chapter forty one

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I don't know why I had this idea that things would be exactly the way they were before I left. Because they definitely were not, they couldn't be more different. It was almost as if everything did a complete 360 degrees flip. Corey and Wil were back to being best friends which seemed weird. Maybe they bonded over their hatred for me once again. Even though Wil told me he didn't,I could feel he was holding a slightly grudge because I lead him on for so long. But Corey made it no secret that he couldn't stand me.

Although it wasn't completely bad. I hadn't seen or heard from Madi since she left and there was no sign of her coming home soon. Also, one of the weirdest changes that had happened that was the girls I used to be friends with (Ahdree, Gen etc) all seemed to worship me for some reason. They followed me everywhere. I was flattered but it was a little annoying, it kind of felt like I was babysitting them or something. It also meant I couldn't do anything secretly, because they trailed behind me everywhere.

"So [Y/N], what are we doing later?" Gen asked leaning her head on her hands. "Eh..I don't know about you but I'm going to do some homework probably" I told her, slightly freaked out by her enthusiasm. "Oh come on, let's doing something fun.." She groaned. "Not tonight, maybe some other time" I told her, trying my best to be polite. "Okay, I think there's a party on Friday, you should come!" She persisted. "No no, me and parties really don't mix" I said shaking my head. "Think about it anyways.." She said. "Okay.." I said just to shut her up. "I'm going to get a drink" I said standing up. "I'll come with you!" Gen exclaimed. "No!..I mean no, that's okay" I said flashing her a forced smile.

Unfortunately, the walk to the vending machine meant I had to walk right past Wil and Corey. I held my head high as I walked by them. I heard Corey fake cough and say "Slut" Under his breath. I let out a deep sigh before turning around. "Sorry did you say something?" I said glaring at him, as I leaned on the table. "Oh did you not hear me? I called you a slut" He said with a blank expression. "That's rich coming from you" I said glaring right back again. "Well at least I'm open about it, you're a secret slut. You try and convince people you're this good girl but you're really just a whore" He said, loud enough for anyone in the vicinity to hear. "Corey come on.." Wil pleaded with him. It took every once of my being not to slap him across the face.

I clenched my teeth unable to think of a good enough response. "You're an asshole" I said between my teeth. He moved closer to me so he was merely inches away from my face. "Tell me something I don't know" He spat back in such a hateful tone. I stayed there staring into his cold eyes before jumping back up and began to walk away. Trying my best to hold back my tears. All I heard was Wil. "Uncalled for man".

"You okay?" I heard Ahdree ask, but I just brushed her off. I walked the long way to my locker. I didn't have anything in particular to get out of it but I didn't exactly have anywhere else to go. I used all my strength not to cry. I refused to cry. I refused to cry over Corey Haim again. As soon as I opened the door, I heard footsteps from my left. I looked to see Wil walking towards me with a sweet smile. He stopped when he reached me. "Thought you would want this" He said handing me a bottle of water. I laughed to myself. "Thanks" I said taking it from him.

"Look, [Y/N].." He began but I already knew what he was going to say. "Please don't apologise for him" I said shaking my head. "I'm not, I'm apoligising for me, I've been acting like a dick, ignoring you and stuff. I don't mean to it's just, things are finally good with Corey and me and it's been a long time since we've been good. And if he sees you with me he'll.." but I cut him off.

"Wil I understand, bros before hoes, I get it" I said shrugging. "No it's not like that.." He continued. "Wil it's fine, I understand okay?" I said. He opened his mouth to speak again but stopped. "I'm sorry [Y/N]" He said before walking away.

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