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Your P.O.V
I lift my head from marks chest and before me is a... floating scroll?.
I stand on my good leg and take the paper in my hand.
"What?" I open it and it has in bold letters, "contract of (y/n) and the devil/kenny"
This is my contact that I made with kenny.
I begin reading it.
"this contract is proof that the devil will bring back one of (y/n)'s loved ones and in return (y/n) must be the Devils slave and do everything she is told to do. If by any means (y/n) does not do so the devil will kill every one (y/n) cares for and holds dear. With both signatures of (y/n) and the devil this document will be forever enforced."
Then our signatures.
"Ugh! Why the hell do I need this it doesn't help!" I get fustrated and throw the scroll to the ground but it only floated back up to me.
I push it away but it only came back.
I grab it again and open it.
This time only the bottom half glowed. The part that I haven't read.
"The only way this deal can be broken is if the devil dies. In this case what must be done is simple, (y/n) must rip the contract and everything that the devil killed and tampered with during the contract will be fixed."
What? Why didn't I read this when I singed it?
There's hope...
"Hope.." I smile
I hold the paper fermly in my hands and rip the paper making it fall to the floor.
The pieces disappear, but nothing happens.
... nothing
B- but it said... "Ugh i keep getting fucked over! Why me why!!" I yell as I fall to the floor. "Thats it I'm done. I can't do this anymore!" I yell as i hold my head. My father's voice echoed in the back of my mind telling me to not stop nor to give up. "Dad..." I begin to cry.
"I'm sorry... I really am but come on! Look around me! Everyone's dead! My best friend, my boyfriend, my SISTER! There gone and there not coming back!" Tears were falling and I'm yelling.
"DO YOU JUST EXPECT ME TO ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! LIKE EVERYTHING IS FINE AND DANDIE! Because it's not... *sniff* I have... nothing to live for... anymore... what's the point..." I spot the knife that we used to stab kenny and begin to crawl to it.
"I'll never see my sister smile..." I get closer, "I'll never laugh with julie again..." closer " I'll never hear jacks voice..." so close "make love to Mark again..." I reach the knife. "Hear his laugh again..." I hold the knife back ready to end this. "Never see his goofy smile again... what's the point no one will ever care... ever..." I swing the knife into my stomach...

Or at least I almost did...

"Uh (y/n)?" I hear and face the way it came from.
"Sam!?" I crawl to her as fast as I can. She sits up and I hold her hand. "Oh my god! Sam!" I pull her into a hug, tears falling. "What happened? And why am I naked!?!...oh I remember-" her eyes widen. "where is he!!" She yells and hugs me.
"Don't worry baby girl it's over now... it's over..." I smile in her hair.
"Ow! What the fuck?" I hear.
That voice!
"MARK!" I yell and sam helps me to the ground next to him.
"Oh mark! Your back! Your back!" I hug him and my tears fall.
"Wha?- where is he!" Mark sat up. "Where is that asshole!?" He yells and looks around the room.
"He- it's over now mark... hes gone..." I get a sick feeling inside me and hold onto mark harder.
"What Happened? Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.
"I- I'll explain later please. And I'm not okay my leg really Hurts."
"Let me see." I show him my leg.
"Well it's broken."
"How can you tell?"
" I can see the bone"
"Its okay just look at me" he held my face
I love this man.
"Don't ever leave me please."
"Never. I will never leave you." He says as I bury my head into his chest and he stroked my hair.
"Well I'm sorry to kill the mood but I think jack and Julie are waking up." Sam said we both look at her. She found her clothes and had put them on already.
Mark helps me up and takes me to them but my head doesn't feel right.
I wabbel a little.
"Whoa you okay?" Mark asks.
"Um..." before I can finish my sentence everything was gone.


Marks P.O.V
"She passed out!" I yell and sammy looked at me so did jack and Julie.
"Whoa! Wait. what?" Jack said rubbing his head.
"What happened" Julie asked.
"Mark are you okay to drive?" Sam asks me.
"Okay go take her to the hospital and I'll stay here and help these guys." She ordered me and I listen.

~Time Skip~

Your P.O.V
I open my eyes slightly and see docter over me.
My eyes are heavy...


Beep beep, beep beep,...
I awaken by the beeping sound of a monitor.
"Hey its okay." I hear a deep voice call to me.
It's mark.
I smile at him and he smiles back.
"Where am I?" I ask a little tired.
"Well you passed out so I brought you to the hospital and cuz of your leg." He told me as a doctor walks in.
"Hello (y/n). I see your up." He looks at the charts in his hands. "Okay let's see, you were brought here because you passed out and had a bad broken leg. Because you fell down some stairs"
"Uh...Yeah." I see mark nod his head.
"So you broke your leg really bad, you will need surgery but for now you can where a brace until we schedule when you would like to do so alright?" He looked at me.
I nod and he leavse the room.
"How long was I out?" I ask mark.
"About a day but I haven't left." He smiles broadly.
I giggle at him and then I get a weird feeling in my mind like I'm forgetting somthing
... what is it...
Then it hit me.
"Where's samantha?"
"She's In the waiting room why?" Mark worries.
"Mark, she still has cancer she- she can't be without her kemo for to long or she could die!" I swing myself out of the bed but fall back onto because of the pain of my leg.
"I'll bring her just tell the doctor some how" he was out the door already.
I reach back and press the big red help button calling the nurse to come.
Oh a sam please be okay... please I can't lose you again...

He guys! Did you forget sam has cancer?
Anyway we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚

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