chapter twenty three

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He wrapped his arms around my waist. "I just came to tell you I love you" I stood there in shock. "What?" was the only thing I could manage to get out. Wil ran his fingers through his hair. "I know we've only been going out a few weeks but honestly I love you and I haven't had the balls to say it until now. I know it's weird that I just showed up at your doorstep like some cliché movie character but I knew if I didn't say it know I never would" Wil rambled. "Wil I-" I began but he cut me off. "No no no, don't say anything I don't want you to say it back because you feel you have to. Say it back when you feel you're ready but I just want you to know, I love you" He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me sweetly before walking off.

I laughed to myself at how weird what just happened was before closing the door. I leaned against the doorframe thinking to myself. Did I really love Wil? Yeah I liked him but was it anymore than that? As I made my way back inside there was a knock on the door. I opened it expecting to see Wil standing there again but it wasn't. Corey turned around with his hands in his pocket. I stood there in silence waiting for him to say something. When he didn't i grew impatient. "What?" I spat folding my arms. He said nothing taking my hand and pulling me outside. "What are you doing?" I asked him annoyed.

"We need to talk" He said standing in front of me. "Go on then" I said disinterested. "Okay look I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being an asshole but I just care about you and I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt" He said sighing loudly at the end."I'm not going to get hurt" I replied to him with no emotion in my voice. "How do you know that? I know he's your boyfriend but he has a problem that he can't control and it's dangerous for you to be around him". I glared at him "Wil would never hurt me" I said back in a sour tone. "Were you not there the other night?" Corey said in an irritated tone. "That was a mistake, he just lost it" I said defending Wil. "Yeah? And what happened when he loses it again?" He said in a tone that annoyed me. "He won't! he wouldn't..." I said looking at the floor.

"You don't know that! that's the whole point of the the phrase 'losing it' you don't mean to do it, it just happens and you can't trust him to control it" Corey said raising his voice. "Stop getting in the middle of my relationship!" I yelled at him. "I'm not" he said back to me quietly. "Yes you are! are you jealous or something? is that it? are you trying to break us up?" I asked frowning at him. "Of course I'm jealous! why wouldn't I be, do you think it's easy for me to see you with someone else? but that's not the reason I'm here. i'm here because I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt" he said raising his voice.

"I don't need you to take care of me!" I said taking what he said offensively. "Yes you do! and if I don't who will?" He replied to me. "Maybe Wil, my boyfriend!" I said emphasizing the last word which I realised was too harsh when I saw the look on Corey's face. He looked around avoiding my eye contact. "You know what, fine..I'll just go, sorry for caring" He said walking away. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I sighed as I watched him walk away before going back in side. I hated this, it felt like every conversation we had lately ended up in a fight.

It had been a few weeks since I last saw Corey. He just kind of stopped coming into school. I asked around but no one knew where he was. I was going to ask Wil but I thought it would just cause tension. I was tempted to text him but I didn't think he'd want me to.

I stopped waiting for him to show up to Science after the second week. I sat in class daydreaming. I wondered what would my life be like right now if some of the things that happened didn't happen. I sighed as I got up to leave as the bell rang through my ears. I walked out to the hallway to see Wil at the far end of it. He smiled as he saw me and made his way towards me. "Hey" He said picking me up and swinging me around before kissing me. "So there's this party tonight, do you want to go?" He asked. I hated parties but he seemed really excited so I agreed. "Sure" I said putting on a fake smile. "Great! I'll pick you up at 9" He said kissing my cheek before walking off.

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