Flash back

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Marks P.O.V
I woke up not yet opening my eyes, as I turn to give (y/n) a morning kiss on the forehead.
But she wasn't there. She must have gotten up before me.
I get out of bed and brush my teeth and walk down the stairs.
I walk quietly so I can scare her I make y way to the living room.
"(Y/n)?!" I call out.
No answer.
I yell once more.
No answer.
Ugh man she probably when shopping with julie, but why didn't she tell.
Eh. I'll just call her. I pull out my phone and click "call babe".
It dials until I hear a the (song name here) play in my room.
It was (y/n)'s phone buzzing as it was still in the charger.
She left her phone?
Okay I'll call julie.
I dial her.
It's rings, but no anwser.
I don't think they went shopping.
Julie might just be asleep.
I go to the kitchen to get a cup of water, when I see a glass cup shattered on the floor.
Why would she just leave this here?
I pick it up and take my water to the kitchen.
I don't need to know where she is but I'm just worried for her and I feel so helpless that no one answered my call.
I get off the couch and pace the room. I look down to see... blood?
Is that blood?
I'm worried. I'm really worried.
I call jack.
It rings. He picks up.
"Hello" he says sounding sleepy.
"Jack could you come over I need your help"
"What happened?" He sounded concerned.
I couldn't anwser him. I couldn't breathe.
"Mark? Mark? I'm on my way"
I dropped the phone sliding down the wall.
I held my head. It felt like it was thobbing.
"(Y/n)" I said.
I Knew you'd scare her away.
"No that's not what happened!"
Maybe she ran away because she doesn't love you anymore.
"No she loves me. She told me"
Ah. A simple lie. Could you really be so stupid to fall for that?
She doesn't love you! Lie! Lie! Lie! He grew louder with every word surrounding me with darkness.
"Stop!" I yelled and I was pulled back to reality.
my breathing was still jacked up and my heart beat is going crazy but I calmed as I heard a knock on the front door.
I open it half expecting (y/n) to be standing there so I can hold her... but I knew it was jack...

Your P.O.V
"Its beautiful." I tell mark as we walk on the clouds hand in hand. We were running together. I stop to look at the view from above.
It was magnificent. a butterfly flew to me and I held my hand out as it landed on my finger. I observed it until it flew away.
"Hey come back-ahhhh!" I stepped forward not seeing the end of the cloud.
"Noooo" I heard mark scream as I fell.
I came close to the earth I braced myself for impact but the ground split making a hole so far that I couldn't see the ground. I'm falling so fast i can't see a thing only black.
Until somthing hit me in the face I flew to the other side but was thrown back.
The pain was to much to bare I stared crying.

I jolted awake my face wet with tears. I tried to wipe my face but I was tied to a chair.
I remember what happened.
I look around. It's my "house" the hell hole.
"Awake already?"
"Fuck you!" I yelled at him.
"Aww. Is that anyway to treat your husband?" He grabed my face and wiped my tears.
He squeezes my cheek and I spit in his face.
"Oh my sweet, sweet (y/n)" he said wiping his eyebrow where I got him. "I only want to talk about the past week."
I didn't speak.
He stood up. Whiping his hands with his rag.
"I was watching you. All week" he pulled out a black box.
He was watching me?
"You said you'd be gone all week!" I said.
"That was a lie. You see... I saw you when you first meet... Mark, I believe is his name, right?"
I didn't anwser.
"Right. You seemed really smitten and I was ready to see if you'd break our little... agreement."
My face turned as hard as it could with a black eye.
"Oh yeah remember that one. I don't kill your sister and julie and all those people that you love and you be my slave."

~ Flash Back to deal ~

I was in the hospital. I was waiting for hours alone.
"(Y/n)" the lady that brought me here called me.
I looked up at her.
Doctor Yang is here to give you the news on your family.
I looked to the small lady in a doctor's coat.
"Hello (y/n). Your family was In a terrible car accident. Sadly I regret to inform you that your mother was sitting passanger and was hit full on impact with the other car and so was your father they... didn't make it their ribs were crushed and their hearts were pierced." Tears were forming.
"Sammy! what about samantha?!" I said hoping for good new.
"She was sitting in the back seat and didn't take as much damage but she might have a pierced lung, a few broken ribs and she might have the chance that she is parlized from the waist down."
By this, tears were streaming so fast I couldn't stop.
"She is in emergency surgery. But you must know with her injuries there is only... a 10% at the most that she can survive. I'm sorry for you loss"
They walked away and left me with my thoughts. I was curled up hugging my knees to my chest. And letting my tears stream.
I didn't pay attention to the world around me.
Until a man spoke.
"(Y/n)" the voice was deep
I look up to see a black smoke.
I was sacred.
"Do not be scared. I am here to make a deal."
"Who are you?" I ask
"That dose not concern you yet."
I blink.
"Whats the deal?"
"Your family is dead all of them. Yes samantha also. But I will give you a chance to bring back one of them. The price is your soul. Yes there is also a catch, even if one will live they will have a sickness and that, and me will be the only thing that can kill them. Will you take the deal?"
"I must go into hiding but I can not if I do not make a deal. Won't you help me."
I didn't think I just wanted to save my family.
"Thank you"
A scroll and a qill poped out in front of me.
"Sgin your name and the person you choose to save."
I did as I was told.
I signed my name. And below wrote Samantha.
"How does this work?"I ask.
"Your past, present, and future will change. In the past you and I will have dated and fallin in love or so in people's eyes. In the present your mother and father will have been the only ones in the car and samantha will have been with you. In the future you and I will marry and that is how I will own your soul. You will have to do everything your told to the full extent and if fail the deal will have been broken and I will kill who you've saved and those you love so I suggest you cut all ties with your family now as you are old enough to live on your own. And if samantha gets sick I will cover all expenses for all things to keep her stable. But other things will be paid by you so get a job. Oh and one more thing, I want you all to myself so will not date or flirt with other people real love is forbidden or deal is off. Do you understand."
"Yes" I shook his smoke hand and the deal was made.
"You will not lose you memory as you will need that to remember this experience. I will take form as a human being so we can live with no suspicion. It begins now. Close your eyes and do not open them until you hear a voice."
I closed my eyes there was no sound.
"(Y/n)?" I heard a girl voice. It was the lady that brought us there.
"Come with me"

~ Back to the present ~
"I hate you kenny! Mark will find me and he'll save me from you!" I scream at him.
"Ah yes! let's talk about this Mark fellow" he smirked...

Hey guys! Wow! I updated again because I'm going camping and won't get signal so here you go.
Anyway we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚

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