chapter nineteen

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I stood in front of Wil in silence for a moment. "It's okay you can say no..if you wa-" Wil began but I cut him off by pushing my lips to his. I broke the kiss after a few seconds. Wil smiled to himself. "Is that a yes then?" Wil asked. I giggled to myself before nodding "Yes Wil" I said. "Cool" He said half smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow" I said waving to him before walking inside. Wil and I spent the entire weekend together and it was honestly amazing. It was so effortless and comfortable. He was honestly one of the sweetest people in the entire world.
It was now Monday again. Wil couldn't drop me to school today because he had a doctors appointment, so I just walked, it wasn't that far. As I walked I heard a car pull up beside me. I turned my head and groaned to myself. "Go away Corey" I said beginning to walk faster. "Let me give you a ride" He said with a smirk on his face. "I think I'd rather walk thanks" I snapped. "Come on, we can finish what we started the other night" He said chuckling. "We didn't start anything" I said looking forward as I spoke.

"We both know that's a lie, just get in" he demanded. I stopped walking ,walked over to the car, leaned down by the window. i smiled at him. "Go fuck yourself Haim" was all I said before walking away.

I walked into school angry, I usually was when I had any kind of interaction with Corey. I felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind. I assumed it was Corey. "Would you ever leave me alone" I said pushing him off me. Wil stood there with a confused expression. "Sorry I thought you were someone else" I said laughing nervously. "It's okay" He said still kind of frowning. "How was your appointment?" I asked him trying to change the subject. "Yeah it was fine, just a checkup" he said smiling.

The bell rang which meant it was time to go to Science class to see my best friend. I walked in with a blank expression taking my seat. "I heard about you and Wil..that's cute" Corey said smirking. "You know what's really cute? the fact you can't even hide how jealous you are right now" I said laughing slightly.

"Me jealous? No" Corey said shaking his head. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Okay". After class I stood up to leave. I walked out of the classroom when I heard Corey call me. "What?" I snapped as I turned around. He smirked as he walked towards me. "Sparky, you seem to have this irrational anger towards me what is that about?" He said. I couldn't help myself, all my emotions were just building up over the last few weeks and they were about to peak.

"Do you want to know whats irrational? When your boyfriend tells you he loves you and that you're his everything and then suddenly just cheats an you like you meant absolutely nothing to him" I said, Corey remained silent.

"And I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. Why would you do that to me? And don't give me that bullshit that you don't deserve me. I want the truth" I demanded with tears in my eyes. "You really want the truth?" He asked me. "Yes I do" I told him. "Why don't you go ask your sister then" He said before walking off.

Before I could ask him anything else he was gone. I was so confused, what did he mean ask your sister? what could Madi have to with all this. A million possibilities ran through my head all day of what it could be. I just couldn't wait to get home and get to the bottom of it. I decided to just walk home that day to avoid being questioned by Wil as to why I was in such a rush.

I walked through the front door, "Madi you home?" I called out. "Kitchen" She yelled back. I walked in to see her making dinner. I took a seat by the counter, trying to think of the best way to word this. I frowned to myself which made Madi curious. "Everything okay?" She said leaning on the side of the counter opposite me. I stayed silent for a second. "Can I ask you something?" I asked her. "Yeah sure go ahead" She replied.

"Well I was talking to Corey to-" I began but she cut me off "Why were you talking to Corey?" She said in an annoyed tone. "We have the same Science class" I replied to her. "Wait I thought he changed class?" she said looking at me in confusion. "He moved back, that's not the point. The point is we got into a conversation about our break up and I asked him why he would cheat on me and he told me go ask you. What did he mean by that?" I said looking at her for an answer.

Madi got really nervous and fidgety. "Eh I don't know, he was probably just trying to start a fight between us. I've never even talked to him before, how would I have anything to do with it?" She said in a nervous voice. "Okay I was just wondering.." I said in suspicion. "Well don't, I had nothing to do with it" She said brushing me off. I decided not to argue with her about it. I got up to walk out of the room. I got halfway before turning around. "How did you know Corey moved Science classes?" I said squinting in suspicion. Madi turned around. "You told me?" She said to me.

"No I didn't" I said fully aware that I had never spoken to her about Corey moving. "Yes you did" She said back. I knew I didn't but I wasn't in the mood to argue. "Okay maybe I did" I said walking out. I quickly took out my phone dialling Corey's number. "Meet me in the park in 10 minutes" I hung up not giving him a chance to answer.

I waited on the park bench for him. I noticed him walked towards me with his leather jacket on. I got up and began walking towards him desperate for some answers. I met him halfway. "Okay either you're a compulsive liar or my sister is keeping something from me. So I want answers right now, what did you mean earlier?" I asked him. "What did your sister say?" He asked me. "She told me you were lying" I said folding my arms. "Of course she did " Corey said shaking his head in disbelief. "Tell me" I said shoving his chest lightly.

"I don't want to start a fight between you and your sister" He said rubbing his neck. "Tell me or I'm just going to have to assume you were lying" I said in a demanding tone. "Okay you should probably take a seat" He said gesturing to the bench. "I'll stand thanks" I said crossing my arms. Corey chuckled "Still as stubborn as ever I see" I said nothing waiting for him to talk.

"Okay so remember the night of your Mom's birthday when you came over and know.." He began. "Yeah I remember" I said. "Yeah well after you fell asleep Madi came over. At first I though she was here to bring you home but then she starting yelling at me. Telling me how I was no good for you and how I didn't deserve you. She reminded me of my reputation and told me that I couldn't control it, that it was inevitable that I was going to hurt you. And honestly I started to believe it. She told me to break up with you and to move from our science class so that I would never have to talk to you again" He told me. "But you didn't break up with me, you cheated on me" I said in a croaked voice.

"I know, that was because I knew I'd never be able to lie to you and tell you some bullshit reason as to why I was breaking up with you. I wouldn't be able to stand there and tell you 'it's not you it's me' or something like that. I knew if I cheated on you, you might half expect it maybe" He said looking at his feet.

I stood there trying to comprehend what I had just been told. "And then I thought if I went out with Sophie it might make things easier, but then you got with Wil and it killed me. Then I moved back to your science class because I just couldn't stay away" He said in a hurt tone. "Why did you get with Wil?" He said seeming upset. "Why did you give up on us?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "I didn't give up on us, I did what I thought was best for you" He replied.

I groaned loudly. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop telling me what is and what isn't good for me! I know what is good for me and honestly you were good for me. I was so happy when we were together but you just completely fucked that up" I said tears streaming down my face. Corey took my hands in his. "No I didn't, we can make this work, I'll break up with Sophie and you break up with Wil" He told me but I shook my head.

"I can't... unlike you Wil isn't my rebound, I actually like him, if you would have told me this before Wil, maybe I would have said yes, but you took too long and now someone else has me. You're too late Corey" I said turning to walk away. "Sparky please.." He said taking my hand but I just brushed him off and kept walking.

hi friends, just wanted to say thank you so much for reading
it makes me really happy that more of you guys are starting to enjoy
the bad boy. thanks soo much again i truly appreciate it
- Xx, valerie

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