chapter thirty four

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I followed Paige down the corridor to the familiar cafeteria that I had been in not too long ago. I glanced around the cafeteria trying to figure out who she was bringing me to. She brought me down to one of the back tables. "Hey guys, this is [Y/N], she's new here" She said taking a seat. "Hi" I said waving slightly at them. They all mumbled a faint 'hi' in response.

"Take a seat" Paige said patting the seat beside her and I took it. "This is Nicole, Brianna (Nikki & Brie for short), AJ and Sasha" Paige said gesturing to 4 girls who all kind of looked the same. Long blond hair, pale skin and gleaming white teeth. "Hey it's nice to meet you" AJ said. "So where are you from?" Nikki asked me. "I'm from Portland" I told them. "That's cool, so what do you do for fun there?" They asked me. "Smoke pot mostly" I said half joking half not. "Seriously?" They all said simultaneously. "Well I don't, but a lot of people I do" I said shrugging.

"Have you ever?" Paige asked with an overwhelming interest level. "Yeah once with my boyfriend" I told them. "Corey right?" Paige recalled and I nodded. "What's he like?" Nikki said leaning her elbows on the table. I was a little taken aback by the sudden interest that these girls had in me. But I didn't let it go to my head too much because I assumed their fixation was due to their lack of communication with people over the last few months.

"He's just like any other teenage boy I guess" I said shrugging, not sure what else to say. "He's really hot as well" Paige said giggling to herself. "How would you know?" Sasha asked looking at her with jealous confusion. "She has a picture of him on her wall" She told them. "Oh, well I guess we're going to have to take a visit later then" She said winking at me and I smiled.

"So how did you guys meet?" Sasha asked me. I thought about telling them the full dramatic story of our relationship. I decided it would be better for everyone if I just left out the whole Me, Wil, Corey love triangle for another day. "You know just the usual, we were Science partners" I said casually. "That is so romantic" They all swooned. "Yeah.." I said looking the other way.

We spent what felt like hours talking about how cute Corey and I were and how long we were going to last and blah blah blah. But talking about my 'perfect' relationship didn't make me feel any better since I hadn't been able to contact Corey since I left.

To make matters worse, my first real day of school was tomorrow and I wasn't ready for it at all. It was bad enough having to deal with being away from Corey, but having to do that while trying to learn all day was going to be almost impossible.

I was sitting on my bed, reading over my schedule when Paige walked in. "Hey" She said with a wide smile. "Hi" I said looking up from my piece of paper. "The girls seemed to really like you today" She said jumping onto the bed. "Yeah they seem like nice girls" I told her honestly. "Yeah they are, they can be a little intense sometimes, but you'll like them" She said lying down fully on the bed.

I glanced at the clock and it had just gone 11pm. It was still early but it was my first day and I didn't want to be tired. I picked up my phone, checking for anything. Nothing. "Have you heard anything from you're boyfriend yet?" Paige asked me and I shook my head in disappointment. She gave me a sympathetic smile. 'He will, don't worry" She said and I nodded just to be polite.

"Well anyways, I'll see you in the morning" Paige said turning over in her bed. "Night" I said before turning off my light.

I groaned as the familiar sound of the alarm went off. I prayed to myself that it was Paige's for her run and not mine. Of course no such luck, I leaned over turning it off. It took me a moment to get the energy to get up and get ready. I threw on that abomination they called a uniform and moved onto my hair. I was going to make an effort with it, to make it look good, then I realized I was in an all girls boarding school in the middle of nowhere.

I was just about to grab my schoolbag and make my way to class, when my phone began to ring. I ran to it in desperation, answering it without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" I said in a louder tone than usual. There was a silence for a moment and I was about to hang up thinking they had hung up when a voice spoke. "Sparky?" The voice said and I knew exactly who it was. "Hey" I said smiling wider than my mouth would allow.

"Hey" He said chuckling slightly. "So how are you?" He asked me. I sighed deeply. "I could be doing better, I miss you so much" I said. There was a silence. "Sorry I didn't call, it was just...difficult" Corey told me. "It's difficult for me too, that doesn't mean you have to ignore me" I said my voice croaking slightly. I didn't want to fight with Corey when we were so far away but I was angry that he hadn't called all weekend.

"I'm sorry" He said. "It's okay" I said on an exhale breath. "Look, I have to go, good luck on you're first day. I'll try call you later" He said before hanging up. "Okay bye, I lov-" But that's when the line cut off. I tried to hold it back but I couldn't help a few tears from coming out. I could have let myself go over the edge but I didn't, I acted brave and pushed my tears back. I was going to be here for a long time and I might as well get used to it.

A/N - if u haven't noticed the names of the girls, they're wwe divas hhahahhaa. i'm rlly bad with picking names for characters. and i'm in school rn but fuck it :)

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