chapter thirty two

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I woke up the next morning, entangled in Corey's arms. It felt bittersweet because I knew that this would be the last time we would be like this for a long time. He wasn't awake yet so I just stayed still taking in this moment because I knew the feeling of comfort and stability would have to last me a few weeks until I would see Corey again. I let my hands roam around his chest as his chest raised and lowered in sync with his breath. I never wanted to leave this moment, I wanted time to stop and I could just stay here with Corey forever. But the reality of the day was starting to kick in when I look over at my suitcase by the door. I sighed deeply before getting up out of the bed, throwing Corey's hoodie over my head. I paced aimlessly around my room over and over again, trying to find something to distract me from thinking of everything.

I walked over to my mirror where a picture of Corey and I was hanging. It was cliche but it was the only thing I had of us. I picked it off the mirror, holding it in my hand. I smiled to myself as I realised how happy I looked in the picture and that was all because of Corey. I hoped that happiness wouldn't fade just because of the distance that was going to be between Corey and I. I walked over to my bag and placed the picture in the front pocket. I needed something to hold onto to remind me that the relationship between Corey and I was worth fighting for. Because I knew there would be days in boarding school where I would just want to give up on it all.

Corey began to move in the bed as I looked in the mirror, examining my face. I noticed him stretch in the reflection before getting up and walking over to me shirtless. Wrapping his arms tightly around me as he placed small kisses along my back. I put my hand up to his face, caressing it gently as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "I'm going to miss you" Was all he said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled to myself before replying. "I'm going to miss you too" I said on an exhale breath. "What time are you leaving at?" He asked as he went to go throw on his sweatpants. I looked at my phone and it read 10am. "We're leaving at 12" I said and he nodded. "That's not a long time" He said as if I couldn't do math. "Yeah, I know" I said as I walked over to my side where I had left my moving clothes.

I quickly got changed into them before running a brush through my hair. "Let's go downstairs" I said taking Corey's hand and pulling him down the stairs. Thankfully none of my family were at home which meant I could avoid the awkward explanation as to why Corey stayed over. "Want something to eat?" I asked Corey. "Nope" He snapped at me and I frowned back. "Something wrong?" I asked him. "Besides my girlfriend moving away from me? Nope" He said leaning against the counter. "Corey don't do this today.." I said taking a deep breath. "Do what?" He asked playing ignorant. "Do this, make this day out to be a sad one. I want this to be something we can look back at and say that we were happy" I told him.

"We're going to be happy, even if you're half way across the country" He said walking over to me. "How do you know that?" I asked unsure. "Because I love you and I'm never going to let us grow apart. No matter how far away we are" He said placing his hands on my hips and kissing my lips gently. I smiled back in response. Madi and my Mom eventually came home about an hour before we had to leave. "Oh Corey you're here" Madi said and I just shot her a glare. "Hi Madi" He said unenthusiastically. "[Y/N] we're leaving in an hour so make sure you're ready" My mom said and I nodded.

The hour went by faster than I expected and before I knew it, my bags were at the door. It was just Corey and I standing in the kitchen. "Do you want me to come with you?" Corey asked quietly. "No, I think it will be better if we say our goodbyes here" I admitted."I have your hoodie upstairs. I'll just go get it" I said heading towards the stairs. "No, you keep it, something to remember me by" He said before coming over to pull me into his arms. "I'm going to miss you so much" I admitted before the tears began to stream down my face. "Hey, hey" Corey said wiping them away. "I thought we weren't going to make this day sad" He said. "I know, I just can't help it" I said leaning my head into his shoulder. "Don't cry, I'll be there in less than 4 weeks for spring break" He told me. "Yeah but what about after that?"

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