chapter nine

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It had been a few weeks since I talked to Corey last. He hadn't even tried to start a conversation with me since we presented our project. I can't believe he gave up like that. I'll admit I do miss him, the long talks we had, the arguments we had, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to just be friends with him anymore, I was gone so far past that.

I strolled into Science again and Corey wasn't there but I wasn't surprised, he hardly ever showed up anymore. I had gotten used to not seeing him too much, but it was probably for the best. I don't think I would be able to see him everyday after what happened.

Later that day I was walking out of school by myself, like I always did lately. I had stopped making an effort with the few friends I did have. I just didn't care anymore. As I walked with my books in my hands, an all too familiar car pulled up abruptly. I gasped quietly to myself as I watched him confidently get out of the car. He was so perfect, the way his hair just sat perfectly and the way when he walked his arms tensed slightly showing his muscles. And to top it all off he was wearing a white shirt and a leather jacket which just made me want to melt right then and there.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't realised Corey was making his way towards me. My heart began to race, unsure of what he was doing. He stood directly in front of me not saying anything as we stared each other in the eyes. "Hi.." He finally said. "Hi" I said back no changing my facial expression.

"I have to say something and i have to say it now because i know if I don't say it now I never will" he said looking slightly flustered. I nodded in acknowledgement as I watched him pace back and forth running his fingers through his hair before coming to a halt in front of me again. "Okay here it goes..Look I've never done this before so I don't know how to begin this so I'm just going to say what I'm thinking. I like you..I like you a lot and I've been spending the last few weeks trying to convince myself that I'd get over it but I haven't and thats why am here" He said. I opened my mouth to say something but he continued.

"And I know I said that you deserve better than me and you still do but that's not the reason I didn't make a move. Honestly I was scared, I was scared because I've never cared about someone like I care like you and it terrifies me" He said.

I began to talk again, "Corey.." "No please don't say anything just hear me out" He said. "I know seeing me with that girl probably really hurt you but it meant nothing, I honestly just did that to get you off my mind but it didn't work it just made me want you more. Look I'm no relationship expert so I'm not sure how this works but maybe could we try and see if there could maybe be an us?" He asked. I smiled to myself at everything he said looking at me feet.

"That was really sweet" I said looking up at him. "So does that mean we could maybe try us and see where it goes?" He said smiling. I nodded while smiling. "Cool" He said rubbing his neck. "Come here" he said pulling me into his by my waist, pushing his lips to mine. Surprising it was a gentle kiss, I was expecting it to be more forceful knowing Corey's past experience. I broke the kiss smiling.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him. He nodded "Why do you call me Sparky?" I asked him. "Because the first time I saw you I felt Sparks" he said "Seriously?" I asked cringing. "No I don't know it just kind of felt right" He said laughing. "Thank God" I said leaning back in.

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