chapter thirty nine

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I acted like I didn't care but there was always a part of me that would care about Corey. But honestly me coming home wasn't going to do anything to help him. if anything it would just make it worse. He was obviously acting up because of what happened between us and if I was there it would just add fuel to the fire.

I would have told Paige and the girls about what Ahdree said but I was a little sick of talking about Corey lately and I just wanted to have a normal conversation for once. Beside if I did tell them they would just try and convince me to sneak off and see him, which would mean I would be in even more trouble with my Mom, or worse Madi.

It was actually kind of nice having a drama free life for once. Nothing dramatic ever really happened here. There were a few girl fights here and there but nothing major. I guess my Mom was right, being away from Corey really was going to help me focus on my studies. Unfortunately sometimes a drama free life also meant an excitement free life. It just got so monotonous here, with the wake up, class, food, study, sleep routine. But I wasn't going to complain, I'd rather figure out a math problem then figure out a love triangle problem.

I hadn't talked to Wil either, especially since Ahdree called me. I knew that if I talked to him, it would just cause even more tension between Corey and him. I thought maybe if I just stayed as far away from both of them as possible then maybe they could rekindle their friendship, the one that I destroyed many times.

It was currently a Sunday in March almost a month and half since Corey and I broke up. I was currently sitting on my bed, finishing up on my English essay since Paige had gone out for dinner with her parents. Sunday was the day that family and friends were allowed to visit, my Mom never did especially since I never returned her calls. Which meant I was extremely surprised when I saw her walk through the door of my room.

"Mom!" I said jumping up in shock. She didn't say anything, just pulled me into her arms. "Is everything alright?" I asked her beginning to worry as to why she came all the way down here. "Yeah of course, just sit down, there is something we need to discuss" She said taking my hand and placing me on the bed before sitting down beside me.

"Mom, you're scaring me.." I said as I begun to feel an odd feeling in my stomach. "No it's nothing bad, it's just important" She told me which calmed me down slightly. "Okay.." I said almost inaudibly as I waiting for her to speak. "Well..the thing is Madi is moving out this week and.." She began but I cut her off. "What? She's moving out?" I said with a grin on my face. "Yes.." My Mom confirmed. "Wow" I said to myself. This was the moment I had dreamed about for the last 6 months, but now that it was actually here, it wasn't half as satisfying as I thought it would be.

"And, I was thinking since you and Corey aren't together anymore and Madi won't be there to argue with you anymore, that you would maybe want to come back home?" She asked hopefully.

I stayed silent for a moment, just going over her offer. Was that really what I wanted? To be sucked back into that world. The one I was barely even apart of anymore. Things would never be the same as before, never mind the people. I had been away for almost 2 months and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back.

"Mom, I don't know, my life is kind of here now.." I told her. "Oh.." She said looking utterly shocked. I guess she thought I'd be halfway to the car before she even got her offer out. "Yeah.." I said feeling guilty because it really seemed like she wanted me to come home. There was a painfully awkward silence for a moment as we were both lost for words.

"Wait, I have an idea. You haven't had any sick days this year have you?" She asked me. "Nope not one" I said shaking my hand. "Great! Why don't you come home for like 2 or 3 days before Madi moves out and you can decide if you want to stay?" She asked with a beaming grin. I wanted to say no because I had already decided that I didn't want to go home. But my Mom was not the type to just randomly let me miss school, so I knew she was desperate for me to come home for a while. Besides she was going to be sad to see Madi move out and I wanted to be there for her. "Okay" I said softly smiling at her.

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