chapter thirty five

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It had been literally weeks since I had spoken to Corey last. It had been that long that Spring Break was next week. I had called Corey almost every day but he never answered. He did once, but it was too short to call it a conversation. He pretty much just told me that he couldn't talk and hung up before I could say anything else. I couldn't help but be slightly suspicious. But there was a piece of me that knew deep down, since everything that we had been through together that he would never do that to me. We were hours away from each other and if I couldn't trust him it wasn't going to work. But he just made it so hard for me to do that.

As my communication with Corey lessened, my communication with Wil increased. He really understood what I was going through and was willing to listen to me whenever I called. Sometimes I would even call him in the middle of the night, but he wouldn't even have one complaint. He claimed that he was just happy that I trusted him enough to talk to him.

I tried to avoid bringing up Corey in front of him, but it just always seemed to come up. He said he had tried to talk to him about me but every time he did, he just told him to mind his own business. I just hated that he felt that he couldn't talk to me. It didn't matter what it was, all I wanted was for him to talk to me about it.

It wasn't all bad though, the girls at the school and I were really starting to get a long. They were a little over obsessed with Corey and I's relationship but at least I could talk about it with someone. They all had their own theories as to why Corey was being so distant but none of them gave me peace of mind even in the slightest.

I was in the middle of one of my nightly calls with Wil, telling him about some of the theories the girls had. "So then she was like maybe he's gay and just doesn't want to come out to you yet? I told him trying to hold back my laughter. He laughed too. "Oh God that is the best one yet, Corey is the most straight guy I know" He said chuckling.

"So any news with you?" I asked him. "No nothing much, Portland is pretty boring with out you around" He joked. "So how are things going with you? How is your therapy going?" I asked him hesitatingly not wanting to offend him. "Actually, I don't go to therapy anymore" He told me. "What? Why not?" I asked him, starting to get concerned.

"No it's not like that, I mean I don't need therapy anymore" He said in a chirpy tone. I didn't know how that was possible but I let him continue. "Yeah they said that whatever way the car hit my skull, it knocked out the memory of why I felt I needed to get angry" He said. I gasped in shock and excitement. "Wil that's amazing news! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked him. "You know with everything that was going on lately, there was never really a good time to say it until now" He said casually. "I'm so happy for you! that's amazing" I told him. "Thanks" He said shyly down the other end. "Wil I'm so proud of you but I have to go because I want to call Corey before I go to bed" I said to him. "Yeah that's fine, call me tomorrow though okay?" He asked and I agreed before hanging up.

I didn't get through to Corey that night but I was determined to get a hold of him before the the end of the week since Spring Break was starting and he was meant to be coming down to see me. And I wanted to make sure he still was. "Corey, please whatever I did wrong please just call me, I need to talk to you okay?" I said sending him a text. Within minutes he called. "Hello?" He said in a week voice. "Hi.." I said in a tired tone. There was a silence. "So are you still coming this weekend?" I asked him. He sighed through the phone. "I'm going to try my best" He said and I rolled my eyes. "Jesus Christ Corey, do you even want this relationship to work?" I said beginning to yell.

"Of course I do! It's just hard when you're so far away that's all" He yelled back. "Well if you actually answered my calls when I rang you maybe we would have a chance!" I yelled, tears running down my cheek. He sighed loudly.
"[Y/N], I can't do this right now.." He began but I cut him off. "For God sake's Corey! Stop running away from your problems, if you don't want to be with me anymore just say it!" I screamed. There was a silence down the his line. i heard an all too familiar voice whisper. "Corey is that [Y/N]?" The voice said and I knew exactly who it was. "Is that Madi? What the fuck are you doing with my sister?" I asked screaming in anger. "Wait, [Y/N] just let me expla-" But I hung up before he could say anything.

I can't believe this was actually happening, it was like my worst nightmare multiplied by a hundred.

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