date part 1 and 2

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Your P.O.V
I Pull up to the tall hospital and get out the car. I walk in, and up to the front desk. "I'm here for samantha (l/n)." The dark haired lady looked at the computer and then wrote down Sams room and room floor even tho I already knew as I have been here many times to remember exactly where she was. I knew almost everyone unless they were new like this girl. She gave me the colored sticker and i thanked her. I clicked the elevator button to go up. It dinged as the door opened and it wasn't long until I was at room 211. I knocked lightly. "Come in" a small airy voice said from inside one that could only come from my baby sister. I open the door and stepped in. Sammy was so beautiful she had soft hazel eyes her skin smooth and even without her hair she was still flawless. I loved my little sister more than anything in the world and the fact that I had to see her in this dreadful place made me hate the world for doing this. No one deserves this, no one deserves cancer. "Hey sis." I say so happy to see her. I hug her and sit in the dark green chair in the corner. "Okay what's wrong, you seem all over the place." She said looking at me. Of course she would know that I was everywhere, she was like my other half even though I was older that her. When we were younger we were inseparable we felt like we could do everything if we had each other. And I still think that today.
"Well there's this... guy-" I was beginning say until Sams gasps interpreted "WHAT! That's amazing tell me everything- OH! Does kenny know." I shook me head no. She smiled and incoraged me to tell. after explaining everything she squealed in delight." (Y/n) I'm so happy! But you have to do something about kenny he can't do this to you anymore." She looked mad "you of all people know I can't-" "fuck that ass hole he needs to be taught a lesson and once I get out of here I'll kick his ass!" She was furious her nose was wrinkled and her face red. I smiled and cheked my watch I was supposed to be back at work 5 minutes ago. I got up and a tear streamed down my face. I kissed her cheek. "Love you sammy." And I was gone back to work.

Marks P.O.V

I get out the shower and walk to the mirror over the sink. My hair is wet and falls in my face, I push it back in place and wipe a part of the mirror to see myself I smile at myself. "Who's the man? You da man." I'm an idiot "it's only a girl..." no its not JUST a girl it's (y/n). She is beautiful, gorgeous, funny and so many other things, the list goes on. I sigh and head out to my room. My clothes lay on the the bed. This date will be the best. I throw on boxers and a shirt and go to my recording room. What to play... boogeyman is good. I click the game and the record button. A take a breath and smile at the camera. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier!..."

Your P.O.V
"I can't breathe Julie." I tell her. "Yes you can just sucks air in and then blow it out." She told me jokingly. I could always count on Julie for a laugh. "Shut up smart ass." "Girl don't sweat it you look hot a fudge." I looked at her and ask "is fudge even hot?" "I mean if you think of fudge that way I guess." We laughed at our conversation about fudge, and I was almost feeling calm until I herd a knock on the front door. Julie got off the couch to open it just to make sure it wasn't kenny. Then I herd it a soft silky deep voice it was mark.

Mark P.O.V
You can do it mark. No you can't. ugh shut up darkiplier I can do this there is no way you will come out... this time. I push him to the back of my mine and get out the car. I make sure the address is right and walk to the door I hear small laughter from inside and knock. The brown door opens and the blond curly haired girl from the eye center opens it. "I'm... um looking for (y/n)" She steps out side and Closes the door behind her "look mark I don't know who you are or what you do but (y/n) is like a sister, like a daughter to me. So if you brake her hart I'll break your bones got it" she was surious and scary. I took a gulp and shook my head "got it" she smiled "I'll go get her then" and she went inside. 2 seconds later (y/n) came out she wore a light blue romper, black slip on shoes, and her beautiful
(h/c) hair was down and it helped complement her face.
I couldn't speak it was like we were in a movie and the guy was gawking at the girl. She smiled at my reaxtion. "Hi, Mark" she said I didn't know what to say. Mark just say the first thing that comes to mind "um...boobies!" I yell. WTF mark you idiot. I face palmed. She laughed. her laugh was beautiful and I was proud that I made her smile. She grabbed my hand. "Shall we go" "that's probably best I say as I walk her to the passanger side and opened the door for her, she got in.

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