chapter sixteen

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I groaned loudly as I turned around in the bed only to be met with a familiar face. I gasped slightly to myself as I tried to remember what happened last night. I only met this guy last night and I already had sex with him, well I think I did. "Fuck.." I said under my breathe.

I looked around the room, trying to locate my shoes. When I spotted them, I grabbed them before heading to the door. "Morning" I heard a voice from behind me. I slowly turned around to be meeting Wil sitting up in the bed. "Morning" I said awkwardly. "How's your head?" He asked chuckling. "It could be better" I replied to him.

After a few seconds of silence I spoke again. "Did we..em did we.." I began but he cut me off. "No no we didn't.." he told me. I looked at him confused. "Then why were we in the same bed?" I asked him. "You drank a bit more and couldn't really walk properly so I brought you up here and then you told me to stay with you. But nothing happened" He said laughing nervously. "Oh thank god..oh shit no I don't mean it like that. I just mean.." I began. "It's fine I know what you mean" He said chuckling.

I smiled sweetly at him. "Well I should get going.." I said going to the door. "[Y/N] wait, eh I know this is going to seem really out of the blue and everything but could I maybe take you out sometime?" He asked shyly. I had never really properly looked at Wil but now that I did he was actually really good looking. Even though I did kind of use him to make Corey jealous.

I didn't reply to his question yet. "Because I've seen you around school and.." he said. "Shit school! what time is it?" I said taking out my phone. "Fuck it's 12pm, I'm dead" I said placing my hand on my head. I sat down on the side of the bed, trying to comprehend how much trouble I was going to be in.

"There's no point in going now" Wil said. I sighed in realisation. "Well then I might take you up on your offer then" I said standing up. "Now?" He said seeming surprised. "Yeah why are you busy?" I said laughing. "No now is perfect" He said grinning.

Wil drove me home to shower and get changed because I was still in my clothes from last night. I was too hungover to make an effort so I just threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, Wil didn't seem like the type to care about something like that.

"Ready to go?" Wil asked as I jumped into the car. I nodded "Where are we going?" I asked him. He shrugged, "Wherever you want to go" He said with a smile. "Emm McDonalds maybe?" I said. "McDonalds really?" He said raising his eyebrow. "Shut up, I'm hungover leave me alone" I said hitting him playfully.

We drove to McDonalds and ended up spending the rest of the day just driving around town but I actually had a lot of fun. I can't believe I had never talked to Wil before last night. He was so sweet and I felt like I could really be myself around him. Whether I liked him half as much as I liked Corey is another question.

After a few hours I decided it was time to go home to face the music and get my punishment. If I was lucky maybe my Mom wouldn't be home but I wasn't really much of a lucky person. "Thanks I had a great time" I said when we pulled up to my house. "No problem maybe we could do it again sometime?" He said. I laughed at his use of the most cliche line in the world. "I'd like that" I said smiling.

I got out of the car and began walking to the door. "Oh and by the way don't beat yourself up about the Corey thing, he's a dick" Wil said seriously. I nodded before walking through the door. Wil was right but it still didn't make me feel any better about how things ended between us.

"[Y/N]?" I heard a voice call out. I sighed in relief realising it was Madi. "Who was that? was that Corey? please tell me it wasn't Corey" she whined. "No it's not it's someone new" I said smiling. "Oh someone knew" She smiled back clearly delighted that I still hadn't gone back to Corey. "Well if you're happy I'm happy" She said. I wasn't sure happy was the right word right now but I was better than I was 24 hours ago.

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