spend the day with me

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Your P.O.V
Mark drives until we pull into his driveway. He opens my door and I step out. he grabs my hand and walks me to the door, braking our grasp to unlock the door.
"Mark I'm tired. Can you take me home?"I ask, not wanting to invade his house.
I feel Two strong arms rap around me from behind. I Giggle a little as mark rest his chin on my iner neck.
"Don't go... stay with me" he kisses my neck. I really wasn't in the mood but his kisses left healing marks on my skin and I didn't want him to stop.
"I don't want to let you go" he told me cutting me off as he mumbled the words in my neck.
I turn towards him, his eyes locking onto mine .
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive" his eyes burned with lust and love.
He placed his hands on my hips and pulls me into a kiss.
I Giggle and he stops to look at me.
"What?" He asks me one eyebrow raised.
"I just have no pj's to sleep in"
"I have boxers and a shirt"
"Thank you Markimoo" I say pecking his lips and he pulls me by the the hand up the stairs and into his room. he goes to his walk in closet and opens a draw on the top. I look over his shoulder and spot pink on black mustaches.
"That one!" I say picking up the boxers.
"Okay, you choose your shirt and I'll get into my P.J's"
"Okiee-dokiee!" I say looking through marks t-shirts.
I pull out a small shirt and walk back to the room to see Mark slipping on back and grey lined boxers.
I blush bright red and turn my back.
"(Y/n)? What's wrong? You've seen me before"
"I know but- I- I just-" I guess I'll never get used to marks perfection.
I hear Mark chuckle behind me as he turns me towards him.
" let me help you" mark told me as he grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls up slowly grazing his hands on me skin.
I feel my face go red and he pulls it off completely.
he moved to my pants next unbuttoning and unzipping he pushes them down not Breaking eye contact once.
I stepped out of my pants and I'm left only in my bra and underwear.
mark put his warm hand on the small of my back and slides them up leaving a hot trail.
my breath hitches when he gets to my bra he fiddles with the clip until I feel it become loose.
he pushes the straps down slowly grazing my body. he takes my shirt and he puts it on me, throwing the boxes to the ground.
" we don't need those" he whispers in my ear. his breath burning my skin.
I want to fall into him, feel his body on mine but Mark left me standing in the middle of the room as he pulled the covers down and climbed in the bed.
" come on. I'm tired" he says a trace of a smile on his lips. I roll my eyes and walk to the right side of the bed climbing in next to him. I turn on my side and Mark drapes his arm over my stomach his body pushes right up against my back I feel him under my shirt every line, every ab, I can feel his heat. I hear his breath steady as he slips into the sleep world, with me right behind him

Marks P.O.V
I wake up to find myself holding someone... (y/n). I smile to myself and kiss her head.
I lift my arm away from her causing her to move a little.
"Mark... save me... no..." I hear (y/n) say.
I'm confused. Save her? From what? Eh it's probably just a dream and I'm the hero!
I check the time. 8:45! Fuck videos late. I grab my phone and take to twitter apologizing for the late update. Immediately I get comments saying it's okay and I feel a bit better but I hate letting my fans down.
I get up and walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and make my way to the kitchen.
I start pulling out the eggs and bacon. After uploading an extra video I had.

Your P.O.V
Ugh! Stupid sun always in my eyes. I sit up rubbing my tiredness from my eyes and let my hands fall along with my body.
I'm tired... I'm inches from sleep when the bedroom door burst open.
"Rise and shine sleeping Beauty!" Mark walks in holding two plates in his hand.
"Uuugggghhhh nooooo! I don't wanna!" I whine covering my face with a pillow.
"But I have fooooood!" He temps me and I jump in a burst of energy.
"Food! Yay!" I clap my hands like a child.
"Yup" he says walking over to me.
"What did you make me?" I ask looking at the food.
He hands me the plate and a fork.
"Eggs and bacon" he replies.
"Yum" I say and take a bite of my food.
"oh my glob! this is so good" I compliment mark and he smiles in a gloating way as he eats along with me.
he turns on the TV putting on some Tom and Jerry after I convinced him to.
I'm halfway finished with my food when I remember something.
" OH SHIT!" I yell and Mark drops his bacon.
" what? what's wrong?!"
" I have work today! it's Friday! oh my gosh what time is it?!" I jumped off the bed as mark checks his phone.
" 9:57"
" oh no no no! I'm so late!" I panic running to the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly. I get out combing my hair with my hands and looking for something to wear.
"(Y/n) why don't you just call in sick?" Mark offers and I stop in my tracks.
I could but then I won't get paid... and what about Sam... I can't.
" yeah... no I have to go" I respond picking up my my pants and turning them outside right.
I didn't know mark was behind me until he kisses my cheek holding my hand.
" come on, spend the day with me" his eyes were soft and full of... love.
I sigh. Dropping my pants to the floor " fine just let me make a call" he hugs me kisses me softly. "Thank You" he whispers and I blush.

I finished calling work and Julie. she told me to have fun and I know what she means. I walk back to mark eating and laughing his adorable laugh at Sean freaking out on screen.
" what are we going to do today?" I ask sitting next to him.
" I have an idea..." he says pushing me on my back.
I giggle and mark presses his lips on mine our tongues dancing as he holds himself up above me.
"Mark your so cute." I Giggle and he lifts me up off the bed. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask looking him in the eye as he walks out the room into the long hall way.
" I'm thirsty but I wanted to take you with me" he says pecking my lips.
I blush a light red. Mark is soo cute I can't even.
We are in the kitchen now and he sits me on his black, granite, island. He reaches for the high cabinet, streaching his lean shirtless and pantless body. Yum.
I don't realize that I'm staring until mark turns and chuckles at me pulling fruit and milk from the refrigerator.
"What are you making?" I ask confused with the things he brought out.
"Milkshake! You want one? mine are the best you'll ever have just saying"
"Okay show me what you got" I challenge.
mark played some music of course the 'milkshake' song played along with others.
I helped mark cut up some strawberries and bananas and plop them into the blender.
after mark poured the milk, I press the 'blend' button before mark could do it.
But I was too fast, not seeing that we never put the lid on.
"No don't-" Mark told me but it was too late, the pink coloured milkshake was everywhere.
mark pressed the off button but it wasn't working, it was jammed.
I followed the black cord to the plug in the wall and pull it out, causing the blenders blades slowed to a stop.
I slowly looked at Mark thinking that he would be mad, but he only laughed and licked his fingers.
" oh yeah! this is good! try it" he told me working on his other hand.
I lick the spot on my forearm and I'm left surprised.
" dang mark! this is good!" I say licking myself like a cat.
" you have some on- I'll get it" he came in close licking my cheek clean. I giggle and get on my tippy toes to lick the shake off his nose he chuckles and put his hand on the small of my back bringing me close to him I use my fingers scrape the shake off his chest and put it in my mouth as seductively as possible.
I know this turned him on so I kiss him still with the flavor in my mouth.
" I was gonna get some whipped cream but you taste better" Mark told me.
"That's not the only place it would taste better" I wink and mark brings me into a kiss.
His hands trail down my back and end on my ass.

Hey guys! There will be another chapter today this one Is just a filler for the next one. Anyways who likes marks red hair?! I do I love it!
Kk we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person!😚

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