chapter eighteen

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Over the last few days I had gotten used to going to and from school with Wil. We were starting to get really close and I liked it because he made me feel so comfortable, like I could tell him anything. Corey and I were constantly throwing shade at each other. "Finally it's Friday!" I groaned as Wil and I walked into school hand in hand. We weren't together officially but we might as well be.

"What are we doing this weekend?" Wil asked when we got to my locker. "Oh so you're just assuming we're doing something together" I said sarcastically. " only if you want to" Wil said rubbing his neck awkwardly. "I'm kidding yeah I'd love to" I said smiling. "Cool" Wil said looking excited. The bell rang so I closed my locker before making my way to class. "Wait..see you later" Wil said kissing me lightly, causing me to blush. "Bye" I said giggling.

I walked into Science class taking my seat. "Miss me?" A voice said from beside me. I jumped slightly, realising Corey was sitting beside me again. "Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you switched classes?" I said confused. Corey slouched back in his chair. "Eh I got bored, besides who can resist sitting beside you for the rest of the semester?" He said chuckling. "I don't appreciate your sarcasm" I said rolling my eyes. Corey leaned in closer to me, whispering in my ear. "Who said I was being sarcastic?".

I glared at him in confusion. Why was he playing these games with me? he cheats on me, then moves classes then as soon as I'm happy with Wil, he comes back?

After a few minutes I asked him again. "So why did you really move back?" I asked him. He shrugged "You're a smart girl figure it out" He said smirking a me. "You know what I think?" I asked him rhetorically. "Enlighten me" he said leaning his chin on his fist sarcastically. "I think you realised that I'm finally happy with someone other than you and you wanted to ruin it" I said in an irritated tone.

"What Wil? you're not happy with Wil you're content. He's a rebound and you know it, well the contentment is going to fade and then where will you be?" He said in a hushed tone. I flared my nostrils in anger. "You really do think very highly of yourself don't you? you think just because I'm not with you I can't be happy? well think again, I'm ten times happier with Wil then I ever was with you" I said getting up to leave the class.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Sparky!" He yelled after me. It took everything I had not to yell something back to him but I really didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

I was still so angry at Corey when Lunch came around but I was going to let him know that he had got to me. I had gotten used to sitting with Wil, Corey and Sophie. I felt kind of bad for her she was such an idiot and couldn't see through how much a player Corey was. Not that I could say much.

I sat down with a blank expression on my face. "Aw Sparky cheer up I thought you were happy?" He said with a smirk on his face. Wil gave me a confused look but I just brushed him off. "Guys guess what?" Sophie said. "What.."We all groaned knowing that whatever she was about to say wouldn't be very mentally stimulating. "In biology today, we learned that male lions will have sex with every single female in the kingdom, isn't that crazy?" She said. "Yeah so crazy..remind you of anyone Corey?" I said smirking. He just chuckled nervously to himself.

We sat in silence for a while before Sophie spoke again. "Oh My God, we should all go on a double date tonight!" She said clapping her hands. "Why?" I said confused. "Why not?..unless you don't think you can handle it" Corey said smirking. I glared at him "As long as you can" I said. "Great" He said ."Great! see you all later" I said getting up to go to class. I groaned to myself, what have I gotten myself into?

Wil dropped me off home from school as usual. "I'll pick you up at 7" He called out the window to me. "See you then" I called back while waving. I threw my bag on the floor as I headed upstairs to find an outfit. We all decided on going casual so I wore a pair of jeans and a nice top

While I was doing my make-up, Madi walked in. "Where are you off to?" She said leaning against the doorframe "I have a date" I said fixing my hair in the mirror. "Oh with who? Wil?" she said with a smile on her face and I nodded. "But we're actually double dating with Corey and his girlfriend" I told her. "Wait what? you're going on a double date with your potential boyfriend and your ex boyfriend? do you really think that's a good idea?" She said with an unsure expression.

"No it's an awful idea, but I already said yes and if I back out then Corey wins" I said fixing my jeans in the mirror. "[Y/N].."She said taking my hand. "It's not a competition, you already win, you were hurt but you came out stronger in the end and now you're happy. He knows that and he is trying to ruin it, don't let him" She said in a serious tone. Before I could say anything else the doorbell rang. "That's Wil..I have to go" I said heading downstairs.

I walked down and opened the door. "Wow you look great" Wil said placing his hands on my hips, pulling me in to place a kiss on my lips. "Thanks! are you ready to go?" I asked him and he nodded and took my hand, leading me to the car.

When we got the restaurant, we walked in looking around for our table. We spotted Corey and Sophie and walked over to sit down. They stood up to hug us. "You look good" Corey whispered in my ear. "Wish I could say the same about you" I said sitting down with a blank expression. Corey just chuckled to himself taking a seat too. Just to my luck I was seated directly opposite him.

Surprisingly Corey and I got through most of the night without killing each other. While we were waiting for our dessert to come. I could feel Corey's foot, run up my leg. I gasped slightly. "Everything okay?" Wil said looking at me concerned, while Corey chuckled smugly. "Yeah I'm fine. I just need some air" I said getting up. "Do you want me to come with you?" Wil asked me but I just shooed him off.

I stood outside the restaurant, letting out a big sigh as I leaned against the window. I turned my head as I heard the door open beside me. "What do you want?" I asked as Corey. "I just came to see how your leg is" He said chuckling. "You're an asshole" I said hitting him lightly with my bag.

He just laughed as he leaned against the window with his hands in his pockets. he sighed deeply looking forward. I looked at him and he looked at me. "What?" He asked me. "I don't get you.." I said frowning at him. "What's not to get?" He said flopping his arms. "I'm pretty straight forward person you're the complicated one" He said standing in front of me as I leaned against the window.

"How am I complicated?" I asked him frowning in confusion. "Oh come act like you hate everyone and everything but deep down you just pretend too so that you don't get hurt" He said moving closer to me. I laughed loudly "I think you just described yourself there" I told him. "Or I described us.." He said inches from my face. "Corey don't.." I said quietly.

"Why know no one can make me feel the way I do.." He said while his lips hovered over mine and his hand moved up my thigh. I held my breathe unsure of what was about to happen. Before anything could, Corey was pulled off me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Wil said shoving Corey with a pissed off expression plastered on his face.

"Wil chill..we were just talking" Corey said laughing nervously. "Why don't you go talk to you're girlfriend" Wil said walking over to me. "Come on let's go" He said taking my hand. I looked back at Corey walking into the restaurant before getting in the car.

We drove in an awkward silence all the way back to my house. I wasn't sure if Wil was mad at me or not, even though I didn't do anything. Well not really. Wil opened the door for me, helping me out. We walked to the door in silence. I sighed as I got to the door. "Well that was awkward.." Wil said rubbing his neck. "Yeah..." I said look. "I'm sorry for getting angry, I just didn't like him touching you like that and I know it's stupid because we're not together and and yeah.." He said shyly.

I laughed "It's fine honestly, I'll see you tomorrow" I said kissing his cheek. "Wait eh can I ask you something?" Wil said looking nervous. I nodded. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Wil asked me

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