chapter fifthteen

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"Yeah there they are" Ahdree said discretely pointing to a space behind me. I quickly turned around to see Corey walking into the cafeteria with his arms confidently flung around the girl from the other night's arm. I was in complete shock. It was bad enough that he cheated on me, but he actually had the nerve to begin dating the girl. And to make it worse, we haven't even been broken up a week. I was feeling a mixture of pure disgust and maybe a little jealously.

I watched them as they walked over to a spare table. I turned back around, facing forward with a blank expression. "Are you okay?" Amy asked giving me a sympathetic look. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said brushing her off. I zoned out of the conversation but was brought back when I heard something that interested me. "There's a party tonight? but it's a Monday?" I asked. "Yeah I know but the girl having it, her parents are on vacation and this is the only day she can have it" Ahdree said. I nodded in acknowledgement "Are you going to go?" She asked me. "Yeah" I said. I wanted to go because most likely Corey would be there. "Oh okay cool!" Ahdree said surprised of my sudden desire to go to a party.

Later that night when I got home I began to get ready. I wasn't much of a party girl so I didn't really have anything suitable for a party. I strolled into Madi's room where she was sitting on her bed. "Eh so there's this party tonight and I um I don't have-" I began but she cut me off. "You need to borrow a dress?" She said smirking at me. I looked down embarrassed "If you don't mind" I said giggling.

She stood up leading me to her closet "Come on". After an hour or so of picking out outfits, I finally found the perfect one. It was a short blue, tight fitted dress. I would never wear something like that but tonight I was feeling surprisingly confident. I applied some make-up before heading to the party.

I was a little nervous because I had never really been to a proper house party. I always tried my best to avoid them whenever possible. I stepped into the house as music blared and people danced. I strolled around for a few minutes trying to find someone I knew. I walked into the kitchen and let out a sigh of replied as I noticed Amy and Ahdree. "Hey" I said walking over to them. "Oh my God you look amazing" They said looking me up and down in shock. "Thanks" I said smiling.

"Do you want a drink?" Amy asked, I said no because I wasn't much of a drinker. "Don't look now but Corey is here" Ahdree whispered. Of course I couldn't help but look. I sighed loudly as he was making out with his new girlfriend. "Actually second thoughts on that drink" I said beginning to pour myself a drink.

I don't know how much I drank but I definitely drank to much. I stumbled to the couch taking a seat. I was so drunk that I didn't even realise I had sat directly on someone. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry" I slurred, sitting down beside them. "It's okay" They said laughing. "You're [Y/N], aren't you?" The guy said. "Yeah? how do you know?" I asked him confused.

"I'm one of Corey's friends Wil" He said smiling at me. I didn't even know that Corey had friends. "Oh cool" I muttered. Wil and I began talking when I noticed Corey walking in wih his girlfriend. I interrupted Wil's sentence. "Kiss me" I said leaning on him. I don't know if it was the alcohol talking or my jealousy but I really needed him to kiss me right now. "What?" He said confused. "Kiss me" I whispered crashing his lips to mine

Ohhhh WIL WHEATON got involved playa!!!!!! BTW this is a Wil Wheaton from like 1991.. He'd look like Joey trotta from toy soldiers ;)
- Xx valerie :)

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