chapter forty two

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There were a lot of things that scared me,spiders,my future,serial killers with hockey masks. But there was one thing that's entire one syllable sent shivers down my spine. Prom. Okay maybe that was a little over dramatic but I was terrified by the idea of it. At this point there was a better chance of me being recruited by Victoria's Secret than being asked to prom.

When I actually thought about it, there was no one who would ask me. Wil might, but there was an extremely slim chance. And if he did, it would just be out of pity and I wouldn't go anyways.

As if being around the school wasn't already depressing without people hanging up banners with love hearts all over them. I groaned as the school council came around the cafeteria handing out flyers. "I'm guessing your not looking forward to prom?" Ahdree asked. "I'm not going" I told her. "What?" Everyone at the table said simultaneously. "I'm not going" I repeated, in case it wasn't clear. "You can't not go! It's your senior prom!" Gen exclaimed. "I'm not going, I'm not going to get asked" I told them. "Sure you will! I'm sure Co- I mean Wil might ask you" She said acting like I didn't hear the first part. I glared at her in annoyance.

"Sorry foot in mouth disease" She said scrunching her face. I just rolled my eyes. Corey and Wil walked into the cafeteria. I stared at them the entire way to their chairs. Wil locked eyes with me and waved awkwardly. I waved back but stopped when I noticed Corey  glaring at me. When did things get this bad?

"It's not too late to get a date, you have like..5 days?" Gen added. "If someone asks me, but no one will" I said hoping the conversation would end there.

If talk of prom wasn't enough, all the teachers could talk about was Graduation. Which I wasn't detrimentally prepared for. I wasn't ready to leave school at all, I wasn't ready to grow up and have to make my own way. Enough things had changed around me in the last few months and I didn't need another. The pressure the teachers were putting on us about our futures was never ending. "Don't forget kids, your life begins in less than a month, I hope you're all prepared" Was a sentence that rang through my ears all day.

I was standing by my locker later that day when I felt someone behind me. I turned around to see Wil. "Hey Wil" I said smiling. "Hey..sorry about earlier, I wasn't trying to be rude-" He began to explain but I cut him off. "Wil it's okay, I understand" I said cutting him off. "So, you excited for prom?" He asked me, changing the subject. "Don't think I'm going" I told him while loading my books into my bag. "What? You can't not go! It's your senior prom!" He exclaimed. "Yeah that's what everyone keeps saying..but no ones asked me so there's no point"

"You know I would have asked you.." Wil said with guilt in his eyes. "Yeah, I know I know" I said cutting him off. "So who are you going with then?" I asked him. "Eh I asked Stephanie, you know from Economics" He told me. "Oh yeah, she's a nice girl" I said nodding. "Yeah she is, anyways don't worry someone will ask you" He said smiling sweetly at me. "Thanks" I said as he walked off.

Just as he left, I heard Ahdree's booming voice calling my name down the corridor. "What?" I asked as she approached me. "You'll never guess who Corey is bringing to prom!" She whispered. "Ahdree I really don't care" I lied putting my bag on my back. "Really?" She asked shocked. I rolled my eyes. "Well you're going to have to tell me now, who is it?" I asked. "It's Sophie" She said, her reaction matching mine. " in Sophie the girl that Corey cheated on me with and then dated to make me jealous?" I asked her. "Yup, the very one" She said. "Jesus Christ, I knew he had stooped pretty low these last few weeks but that is just rock bottom" I said shaking my head in disgust.

" Still not going?" She asked smirking. "Nope Corey going with her makes no difference to my decision. I'm not that petty to just go because he is" I told her. "See you later" I said before walking out the school entrance. I kept walking forward until someone stopped me.

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