dance with me

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"It's getting dark. we should go." Mark tells me.
"Yeah but I don't want to get up." I wine clinging to him like a child.
"Alright, alright, fine. Let's go" he used one hand to push himself up and the other to hold me. He was standing now and caring me bridle style and I like it. I giggle in his chest as he walks back to his car.
He plops me down and opens the car door for me. I get in and he walks to the driver side.
When he's in he turns the car on.
"Ohhhh! This my jam!" I yell turning the radio up. I start singing and dancing to fifth harmony's '
'worth it'
"Just gimme you, just gimme you, just gimme you, that's all I want to do!" I sing as mark laughs and joins in at the red light.
"And if what they say is ture, if it's ture I might give it to you"
Mark and I sang our asses off and every time mark had to stop he danced with me like crazy.
We pulled up to his house and walked in his home I was catching my breath when my stomach growled. "Are you hungry?" Mark asks me hanging his key on a hook by the front door.
"Guess so. Now that i think about it, I haven't ate anything since breakfast." I respond holding my stomach.
"Well just your luck because your Markimoo can cook! What do you want" he told me dragging me to his kitchen.
I ponder. "What can you cook?"
"Anything your heart desires!" He says dramatically.
I ponder again. "I want a turkey diner" I tell him proudly
"Okay!" He opens the cabinets "Well we only have boxed mac and cheese and mashed potatoes and... steak!!" Mark said pulling out everything he mentioned.
"Really? You just have steaks laying around?!" I ask atonished
"What? I like steaks" he said shrugging
"Alright well let's cook!"
"Okay but I play music while I cook." He say
I giggle "okay let's see what you got then Markimoo"
He pulls out his phone and clicks the screen multiple times until the song plays on his speakers around his house.
"oh my gosh! Mark what the fuck?!" I almost couldn't finish my sentence I was laughing to hard.
He began singing "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and their like it's better than your I could teach you but I have to charge" he was now atempting to twerk. He couldn't but it gave me an excuse to look at his butt which was amazing by the way.
I laughed as I started cooking the boxed mashed potatoes.
Mark sang and danced the entire time we cooked.
"Alright 5 minutes till the steaks are done" Mark said in his deep voice. Ugh it got me wet.
"K" I replied pulling out the plates out of the cabinet he told me, as he sets the table. We finish in less than a minute.
I feel a warm breath on my neck as two arms wrap around my lower waist. I smile, mark.
"Dance with me" he whispers Close to my ear as he grabs my hand and spins me towards him.
"But there's no music." He smiles at my comment and 1 second later a song begins playing out of his speakers.
(Play song here)
"I look and stare so deep in your eyes, I'm touching you more and more every time." The song plays.
Mark places his big hand on my lower back and the other he uses to hold my hand as I drape my arm around his neck. He leads. taking me step by step.
I stare into his chocolate brown eyes as he stares into my (e/c) eyes.
His eyes were intense like this song ment something to him, something deep.
We danced slowly in one place until the chorus hit. He spun me around with one hand and I couldn't help but smile.
He pulled me back into him, closer. I can feel his body heat. I can smell him, I could practically taste him that's how close we are.
His body moved perfectly to the music as if he's done this many times. I wonder if he has.
He never took his eyes off me not for one second, it was like he would lose something if he did.
The song was intense and so was mark. each move he made was strong and I followed him every time. It just came naturally. And I can't dance for shit.
We spun together around the room to each corner missing and doging everything perfectly. We moved to the kitchen, the living room, and we even made it to the stairs I think. I don't really know I'm to focused on marks face. I could care less about my surroundings as long as I am with mark.
I could be falling off a cliff and if I just look at this man everything would fade away in an instant and all I would see would be him.
All my worries are gone when I'm with him " and I still don't understand just how your love can do what no one else can..."
The chorus hit hard again. Mark spun me dipping me. His face came close and my breath hitched. He leaned in and kissed me with love... I couldn't help myself I invited his tongue in. We kissed and kissed and kissed I was running out of breath darn humans need to breath!
I have to pull out not now... wait what?! mark pulled away. He smirked at me and I bit my lip my face was hot and I knew I was squirming because I was madly wet, I was practically dripping.
Marks face was still close to mine our body still pressed together I didn't Want to move.
"The foods ready" Mark said in the deep voice that always got to me. He let me go and walked back to the kitchen. Picking out the steaks.
I stood there. Why the hell does mark do this to me. And why can he... the song continued and my hart kept pounding... holy fuck! Mark go me turned on... on purpose! oh it's on like donkey kong Mark Edward Fischbach!
Hey guys! I think this chapter was spicy towards the end. I had so much fun writing this. I had bad writers block until I herd this song I just had the best idea! And suddenly everything from (Play song here) just spilled onto the page. So hope you enjoy it and we'll talk in the next chapter ai-yoss!!😚
Ps: I'm sorry if the song doesn't match up *chorus hit hard* for you because it's supposed to, but everyone reads at at a different pace. K bye

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