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He smiled maniacally.
"Kenny you evil bitch!" I sit at him.
"Oh shut up! You knew she was gonna die! You broke the deal! It's your fault! It was you! You killed her! You crushed her heart! So don't blame me, I'm only doing my job!" Kenny squeezed the heart and Sam yelled out in pain. I couldn't hold back, I yelled at Kenny to stop, but he didn't, he slowly crushed Sam's heart. I am unable to close my eyes, because He's making me watch as the life is slowly drained from Sam's eyes. It killed me to see this. Watching my only remaining family member being torn from my grasp.
I struggled against Kenny's powers, but to no avail. The heart kenny held in his hand shattered, like glass, crumbling into a million tiny pieces.
I watch as Sam's body falls to the ground, lifeless, and... dead. "SAM!" I screeched, my tears falling with her body but it was no use.
She's gone...
She's gone...
"Oh don't be so down, we've still got a little more killing to do before it is your turn." Kenny taunted me. I send him an evil look. "Ouch," He says sarcastically, "don't be so harsh. I'll let mark talk" he snapped his fingers but mark didn't talk.
"Mark?" I ask confused as to why he wasn't talking. But he only looked at me.
"Mark I'm sorry..." I apologize
"Your SORRY?! That's IT! Sorry doesn't bring back jack, julie or sam! Because of you my best friend is dead! Because of you the girl he loves is dead! Because of you your sister is dead!" Mark began to tear up,"so don't play that sorry shit with me because there is no going back! As for you kenny, you sick, maniac, Bitch! I hope you rot in hell!" He yelled.
With every you with every dead it was like getting stabed in the heart and slowly bleeding out.
"Ha (y/n) you fucked up this time! But do not worry marks time on earth is over." He laughs.

Mark P.O.V
I'm Furious. I'm mad. I'm angry and all at (y/n)! Why would she play me like that when she was married and to the devil of all people!!
If it wasn't for her jack, julie, sam... they wouldn't be dead.
I look over at her. She's crying so much her face is red and stained with tears.
She looked at me and our eyes locked. In this moment I know I'm sorry for yelling at her and putting everything on her shoulders.
In this moment I know I still love her...
"(Y/n) I-"

Your P.O.V
"(Y/n) i-" Mark began to speak but Kenny reaches through marks chest and pulls out his heart.
"NO!!" I yell, "i don't care if Mark doesn't love me anymore because I love him! leave him alone! please... he has people that care for him, he has a life, I don't!... take me instead please..." I beg kenny to spare him.
Mark was breathing hard. "(Y/n) No! I do-"
"Nope!" Kenny laughed as he shatters marks heart into a million pieces as I watch his body fall lifeless to the ground.
"Mark!!" I scream bloody Mary.
Everything around me blurred and slowed I can hear my breathing. I can hear my heart beat. I can hear my thoughts.
I remember them as I slip into darkness...

Ow. I open my eyes and sit up.
Where am I?
Im in a room. Everything in it is white.
The walls. The floor. The ceiling, and even the paintings that were just white canvases.
There's six frames and since the room was oddly shaped each had its own wall and door.
I become curious and walk through a door.
Inside the room it's flashed green but then everything faded into everything's proper colors.
I was in a living room
"Hello?" I call out
But no one answered.
I hear shouting and laughing coming from upstairs and go towards it.
I walk up and come to a door.
I open it.
I walk up behind the person sitting in the chair.
They have green hair...
"Jack??" I ask confused.
"(Y/n)?! Nice to see you!" He stood up and gave me a hug.
"But... jack... how?!" I look at him shocked.
"How what?- wait! Do you want some tea?" He offers.
"Um... Yeah I guess I could use some."
"WOO! GONNA GET SOME TEA!" He yells in his Irish accent with his arms raised.
I laugh and he smiles.
But then everything faded away.

I'm in the white room again, but now the door I went into was now colored green with the wall and now the frame showed a picture of jack.
He was smiling and looking happy as ever.
A pain in my stomach formed as I looked at his face.
What did I do to him...
What did I do...
I need to get out so I move to the next door.
I move to the door, right of jack.
It flashed pink.
I'm outside this time. I remember this place... high school.
I see myself walking along the cement path, books and a present in hand.
I remember this day.
It's Julie's birthday. I was walking to go Meet her at our little hideout and-
Suddenly my high school self falls, dropping all her books to the ground.
That happened.
"OMG! (Y/n)! Your such a disaster! Like, get a life you weird slut!" Daisy laughed with her little posse.
Then julie ran straight through me and to my younger self.
"HEY! back off Daisy!" She yelled.
"Ohh what are you gonna do whore!"
At that moment julie lost it and and smacked her right across the face.
Everything faded but came back.
I was in a room. Julie and myself were sitting in chairs.
"Detention... this sucks! I'm sorry julie I ruined your birthday..." I apologized.
"Girl don't even! I got to slap daisy in the face! Talk about best birthday EVER!" she sang ever and we both laughed.
The scene faded and flashed pink once more.
But this time I was in her house.
I hear talking come from her living and walk towards it.
I come to see julie and I sitting on the couch with empty wine bottles, empty tubs of ice, and the movie titanic was playing.
"I-I just don't get it! Why did he brake up with me! I-I'm such a catch! Wahhh" Julie whined to me as she chugs her wine.
"It's okay honey. He didn't deserve you anyway!" I rub her back.
"Your cheesy" see replies.
"Yup and so are you" I smile and drink some wine.
"Yeah I know we're just cheesy people!" She says holding up a peice of cheese
"Ha your so PUNNY" I joke and we both laugh till our stomachs hurt...
Everything faded and I was brought back to the room again.
This time the door I went into was now pink along with the wall and the canvas showed a picture of Julie's face.
I looked at both jack and Julie's picture... I can't help but feel guilty.
I wonder if they loved eachother...
I push the thought aside and walk into the next room.
This time purple flashed and I'm greeted with... my old house.
I smell food and hear sizzling to my right. I walk towards it.
I round the corner and see some one cooking.
"... Mom?"
"Oh! Honey your home! Come here give your mom a hug" she smiled and had her arms stretched outwards towards me.
I can't believe it, my eyes began to water.
I run to her.
Giving her a hug.
"Why are you crying?" She held my head and wipes a tear.
"No... no reason I'm just really happy to see you I guess" I laugh a little and she smiles.
She claps her hands "well I'm making your favorite (favorite food)! So get chopping"
I give her one last hug. Until she fades away.
I'm in the white room now it has green, pink, and purple walls with pictures of the person with the memories.
I rush to the next door expecting my dad to be next.
I throw the door open and...

Hey guys! I want to apologize for not updating but I have a reason. This week has been the most busy week ever, as you may know I like to act and so I'm in drama at school and we've been rehearsing none stop but today was the final performance and so I'm ready to write producing this chapter. So I'm sorry but I hope to update Thursday or Friday! So thank you to everyone putting up with me ilysm for sticking around. Thank you!
Anyway we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚
Ps: I owe you this chapter lmaomilena ! :)
Pss: sorry if it's a little lazy because I am really really tired... 😴

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