chapter six

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I went into school the next day, keeping in mind what Madi had said. I think I let my guard down to much last night but that was going to stop today. I walked into school and everyone was staring weirdly at me. I tried to ignore it but I was wondering what was going on. I went to my locker to get out my books when Amy ran up. "Is it true?" She squealed with a huge smile on her face. "Is what true?" I said confused. "Everyone's saying that Corey is going around saying that you and him had sex last night" She told me. My face dropped "What!" I yelled. I was furious, I was going to kill him.

I stormed my way down the hall looking for him, I was going to murder him. I spotted him talking to a group of guys in a circle by the lockers. I ran up shoving him forcefully against the locker. "What the fuck is your problem!" I screamed at him. He chuckled to himself rubbing his arm. "Calm down Sparky it was just a joke" He said. "Stop calling me that, that isn't my name" I said shoving him again but a little lighter this time.

"Don't act like you don't wish it was true" He said smirking. I rolled my eyes "You're such an asshole" I said before storming off. I tried my best to convince everyone that Corey was lying and most people seemed to believe it, but I was still so angry at Corey. Later that day, I walked into Science and to my luck it was the class that we spent discussing our project.

I sat down ignoring him completely. "Are you just not going to talk to me now?" he said halfway between the class. I let out a sigh still ignoring him. "Look it was just a joke and besides, no ones ever going to believe that you would do that" He said turning his head to me. "What does that mean?" I said confused about what he meant. "It means everyone knows you're too smart to fall for me like other girls do" He said smiling a genuine smile at me which he had never done before.

I was slightly taken a back by it, I didn't know how to react so i just smiled back. For once we actually spent our Science class talking about Science, we didn't stay off topic like we usually do. "Come to mine later and we'll do the project" Corey said to me. I nodded as I began walking away. "Look Sparky I am really sorry for what i did it was way out of line" He said. For once i actually smiled when he called me my nickname, it kind of felt natural now. "It's fine" I said smiling before walking out.

Corey and I spent most of that night doing our 'project' which was really just us going off topic as usual. We were actually starting to get along really well. He was actually a pretty nice guy when he wants to be. I yawned loudly looking at the time. "It's 1am I should get going" I said standing up. "Just stay here?" Corey suggested. "I thought you said I was too smart to fall for your tricks?" I said smirking. "You are, that's why I want you to stay" He said half smiling at me. I thought about it for a minute, it was really late and by the time I would get home it would probably be 2am so I decided one night wouldn't hurt.

I sighed loudly "Okay just this once" I demanded. "Just this once" He said chuckling to himself. I laughed too slightly. "You can sleep in this if you want" Corey said throwing me a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. "Thanks' I said walking into the bathroom to change. When I walked back in, Corey was lying on the bed with his shirt off. I couldn't help but stare but had to stop when I saw a grin come across his face. I coughed awkwardly getting in on the other side of the bed.

"Night" I said lying down to face the opposite direction. "Night" He said back lying down to. we were both at opposite sides of the bed not touching. Corey suddenly crawled over to me, wrapped his arms around my tightly. I should have pushed him away but I didn't. Corey said I was too smart to fall for him like others girl did but I was starting to think maybe I'm not as smart as I think I am.

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