that was a good thing, it meant I wasn't hounded with sympathetic smiles until Graduation. Naturally for the first few days afterwards the rumour mill had spiraled out of control. People saying that Corey attacking Tommy was unprovoked and that it was all a jealous rage or that I purposely pretended he attacked me so Corey would rescue me. They didn't last long though, not that I really cared. I was graduating in less than a month and would never have to talk to most of these people ever again.

The closer graduation got the more aware I became of the fact that I am not ready to graduate. I have no where to live once I move out of home. I could stay with my Mom but honestly I think I would rather live on the street than stay at home any longer than I needed to. Although I had spent all my money I had saved for an apartment for college on Corey, I still didn't have the guts to tell NYU that I wasn't going to go in the fall. I thought if I tried really hard this summer then I could maybe get up enough cash to even rent somewhere close to New York.

Speaking of Corey, things seemed to have really worked out for him. Tommy dropped all the charges against him. Everyone claims he did it because he felt bad for what happened. I was curious to know exactly what happened the night of Prom after I left him and Corey, but Corey hasn't been in school in over 2 weeks now. Again, the rumours were already starting. He dropped out of school to join a cult, be a full time pot dealer, ran off to Canada to start a new life, the rumours were endless.

I wasn't worried too much because I knew if there was something seriously wrong, Wil would have told me.

It was a typical Friday at lunch and I had avoided the cafeteria, instead taking a walk around the school grounds. I stopped to take a seat on one of the benches. I leaned my hands behind me to support my back. I stayed still, just taking in the fresh air that I was inhaling. My head flinches as I heard the crackling of grass from behind me. "Hey, sorry didn't mean to scare you" Wil said with a cute smile. "It's fine, you didn't" I said smiling back. "Mind if I join you?" He asked before taking a seat beside me. "Nope not at all".

He turned to me. "So how's life?" He asked with a smirk. I giggled, "Great, how is yours?" I asked him back. He shrugged to himself, "I can't complain I guess" He said with a slight wink. "That's good" I said nodding my head in acknowledgement. Just then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a joint. I raised my eyebrow at him in disapproval. "What?" He asked chuckling to himself. "You shouldn't be doing that" I said shaking my head in disapproval as he lit it. "Oh come on.." He said inhaling before exhaling.

"You're telling me you went out with Corey Haim and he never once made you smoke one?" He asked. I laughed to myself because what he was saying was true. "Good point" I said taking it from him and taking a puff. I let everything go silent, while I contemplated whether or not to ask. It was inevitable, the words were halfway out my mouth before I realized what I said.

"Have you heard anything from Corey, like do you know why he hasn't been in lately?" I asked trying to sound casual but I'm sure he could hear the desperation in my voice. He let out a sigh before shrugging. "I honestly have no clue, I was talking to him the other day and he just said he had some things he needed to sort out but he would be back for graduation" Wil told me and I nodded not wanting to go any further with the conversation.

I didn't really trust what Corey told Wil, usually when Corey is being that vague, he is usually up to no good. But when I thought about it, what he does with his life is really none of my business anymore.

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