chapter thirty six

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Anger didn't even describe what I was feeling now. I was more angry with Corey than Madi. I already knew Madi was a shitty person but Corey was a surprise. Out of all the people he could have cheated on me with, he chooses the one person who has single-handedly tried to ruin my life on several occasions. This was a new low, even for him. I was furious with him but that doesn't mean I still didn't want him to come over tomorrow. I was going to give him a chance to explain, even though it didn't seem like there is any alternative explanation.

I woke up the next morning from a text from Wil. "Hey, I was wondering if it would be okay if I could come see you today? I know you made plans with Corey but I would just be there for an hour or so, I just really want to see you" Is what it said.

A smile grew on my face as I read it. "Yeah that would be great Wil! Anytime after 12pm is perfect!" I texted him back. "Okay cool, I'll probably come down with Corey" He said. It was probably better if Wil was there to stop me from killing Corey.

I waited in my dorm on my bed for the boys to come. It felt like I was in prison waiting for the my visitors to come. "Is Corey coming to see you today?" Paige asked me with a smile. "Em, yeah I think so" I said half smiling at her. "Are you excited?" She said clapping her hands together. "Yeah I guess, my friend Wil is coming too actually" I told her. "Oh Wil you never told me about him, is he the guy you've been calling lately?" She asked smirking at me. "Yeah, but we're just friends" I told her brushing off her curiosity.

Paige left a while after that with her family so I was left by myself. There was a knock on the door and the door open. Standing there with his signature smile was Wil. "Wil!" I yelled getting up and jumping into his arms. "[Y/N]" He said spinning me around before placing on the ground. I smiled as I looked around. "Where's Corey?" I asked which made his smile fade.

"Em..he's not coming anymore" He told me with a guilty look. "What? why not?" I asked confused. "I'm not really sure, he just said he was too busy or something" He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.Yeah too busy with Madi. "Oh..okay then" I said frowning in annoyed confusion. "But I'm sure he'll call or something to explain, I wouldn't worry too much about it" He said smiling. "Yeah I guess so" I said faking a smile. "So what do you want to do? We could go out for lunch or go do something fun?" He suggested to me. "Could we maybe just stay here and chill, I'm not really feeling very well" I lied. "Yeah that's good with me" He said taking a seat on my bed.

"So this is your room huh?" He said looking around curiously. "Yup this is it" I said sitting down on the bed next to him. "it could be worse" He said grinning at me. I giggled. "Also could be better" I told him and he chuckled.

Wil and I ended up talking for most of the day about everything. For once I didn't bring Corey up once. "So Wil any girls lately?" I asked winking at him. "Nope not since you" He told me. "Aw Wil I find that really hard to believe" I said raising an eyebrow at him. "It's true, nobody can compare to you" He said giving me a half smile. "Shut up, you're so cheesy" I said hitting his arm playfully. "I'm being serious!" He said laughing. we both laughed together until it died down.

"Can I confess something?" He asked, looking down and twiddling with his fingers. "Sure" I said smiling at him. "Remember that day when I kissed you because I forgot that we broke up?" He said and I nodded. "Yeah" I said laughing in confusion. "Yeah well..I didn't actually forget, I just really wanted to kiss you again" He said looking down at the ground. I stayed silent, slightly shocked by what he just said. He looked up at me. "Do you hate me now?" He said to me and I just laughed. "Come here" I said grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. He didn't move for a second until he realised what was happening. After that his arm moved around my waist, pulling me in deeper to the kiss as his tongue began to lightly graze mine.

He leaned out for a second. "What about Corey?" He asked me and I smirked. "What about him?"

Wil pulled out laughing in disbelief. "As much as I want to do this, we shouldn't" He said shaking his head. "Why shouldn't we?" I said confused at Wil's sudden hesitation. "Because Corey's my best friend and he's your boyfriend" He said matter of factly. "Yeah well I'm not too sure about that now" I said looking at Wil.
"[Y/N] I don't want you to only want me because you're mad at Corey" He said raising an eyebrow at me. "I'm not.." I said even though I wasn't really sure myself. "Look
[Y/N], I like you, believe me I like you but I'm not going to fall out with Corey just so you can get back at him for whatever he did"

"Why would he get mad at you? I'm the one that kissed you" I told him. "Yeah but he won't believe that, he'll think I'm trying to steal his girlfriend" He said to me. "Well technically he stole me from you so..." I said smirking. "Not before I stole you from him first remember?" He said smirking back. "Well technically speaking I wasn't his to steal" I said trying to justify the situation. Wil just laughed. "Okay let's do this, I'm going to go back to Portland and give you time to think about it and sort things out with Corey. If by then you still think we should try us again, then I'll be all for it" He told me. I sighed. "Fine..I guess that is the most sensible thing to do" I pouted. "Okay, I have to go, I told my parents I'd be back before 1am"

We both stood up and walked to the door. Wil turned around to face me. "Call me okay?" He said lifting up my chin and placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled "Okay I will" I said leaving against the threshold. "Bye" He said waving weakly before walking out of my dorm.

I let out a deep sigh before flopping down on my bed. I took out my phone and I had no texts at all. I didn't expect one from Madi, but at least from Corey. Did he really care that little about me that he didn't even call to explain. I glanced at the time at it was 8 o'clock. I assumed all the girls would be down in the cafeteria so I decided to go down there. I kind of needed someone to vent my feelings to anyways. I walked in and Sasha and Paige were the only two there. "Hey, where is everyone?" I asked sitting down.

"They're all gone back home to their families for the week" They said and I rolled my eyes. "How come you two didn't go home?" I asked them. "My parents are in Australia on business" Paige said. "And my parents just don't give a shit" Sasha said shrugging. I nodded in acknowledgment. "Nice.." I said under my breath. "How come you didn't go home? Don't you want to see my boyfriend?" Sasha asked me. "I do, but if I go home my Mom won't let me see him so there's no point. He was meant to come visit me this week but I really doubt that's going to happen now" I told them.

"What do you mean now? Did something happen?" Paige asked me, looking like I had just told her the worst news ever. I was starting to think she was more committed to our relationship than Corey was at the moment. "It's complicated" I said zipping up my hoodie. "We have time" They said simultaneously smirking at me. I laughed fine.

I sat there for the next 30 minutes telling them the entire story from start to finish, not leaving even the slightest detail out. "And then I called him and I heard Madi's voice on the other line so I kissed Wil because.. Well I don't really know.." I said frowning at my own self confusion. "Wow.." Paige said in shock. "Yeah wow" Sasha said sighing. "Yup" I said nodding at them. "Personally I'm on team Wil" Sasha said which made me laugh. "No! Team Corey, there's too much history there to give up on him" Paige argued. "History isn't always a good thing.." Sasha argued back. They went on like this for a few minutes before I stopped them.
"Guys, can we please talk about something else?" I asked them. "Yeah of course sorry" Paige said. "Yeah sure.." Sasha said. "Just one more question" She asked me. I laughed "Okay go" I told her. "Does Corey have light skin and brown hair by any chance?" She asked. I frowned in confusion. "Yeah why?" I asked. She looked behind me. "Because I think that might be him" She said discretely pointing to somewhere behind.

Sure enough when I turned around there he was. Leaning against the door of the cafeteria with his signature leather jacket on and a guilty expression across his face. I turned back to the girls. "I'll be right back" I told them before getting up.

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