Getting My Shit Together

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Day 5
Marks P.O.V
I pour the sauce in the pan covering the chips.
I mix it around letting them combined as one. I grab two plates, bumping up my music on the way.
*ring* I put the plates on the table and pick up my phone.
it's my mom.
" hello"
" hi honey just calling to check if you were packed for this weekend?"
"Puhh... do worry a bout it." Crap I still have to pack!
" I'm sure you've got it but just make sure you do it before it's too late. gotta go Lucy! Stop! love you hun can't wait to see you here.
" love you too Mom" and with that I click the button and take the plates. Pour the food on to it and put it on the island.
I don't want to leave (y/n) for a week, I'll miss her too much. maybe I can ask her to come with me? yeah that's what I'll do.
I turn to the stairs as a tired (y/n) makes her way down.
" well hello Sleeping Beauty"
" hey Beast, what cha' cookin'?"
I chuckle at her comeback. "chilaquiles"
" you're Mexican?!"
" no. Im half Korean and half German"
" but how do you know how to cook that" she asked a little stunned.
" I got my ways" I wink as I go in to kiss her and hand her, her plate.
" I haven't had these in Forever! Oh and I was going to tell you that me and Julie were planning on going shopping today." She tells me as she stuffs her mouth with food.
"Aww you gonna leave me here... all alone... by myself!" I whine.
She laughs spitting out some chucks. "Sorry honey I got some things to do."
"But isn't staying home with you boyfriend better?" I tell her going behind her and kissing her cheek.
"Believe me it is but if I don't do it now I won't ever do it."
"Do what exactly?"
She didn't answer she only ate faster.
*knock* *knock*
"Oh that's Julie! I'll get it!" She jumped out of my hold and ran to the door throwing it open and giving julie a hug.
(Y/n) ran back to me jumping on me and kissing me.
She went to her plate grabed a big fork full and ran out the door with julie. I went after her.
"Hey?! Your leaving already?!"
"Sorry honey! Love you I'll be back before dinner!" And with that they were gone.
"Love you too"

Your P.O.V
"Let's get er' done!" Julie said as she pulled out of the drive way and drove off to the hell hole. I use to call 'home'.

~Time Skip~

"Yay it fit!" We close the door and climb in the front of the car.
"I told you your clothing would fit in my car" Julie stated.
"I should have known."

~Time Skip~

Julie pulls up to the Ferm. "Is this the place?" I ask julie.
"Yup. Are you ready. Do you have the pictures and the documents?" She asks.
"Then let's go get this bitch"

~Time Skip~

Julie pulls into Marks driveway and turns off the car. We get out and each take a box of clothes. I knock and mark opens the door like he was waiting for me.
"Hey baby! Your back!" He kisses me on the cheek.
"Hey babe could you get the last box from the car please?"
"Hey mark"
"Sup Julie"

Mark P.O.V
I grab the last box and close the back but tip the box and a picture falls out. The back had writing 'kenny' it said in big letters. I flip it over to the picture that showed (y/n) standing close to this, I think, kenny dude. She doesn't look happy and he looks a bit tipsy.
They were standing really close together. But that wasn't the only thing that bothered me, (y/n) had a black eye and what seemed like a a long red scratch on her fore arm that is barley viable, but I can tell.
Anger grew in my stomach mixed with jelou.
But I push the picture down in the box so hard the I felt the glass on the frame crack. I shut the box and walked inside like nothing had happened.
"Thanks babe"
I only nod and make my way back to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. I just need to chill.

Your P.O.V
"That was weird" I wispere to Julie.
"Well you figure it out cuz I got date night with jack so duces" and she walked out the door.
"Bye love ya" I yell after her.
"Love you too child"
I close the door and walk to the kitchen smelling the warm smell of soup?
"What ch' cookin'?" I ask child like.
"My mom's soup." He responded sternly not looking at me.
He's mad. But why?
I walk up behind him hugging his back like he does me but my face only rest on his sholders blades. "Why you mad?"
"I'm not mad" he said shortly.
"Yes you are. Why"
"I'm fine."
"Mark tell me or we will never solve the problem and you'll just stay mad. So tell me." I let go of him and cross my arms.
He turns to look at Me putting the spoon on the table. "It's nothing really... I just saw a picture of you and some guy when I went to go get the box, but I know I'm just being jelly. I just needed some time to calm myself."
Holy shit! The picture of kenny and I that I used to show my lawyer, julie must have put it in the box when we left.
"Chill I'm yours... only yours" I get on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek but he grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss.
"I love you"
"I love most"
"I thought you were supposed to more?" He ask raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah but I wanted to say most so I did" I smile and mark slaps my butt.
"Hey what was that for"
"Oh I'm sorry did you-"
I laugh at him "I'm just playing darling you know I love it when you touch me." I wink at him and he goes in for a kiss.
He pushes me back to the counter behind me and lifts me by the butt and sets me on the granite top. But soon pulls out.
"Shit the soup!" He leaves turning off the soup. And coming back to me.
"OK I'm ready" he smiles coming towards me with the eye, but I stop him.
"Well now I'm not in the mood, now I have to get me in the mood."
"How?" He ask
"talk Dirty to Me" I smirk to see what he'd come up with.
He rub the back of his neck.
" okay I see you don't want me that much" I jumped off the counter but Mark traps me in his arms.
" no I do want you anywhere anytime. I need you. and I want to rip your clothes off and see you in all your beauty, I want to kiss you everywhere and lick you in certain places." he whispers the last part in my ear as he nibbles it and my knees go weak.
" ready yet?" he asked quietly and sexy. I only nod since that's all I can do. Mark chuckles and picks me up by the ass and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arm around his neck.
"Jeez the things you do to me mark." I tell him as he makes his way to my room.
"You asked for it" he smirks.
Yeah but I didn't think you could do it."
"You didn't think I could get you on?" He looked a bit sad but mostly shocked.
"No, no. You can get me on so easy, literally all you have to do is look at me and I'm wet." He smiles his goofy smile and I squirm on him. "I just thought talking dirty would be hard for you"
"It wasn't, all I had to do was say the truth." I blush immensely. "I just love you" he says kissing me on the cheek as he opens the door and lays me on the bed. "Ready?" He ask taking his shirt off.
I laugh at his little joke and play along.
I nod my head and bite my lip. "Always" I say seductively removing my shirt as well.
Two people can play at this game Markimoo...

Hey guys! How the story? Sorry for the bad posting but testing is tiring me out but I have three chapters ready so expect those a day.
Anyway we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚

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