chapter eleven

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It had been 2 weeks since Corey and I had become a couple and everything was literally perfect. He was just so sweet, nothing like he used to be. I had gotten a name for myself in school as "The girl who tamed Corey Haim" which made me smile because it was true. Since Corey and I got together, he went to every class he had and did most of his homework. I had him whipped and he knows it.

I'm not saying that he didn't change me because he did. I was a little bit more of a bad-ass too. I started sneaking out at night to see Corey because Madi would kill me if she ever found out Corey and I were together.

It was Friday and I was in the kitchen waiting for Corey to come pick me up. "[Y/N]?" a voice said from the stairs. "Yeah?" I said turning to Madi as she walked into the kitchen. "We need to talk" she said sitting at the table. I stayed silent. "Look I know about you and Corey and I really don't approve" she said. "So? that doesn't change me mind" I replied. "I'm only trying to look out for you, you know what's he's like and I just don't want him hurting you" she said placing her hand on mine but I pushed her off.

"I don't need you to protect me, I can take care of myself and Corey would never hurt me you don't even know him" I said getting up when i heard Corey pull up outside. "Fine, don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart" She said. "Fine! I won't!" I yelled storming out of the house.

I walked up to Corey as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Everything okay?" He asked in relation to my pissed off expression. "Yeah Madi's just being a bitch" I said leaning up to kiss him. he chuckled "Let's go" he said opening my door for me as I got in.

After school Corey met me at my locker. "Hey" he said leaning me against the locker as he intertwined our fingers. "How about you come over tonight" Corey said kissing my neck lightly. I laughed uncomfortably knowing what he meant. "Yeah sure..I have to go but I'll see you later" I said running off.

Later that night I went to Corey's house kind of nervous. I had forgotten that before Corey and I got together he was the school player and has slept with more girls than I can count on my fingers. I knocked on the door slowly and Corey answered. "Hey" he said winking at me. I smiled as he took my hand and began leading me upstairs.

He turned me around to face him, encircling his hands around my waist pulling me into his chest. He began to kiss me intensely making his way down to my neck, biting lightly. I leaned my head back as he did it. He moved my body so that I was leaning against the bed, lightly pushing my back against the mattress. He crawled on top of my body as he kissed his way down my chest. My body stiffened feeling uncomfortable. Corey's hand's moved down to my shorts as he began to unbutton them.

"Corey stop" I said pushing him off me. "What?" he said looking confused. "I'm not ready for that" I said. "Why not?" He said looking irritated. "Because I'm just not! I'm not like those other's girls Corey, I have a little more class than that" I said buttoning up my shorts again.

He rolled his eyes "I'm not saying your like one of those girls..but come on let's just do this.." he said pulling me back to him by my shorts. "Corey stop I'm not ready" I said. There was silence for a moment. "I think I should go" I said getting up. Corey nodded in agreement as I walked out. I was so angry I can't believe he was treating me like one of his sluts. I stormed out down the street, I didn't even know what to feel.

I woke up the next day and had calmed down. I decided the best thing to do would be to go talk it out with Corey. His parents weren't home so I just walked into the house. I could hear Corey in the kitchen so I walked in. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what was in front of me.............

#sorrynotsorry jkjk
- Xx valerie :)

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