chapter seven

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It had been a few weeks since I stayed in Corey's. Everything had changed since that night. Corey and I grew really close, we began spending time together outside of our project. I could feel myself really falling for Corey, It was the way his whole bad boy persona completely changed whenever he was around me. I had also noticed that he had almost completely stopped sleeping around, of course I couldn't be 100% sure but I had a feeling he had stopped for some reason.

We spend almost all of our spare time together and sometimes I thought he was going to make a move but before he did he would always stop himself or look away awkwardly. Although I was starting to get feelings for Corey, Madi's voice was always in the back of my mind telling me no.

It was a little under a week until we had to present our project but we had already finished. I was on my way to Corey's house to hang out. I hadn't told him I was coming over but we always did this so it doesn't really matter. I walked into his house not knocking on the door. His parents were always at work anyways. "Corey?" I called out and there was no answer.

I made my way up the stairs knowing he was most likely in his room. "Corey?" I said as I opened up the door. I stopped right in my tracks, my heart completely dropped, there he was on top of another girl. "Oh shit sorry" I said quickly closing the door. I could hear Corey rummaging around in the room. I began walking away down the stairs, trying to get away from the house as quick as possible. "Hey wait!!" Corey yelled after me only in his boxers.

I turned around giving him a disgusted look. "Hey what are you doing here" He said awkwardly. "I came over to chill with you but clearly you've found someone else to hang out with" I said in an angry tone. "I didn't mean for you to see that" He said running his fingers through his hair. "Clearly.." I said raising an eyebrow at him. "Why are you so mad?" he asked with a confused expression. "I'm not mad why would I care it's none of my business?" I said glaring at him. "You obviously are or else why you wouldn't be acting like this" He said moving closer to me.

"Did you think there was something going on between us or something?" He said muttering. "No" I lied looking down at my feet trying to hold back the light tears the flowed down my face. "Why are you crying?" He asked me. "Because you make me so angry!" I yelled. "You know I'm not the relationship kind of guy and you deserve someone who's going to give you everything and I'm just not that guy, you deserve better" he said. I laughed to myself as the tears flowed down my face. "That is such bullshit! and you know it, you're just too scared to actually commit to something for more than 5 minutes because you know you're going to fuck everything up!" I said raising my voice slightly. "It's not! I have too much respect for you to treat you like I do those other girls, that girl in there, do you think i have any respect for her? No." He said raising his voice too.

"If you really had respect for me you wouldn't be in there with that girl in the first place" I said shaking my head.He stayed silent for a minute. "I don't know what to say.." he began but I cut him off. "Then don't say anything, I'll see you around" I said shooing him away as I began to walk away. "Sparky I'm sorry" He said with pain in his eyes. "It's [Y/N] from now on and we have to present our project on Monday don't forget" I said walking out of the house.

He didn't follow me so I knew he didn't care enough. I can't believe I thought he had actually changed, people like him don't change and I was just going to have to except that. He was always going to be Corey the boy I hated but now he was so much more, he was Corey the first and only guy who broke my heart.

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