chapter ten

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I woke up the next morning for school in a surprisingly good mood. I couldn't keep the smile off my face all day yesterday after Corey and I kissed. I was just so ridiculously happy at the moment. I quickly got dressed and ate cereal. Someone beeped the horn outside, I grinned widely, knowing it was Corey picking me up. I ran out the door to see him leaning against the car with his sunglasses on. He grinned widely as he saw me coming, opening his arms as I jumped into them. He crashed his lips to mine sending shivers down my body. I smiled into the kiss before breaking it. "Morning" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey" he said pecking my lips one more time before placing me back on the ground. He walked me around to the passenger side, opening the door for me. "Such a gent" I said sarcastically as i took a seat. he chuckled to himself before running around to the drivers side. he sat down at looked at me. "What?" I asked confused. "Nothing" he smiled before leaning over the gear stick and began making out with me.

I laughed as I shoved him playfully. "Corey stop we're going to be late" I said. "Well you're dating the bad boy now so get used to doing crazy stuff, you know like not reading the terms and conditions or j-walking" He said said smirking. "Shut up you're not funny" I said hitting him playfully. He laughed as he began to drive.

As we arrived at the school, Corey parked right outside. "You ready to do this?" Corey said referring to us going to school to the first time as a couple. I nodded as I got out of the car. Dozens of heads turned as they noticed us. Corey came around to meet me. I tensed up slightly not used to the attention. Corey flung his arm around me protectively as he began to walk toward the school. I could see most of the girls in the school giving me glares out of jealously which just made me smile more.

We walked through the halls hand in hand as more people stared at us. When we got to my locker Corey leaned me against it, pushing his lips to mine. I smiled as our lips moved in sync with each other. Corey ran his hands all over my body. "Corey stop people are looking" I said slapping his hand away. We were interrupted by the bell ringing. "Ugh" Corey groaned leaning his head back. "I have to go" I said pushing him off me. "One more" Corey said pulling me back him by my waist and kissing me intensely. "I have to go..I'll see you later" I said laughing as I strolled away.


Side note: i know not a lot happened in this one but it's just a filler because there is going to be ALOT of drama in the next chapter.
- Xx valerie :)

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