chapter seventeen

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The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face for the first time in a long time. I was actually excited to go to school today. I was excited to see Wil..or maybe for Corey to see me with Wil. I walked through the halls towards my locker and began taking out my books. "[Y/N]!" I heard a voice call out and turned around to see Wil walking towards me with a smile on his face. "Hey" I said as he hugged me. "Did you get in a lot of trouble yesterday?" Wil asked with a guilty expression. "Surprisingly no, I think my sister was just happy that I wasn't with Corey" I said laughing slightly.

"So she doesn't mind you being with me then?" He said biting his lip slightly. "We'll see" I said winking at him before closing my locker. The bell rang before I could say anything else. "Oh I got to get to class, I'll see you later" Wil said leaning in and kissing my cheek which shocked me slightly. "Oh ..sorry.." Wil said after seeing my reaction. "It's fine, I'll see you at lunch" I said waving to him. I was starting to really like Wil he was sweet, but was sweet what I was looking for? was sweet to boring?

At lunch I walked into the cafeteria looking for Wil or my other friends whoever caught my eye first. "[Y/N]!" I saw Wil say and wave from across the room at the table he was sitting at. He was sitting at the same table as Corey and his girlfriend. I wished that I could have walked away to avoid an incredibly awkward situation, but unfortunately I had already waved so i had no choice but to go over.

I walked over awkwardly sitting down avoiding eye contact with Corey who had is arm flung around his girlfriend. "Hey" Corey said to me. "Hey" I said avoiding looking at him. "Hi I'm Sophie, have we met before?" his girlfriend said looking at me in confusion. I have only ever met this girl one time before this but I can finally come to the conclusion that she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

"Oh you're the girl who walked in on me and Corey that one time-" she began but Corey cut her off. "Babe shh" He told her. Him calling her babe killed me a little on the inside but I tried not to show it. There was a wave of awkwardness for a few minutes after she said that. "Wil will you come with me to my locker for a minute?" I said standing up. He got up coming with me to my locker. "Well that was awkward" He said when we got there. "Tell me about it" I said laughing it off. "I know this is really awkward but did I kiss you the other night at the party?" I asked him. "Well kind of, you're lips kind of touched mine but you passed out as soon as they did" He said laughing. I covered my face with my hands "Oh my God please tell me that didn't happen" I said covering my face with my hands.

Wil laughed as he took my hands off my face. "Maybe we could try it again?" He said moving a strand of hair from my face as he began to lean in. "Maybe" I said biting my lip. I leaned in the rest of the way, pressing my lips to his. I felt sparks not as much as I did with Corey but I don't think I ever would with anyone else but him.

Someone coughed behind us which made me pull out to see Corey leaning against the locker. "What?" Wil asked him looking annoyed. "Eh can I talk to [Y/N]?" Corey asked. Wil looked at me for approval before walking away. I opened my locker again to avoid awkwardly standing there. "What do you want?" I said sighing. "What's going on with you and Wil?" He asked me.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked. "Curiosity" he said smirking. I can't believe he was standing there making a joke out of everything not even having the balls to apologise or anything. "Why did you switch classes?" I asked him back. "Why do you want to know?" He asked. "Curiosity" I said smirking at him. He chucked to himself running his hand through his hair.

"Oh by the way Sophie..she's a keeper.." I said trying to hold back. "Aw Sparky..jealousy is such an ugly trait" He said laughing. "So is Infidelity" I said which wiped the smile off his face. "See you around" I said walking to class.

After school I walked out to where Wil was and unfortunately Corey was there too. "Do you need a lift home?" Wil asked me. "I can drop you off, it's on my way anyways" Corey interrupted. "That's okay, I'll go with Wil" I said smiling fakely before walking away.

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