chapter fourteen

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I walked home feeling numb. I didn't even have the energy to cry, I felt nothing. As soon as I got through the door Madi called out. "[Y/N] is that you?" She said. I didn't bother saying anything. I stood in the doorway as Madi turned around. One thing I loved about Madi was that she always knew when something was wrong with me. She quickly walked over to meet me embracing me in a tight hug. As soon as I felt her arms around me, i burst out into tears, resting on her shoulder. "Shh it's okay" She said rubbing my back soothingly. I cried into her shoulder for a minute. "You were right" I said through my sobs. "It doesn't matter" She said continuing to hug me

Thankfully it was Friday that day so I wasn't going to see Corey until Monday. I just spent the whole weekend feeling sorry for myself, but if I didn't who else would?

When Monday finally came around, I was ready. I was ready to go into school and look at him like I used to, with hate and resentment. I walked through the halls earning several looks from people. It wasn't the same as it was when I was with Corey. When I was with him they were looks of envy and jealously now they were all looks of sympathy and pity. People were snickering and whispering to each other but I tried my best to just ignore them.

After I got my books from my locker, I turned around to go to class. I stopped in my tracks because it seemed like the whole hallway was turned to face me right now. I gave them all a confused look, unsure of what was happening. I soon realised why when I saw him walk down the hallway, confidently and unaware of my presence. I couldn't help but let my eyes follow him as he walked past me not giving me a second glance.

My stomach churned as I realised I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to see him everyday being happy because he had won. He wanted me and he got me, and when he was finished he threw me away like he does with every other girl. I can't believe I fell for his trap. I was supposed to be smarter than that. I guess I really wasn't as smart as I thought I was.

I sighed to myself as I shut my locker and headed towards Science with my head down. I walked in expecting to see Corey sitting in his usual seat, but he wasn't. Instead Amy was sitting down. I walked over confused taking my usual seat. I hadn't talked to Amy in weeks so I felt slightly awkward. "Where's Corey?" I eventually asked her. She shrugged "Apparently he requested to switch classes" she said. I sighed in disgust. I can't believe he would be that petty, after all it was his fault.

I walked to lunch with Amy because I didn't have anyone else to sit with anymore. We joined the other girls at our usual table. They began talking but I zoned out not at all interested in whatever mindless small talk they were discussing. "Oh My God did you hear Corey Haim has a girlfriend?" Ahdree said. I rolled my eyes at how much of an idiot she was. "We broke up Ahdree God? do you live under a rock?" I snapped at her. "Not you? he has a new one" She said a little too smugly. "What?" I yelled slightly in shock.

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