The Call

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"Ah Yes! let's talk about this Mark fellow." He smirked.
I hate kenny so much.
"I saw everything you did together from your first day together to your last. I must say you two are cute together. No really this is real love. I'm surprised a little whore like you found someone. To bad it's aginst the deal. Oops." He opened the box and turned his back to look in it.
I used this time to check my surroundings. My hands are tied behind the chair and I'm right in front of a table that always has a tool blade in it. I reach for the dwar and slide it open slowly. Reaching in and slowly moving around to find it. Nothing.
I open it more. Tilting my chair back on its Hine legs.
I feel the blade. I grab it set my chair on the ground trying my best not to make a sound.
He turned with a knife in his hand.
" I really studied you, once you broke the deal, I made a list of all the people who I'd have to kill. Julie, Jack,... Mark... Samantha."
My eyes began to water. Not samantha please I've done to much.
"I even thought of how I would do it. In what order. I have everything planed out to the very end. Every. Single. Detail." he snapped his fingers on the last word and a loud screeching sounded from the kitchen.
It was a chair the slid out so fast it made that sound.
Someone is sitting in the chair.
"See I thought we could work with julie first."
"No" I whispered and began to cut the rope but the only way I could do it was by slightly pricing my skin.
He twisted the chair around revealing, a scared out of her mind, julie.
She had tape around her mouth as she tried to scream out but her words were muffled.
"Julie-" I tried to call out.
"Oh but wait we aren't done just yet. I have a second suprise."
He snapped his finger and another chair was dragged out.
How could he do all this with the snap of his finger? I don't know but I do know someone else is in that chair.
The chair turn and sat a crying sammy.
"You mother fucker how could you?!"
"I told you. It was all in the contract" he smirked and put the knife under Julie's chin.
"So Julie was helping you and she just got lucky enough to fall in love with one of marks best friends." He cackled "to bad your the first to go." He took the knife off her but left a mark on her skin. "Oh and sorry I had to take you before your little "date night" with jack."
Her eyes grew angry.
But he moved on to sam.
"Sam! Sam! Look at me it's okay we'll get out of here..."
"Oh don't make promise you can't keep. Haven't you learned from your mistakes or do I still need to teach you." He grabed hold of Sams head and held the knife on her neck.
"Stop kenny! Stop! What do you want from me!" I yelled.
"Well..." he let go of sam and I was relived. " due to the fact that I still need to hide out a bit longer you could contine to be my slave-"
"I'll do it just let Sam and julie go... please."
Julie and sam began to shake their head and scream in a protest.
I looked down I didn't want to see their faces as I did this.
"Ah. But you didn't let me finsh. See the thing is I'm bord of you. You've gained a little weight and with my hitting, you look tried all the time and your not getting any younger honey. Oops. so offers off the table." He smiled and I let a tear drop. No I won't cry.
"How are you going to hide then?" I ask.
"There are other people out there who are in a bad time that could use a deal and would gladly say yes to anything I give them, just like you. I was just waiting for you to give up so I could swoop in and do the fun part... killing" his eyes stared glowing red as moved to me but our of nowhere the song "Let's get it on" stared playing. He stopped in his tracks and walked over to Julie. Pulling out her phone and looking at the screen.
"And the plan continues" he smile as he clicked the answer button.

Mark's P.O.V
"Hey jack" I said still shaken a bit. "Hey you okay man?" He looked worried.
"I'm just a bit worried about (y/n) you know?"
"Okay well continuing on that matter" he said walking in my house. "Julie didn't anwser me, she didn't come to date night either. Did I do somthing wrong!?" He sat on the couch holding his head " I even passed by her house on the way here and her car was there. I got off and knock and nothing! I even tried knocking louder and nothing! then the Creepy neighbor came out and said she never came home last night! It's just not like her to disappear out of nowhere without one mention to anyone... or to me." He looked hurt
I sat next to him.
" I don't know if I told you but... I... I think... I love her."
I smiled. "Did you tell her?" I ask.
"No I was planing to at date night but it didn't happen. I'm worried somthing happened mark... I don't know what but I have a bad feeling about this."
"Well when I woke up today I found a shatter glass cup on the ground with water and then I saw that." I pointed at the red stain about the floor.
"is that blood?" He asked
"I don't know but it was there when I woke up."
"I mean like what can we do?"
I thought for a minute. "Call her again I guess that's all we can do"
"Okay" he sighed and clicked call.
He put it on speaker so I could hear.

"Hello sean and mark. I was expecting a call from you two. *evil chuckle*"

Hey guys! Have thoughts leave a comment I love reading them! Well that's all I have to say oh and sorry for the short-ish chapter another one up tomorrow so we'll talk in the next chapter byeya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚

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