just couldn't decide?

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Your P.O.V
"The red or the black one?" I say holding my dresses up for Mark to see.
"I don't know" he says pulling out his outfit.
"Just choose one" I prye
"Okay the black one"
"But I like the red one"
"Then wear the red one"
"Your no help!" I tell him as I playfully stick my tongue out at him.
"Look, it doesn't matter to me what you wear because you'll look good anyways! You Could be wearing a trash bag and I would still love you the same." He came to me and kissed my forehead. He made me blush
"So the red one?" I ask as he sighs.
"Your ridiculous" I can hear him chuckle under his breath as he undresses.

I ended up waring the red dress black heels and of corse some accessories.
"Yay! We're here! I love this place the food is so good!" I say unbucling my seat belt.
Marks hand reaches towards me. "That's not the only thing that taste good"
Oh my did it just get hot in here or what?
He lifts my hand and kisses It.
Yup I'm wet.
My face gets hot as he gets out of the car and goes to my side and helps me out.
"I understand we'll be on our best behaviors?" He told me raising an eyebrow.
I knew what he was talking about and I didn't even think about... until now.
"What ever do you mean?" I ask all innocent like
"That dress is really short that's why I wanted the black one but you left the house with that one and now I regret it."
"What do you think some guys are gonna hit on me?"
"Yes and I might get mad and you won't like me when I'm mad, I might just have to rip that dress off you when we get home" Mark suddenly got very hot
"Well see" I walk past him towards the restaurant.
Ooo this is gonna be fun.

"For two" the red hair lady said to us.
"We are here with a party for four" Mark told her.
She looked down at her little table dragging her finger down the page. "Sean?"
"Okay Right this way."
She walks us to the table in the corner where jack and Julie are sitting next to each other. She waves at me and I wave back with my free hand since marks been holding my hand ever since two guys walked in behind us
"Hey girl" Julie says as she gets up to hug me as jack and mark do the same.
Julie let's me go and Mark and I switch
" hey Jack" I say as he gives me a hug. my face turns red because I'm hugging jacksepticeye like where old time friends.
" hey (y/n)!" Jack lets me go and Mark takes my hand walking me to the other side of the table. we take our seats.
the boys, of course, start talking about YouTube things, so I sparked a conversation with Julie.
" Julie how's it going with Jack?" I say leaning close to her as she does the same.
" OMG it's great! I'm so happy I can't believe it!" she gushes.
" you deserve it"
" and you deserve Mark" she replies.
" I do and I need your help with... him" I say quieter.
" anything you nee-"
" are you girls Whispering about us Mark said with a Sly smile.
" yep we're just discussing how terrible you are I games" I tell him smiling back.
"hey I'm very good at games!'' he protested.
"haha! she said ye' suck!" Jack laughed
" We were talking about both of you" julie chimmed in and Jack's face lost all emotion. we all Laughed Until our waiter came he was a guy about my age. hes normal sized. he has black hair green eyes and light skin.
" what can I get you guys to drink?" he asked.
Mark "a Coke" Jack "Sprite" julie " sherrly temple" and then the man looked at me lastly "and for you beautiful?" he asked leaning in a little too close to me.
But i ignored it.
" a (drink) if you would."
" I would if I could" he whispered to me and walked away.
I'm uncomfortable
"Julie come with me to the ladies room please" I asked
"yep" we got up and walked to the bathroom.
"what was that?" Julie asked
she knew I didn't need to use the toilet I just wanted to talk.
" I don't know but... this is good?" I say and explain my plan to Julie "girl that's risky are you sure Mark's going to be cool with it?"
" We'll see"

we sit back down and the waiter brings the drinks
"here you go hot stuff" he says putting my drink in front of me as Mark puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes I look at him and back to the waiter.
" thank you. not too shabby yourself" I say winking at him. Marks grip Tightens and I know I was getting to him. the waiter smiles and walks away.
" excuse us." Mark said grabbing my hand and pulling me outside with him.
" what the fuck was that?" Mark asked bewildered.
"What was what?" I ask innocently.
"Don't play dumb you were flirting with the waiter! And I want to know why!"
He was mad. Sure it was hot but it was scary too. I crossed the line the least I can do is explain myself. Gosh what the fuck is wrong with me!
I sigh in defeat. "you said that... if I got you mad you would... rip the dress off me so I thought if I flirted with the Creepy waiter I would get you mad and... you'd want to punish me." I hung my head in shame.
"(Y/n) you don't know how mad I was! I was probably going to kill him but Jack told me not to even speak or I'd have to hide a body! But the worst part was that... I thought you didn't love me anymore." he hung his head.
"Mark I could never! I am completely and uderly, stupidly in love with you! And not even that waiter or the hottest man alive could ever replace you." I was holding his face with both my hands.
He looked at me and pulls me into a kiss.
"I'm completely and uderly, stupidly in love with you too (y/n)" he whispers against my lips.
I can't help but smile.
"Come on jack and Julie are waiting for us."
He took my hand we walked back skin to skin and joined our friends.

the same dude came back. "What can I get you guys to eat?" He asked.
They all ordered their food then came my turn.
"And you sexy?" He said. I looked away I wanted this to stop. His rough hand grabed my hand on the table when u heard the scraping of marks chair on the floor.
" back the fuck off dude! That's my girlfriend your touching and I'm sure she doesn't like that!" Mark said creating a scene.
"Dude back off! You don't know what she likes clearly!" He shot back.
"I'm gonna k-" Mark stated but I cut him off.
I stood up in between them "Stop! Mark your not killing anyone! and you creepy ass waiter guy back off I don't like you I love mark MY BOYFRIEND! get that in your head or I'll get you fired!" I sat back down pulling mark with me.
"Whatever your loss..." the guy said " but I still need your order"
"And I need another waiter or your manager, your choice." I spat at him.
"Ugh!" he grunted as he walked away in a fit of anger.
"Holy shite Mark I tough you were gonna fuck him up!" Jack said.
"And (y/n) you showed him who's boss!" I blushed a little and smile.
"Thanks jack."
Mark leaned in to my ear. "I told you your hot when you angry... maybe I might just have to rip that dress of." He whispers sending shivers up my spine. As I feel my face get hot and bright red.
I can she jack and Julie looking a little confused. So I just smiled nonchalant like ad our new waiter came. This time it was the girl that seated us.
"Ill be your new waiter sally today. Are you ready to order?" She asked smiling.
"I am! May I have the spa-..." I couldn't finish my sentence when marks put his hand on my uper thigh and started creeping up.
"Are you okay ma'ma?"
I nod "yes I would like the spa... spaghetti pl... please..." everyone had an eyebrow raised at me. But mark didn't stop his hand slid up my dress and was now resting really close to my womanhood.
"With meetballs? She asked
I only nodded.
"Okay..." She said writing it down " and for you Sir?" She asked mark.
"The same please." She wrote it down and asked for juile then jacks.
She walked away with the orders.
"What was that?" Juile asked.
"Um... I ... just couldn't decide what u wanted." I smiled and them both when I herd mark chuckle lightly.
Oh Mark, It's on like donkey kong!

Hey guys! We made it to chapter 30!! I hope you like it and prepare for the hopefully steamy chapter 31!!
K bye ya lovely person, we'll talk in the next chapter ai-yoss!😚

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