chapter twenty one

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I didn't have to look around to see who's arms were wrapped around me. I was completely overwhelmed by everything that had just happened that everything seemed to go by in slow motion. I just sat on the cold ground taking in every movement that happened around me. "[Y/N] I'm so so-" Wil said attempting to walk towards me. "Don't you dare touch her" Corey screamed with an anger in his voice that I've never heard before. Wil backed away slowly. "I'm so sorry" He said before briskly walking away from the scene.

I sat there still not saying a word, still not fully understanding what had just happened. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? What happened?" Corey said. I opened my mouth to reply to him but nothing came out because honestly I didn't even know the answers. "Come on let's get you home" Corey said taking me protectively in his arms as he helped me to his car, which was parked around the corner. I couldn't help but wonder why Corey was there? Or more importantly what might have happened if he wasn't.

Corey helped me into the passenger seat before taking the drivers seat. He didn't let go of my hand the whole way back to my house and I was glad. When we arrived at my house, we sat in the car in silence for a few minutes. "Thanks" I said beginning to open the car. "What? no no, I'm not leaving you here by yourself, I'm coming in" Corey demanded. "Corey honestly it's fine, I'm fine" I lied. I should have known that Corey would have seen right through that. He didn't bother arguing with me anymore as he got out to help me out of the car again, not that I really needed it.

Corey placed his arm around my shoulder leading me through the front door quietly. I walked into the house only to find Madi standing in the living room. Corey looked around awkwardly, obviously sensing the tension. "He's staying and that's final" was all I said glaring at her before dragging Corey up the stairs by his shirt. She didn't say anything in reply, she knew better. When I got into my room I flopped down on the side of the bed, placing my face in my hands. "What happened?" Corey said kneeling in front of me. I shook my head at him. "Can we please not talk about it right now?" I asked him. "I want to know what happened, I need to know you're okay" He said placing his hand under my chin.

"Corey I'm fine, or at least I will be tomorrow. I promise I'll tell you everything tomorrow, I'm just mentally exhausted right now okay?" I said lying down on the bed. Corey stood up awkwardly, running his hands through his hair. "Okay well I guess you don't need me anymore since Madi's here. I'll see you tomorrow then" He said turning for the door.

"No wait" I said grabbing his shirt. "I need you, can you just lie with me?" I asked him with a hint of desperation in my voice. Corey's face curved into a smile. "Sure" He said lying down beside me. I dug my head as far into his chest as would allow. He pulled me in close to him, wrapping his arms around me. I sighed loudly as I placed my hands on his chest. "Night Sparky" He said kissing the top of my head. I fell asleep to him making gently patterns on my side.

I was abruptly woken the next morning to the sound of my alarm. I groaned as I rolled over but smiled when I notice Corey lying beside me. I got up and got ready letting him sleep in a bit. He woke up by himself, stretching widely while groaning. "Morning" I said giggling slightly. "Morning, how are you feeling?" He asked getting up hugging me. "I'm good now go shower, we're leaving in 10 minutes" I said pushing him towards the bathroom. "Okay but you're telling me everything in the car" He said pointing at me before going into the bathroom.

We drove to school and I told him everything. He parked the car, sitting in his own confusion. "What's wrong with him? I've seen him get angry before but I never thought he's be like that with you. I'm so sorry" He said giving me a guilty look. "Why are you sorry? you didn't do anything" I asked him. "That's the point" He said getting out of the car. I got out too before he could open my door. "You did do something, you saved me from what could have been a very bad situation" I said. He just gave me a disagreeing look. "That reminds me, why were you there in the first place? "I asked him as we walked down the hallway. "Just luck I guess" Corey said looking around suspiciously. He followed me to my locker. "Corey I'm fine, you don't have to follow me" I said laughing.

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