chapter thirty seven

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I walked as slowly as humanly possible until I reached him. We both didn't say anything as we stood there. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. "Can we talk?" He asked completely emotionless. I let out a deep sigh, folding my arms in front of my body. "Yeah I guess" I told him as he turned around and headed towards the front door. All I wanted to do was run up and kiss him but I had to stand my ground. I couldn't let him think that he could step all over me and get away with him.

We walked painfully slowly until we reached the outside bench of the school. Corey sat down on the bench and I joined him. We both looked forward as I waited impatiently for him to say something. " are things down here?" Corey said turning to me. I said nothing just raised an eyebrow at him. "Seriously Corey? Do you honestly think that if you don't bring it up, I'll just forget it?"

He sighed deeply turning his body towards me. "Nothing happened?" He said expressionless. "Wow, you're so fucking convincing, I can see you care so much" I said rolling my eyes and leaning back on the bench. "Sparky come on.." He said putting his hand on my thigh. I sweeped his hand off me. "Stop calling me that, I hate it!" I spat. We sat in another awkward silence again.

"Do you want to talk about this or not?" He asked me, getting impatient. "Do you?" I said glaring at him. He scoffed. "I hate when you're like this" He groaned. "I hate you" I spat back, not being able to think of any other response. "God you're such an immature brat" He scoffed standing up from the bench.

"God you sound so much like Madi, it's ridiculous. You're spending so much time with her it must be rubbing off on you" I smirked, knowing that was going to piss him off.

"Okay let's stop this right now, let's be mature about this and talk about it like a normal couple" He demanded, sitting back down again. "Corey we could never be a normal couple" I told him but he ignored me.

"Nothing happened between Madi and I" He said pronouncing every syllable. "And why should i believe you?" I asked him. "Because you know I would never do that to you" He told me. "You mean you'd never do that to me...Again" I said with a smug smile. He groaned putting his face in my hands.

"Okay, if you weren't sneaking around with Madi, then what were you doing together?" I asked beginning to get irratated. Corey looked at me with a frustrated and guilty expression. "I can't tell you" He said biting his lip. I laughed sarcastically. "Are you actually serious right know?" I asked frowning in frustration at him. "Look I know it seems suspicious but you're going to just have to trust me" He said. I got up and stared at him. "Do you actually expect me to trust you? You know what I've had enough of this, if your loyalty is with Madi and not me, then I don't want anything to do you with you" I said beginning to walk away.

I hadn't even walked 2 steps and Corey got up. "[Y/N] wait!" He said taking my arm and turning me around. I stood there with my arms folding waiting for him to speak.

"Are you going to explain or do I have to walk away again?" I asked him. He sighed deeply running his fingers through his hair. "Fine, fine but if I tell you this you have to swear that you won't get mad at Madi for it. Because if she knows I told you it will ruin everything" He said frantically.

"What are you talking about?" I said utterly confused. "Just sit down and I'll explain" He said taking me by my shoulders and placing me down on the bench again.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Okay this is what happened, after you left in the car with your Mom to come here. Madi followed me home and she made a deal with me" He told me. "Oh like a sex deal?" I asked, purposely trying to piss him off. "No, no just listen" He said impatiently.

"She told me that if I could leave you alone up until Summer and let you focus on school, she would agree to leave us alone for good and she would convince your Mom to let you come back to school in the fall" He told me.

"Why should I believe that?" I asked him. "Because it's true! Why would I purposely ignore you? Why did you think I wasn't talking to you or answering your calls? Madi said I had to completely ignore you. I did it for us" He said sincerely. "Then why was she there the other day when I called?" I asked him still suspicious. "She just showed up in my house and wanted to make sure I wasn't talking to you" He told me.

"Corey, I don't know, it just all seems a bit conincidental" I said biting my lip. "[Y/N]..." Corey said on an exhale breath, leaning down in front of me. He grabbed my cheeks, lightly. "I love you so much and you know that, after all we've been through I would never ever ever even think about doing something like that to you, especially with that..bitch" He said which made me giggle.

"God she's such a bitch, It took all I had not to punch her in the face" Corey said laughing with me. "[Y/N] I swear nothing happened. It's been killing me to have to stay away from you, but I'm willing to do it, if you are" He asked me. I thought about it for a moment. "Yeah I guess it's for the best" I told him.

"Okay, are we good then?" He asked me. "Yeah we're good" I said. "Great" He said grinning at me before pulling my face into meet his. "I love you" He said before pressing his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he stood up and pulled me into his arms.

I smiled into the kiss before Corey put me back down. "How about we go out for dinner?" He asked me.  "Corey it's like almost 9 o'clock at night" I said laughing. "Late dinner?" He said smirking. "Okay" I said as I followed him to the car.

I began walking with him to the car until my memory of the events of earlier today came back to me. I stopped walking and began biting my nails. Corey realised and turned around. "You coming?" He looked at me in happy confusion. "Corey...before we go I have to tell you something.." I said looking at him, terrified. " dramatic, what is it?" He asked me, walking back and resting his hands on my hips.

I hesitated telling him but I knew if I didn't it would come back to haunt me. "Wil came to see me today.." I told him, biting my lip. "Yeah he told me he was coming to see you" He said casually. "And...we emm.." I said. "And..." Corey said waiting for me to say something.

"And we...kind of kissed" I half mumbled. "What?" Corey said stepping away from me and his face dropping. "We kind of kissed" I said again. "Yeah..I know I heard you, I just can't believe you just said that" He said with a blank expression. "Corey I'm so sorry we weren't talking and-" I began but he cut me off. "I can't believe after all the shit you just gave me about Madi, you were the one who was lying. I can't fucking believe this" Corey said almost pulling out his hair. "Corey I'm sor-" I tried to say but he cut me off.

"No! No! this is the last straw, I'm done with you..I am so done with you. After all we've been through, especially with Wil, I can't believe you would do that" He said shaking his head in anger. "Corey please it was a mistake" I begged. " we were a mistake. Stay the hell away from me" He yelled before walking away from his car.

I didn't bother chasing him, I knew this was it.

A/N - yikes

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