What Are You?!

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Marks P.O.V
Me and jack were shocked at the voice coming out of the phone it was deep and domonic and the background was filled with static.
"Who the fuck are ye'?!" Jack yelled back "and why the fock do ye got me girlfriends phone!?" He was Furious.
I didn't say anything because it wasn't my place to. Not yet.
"Wow, jack grumpy already? I would have thought that mark would have been the first to blow but I mean-"
I couldn't take his crap any longer. "Cut the shit! Who are you and Why do you have Julie's phone"
"There you go mark." He praised not once showing any scared emotion. "Well I thought we could talk first but if you want to get to point, the names kenny and your bitches are right here with me."
I tuned out.
That's the name that was on the back of the picture that fell out of the box. Holy crap that's why (y/n) was acting weird when I told her.
She knows him, and he took her?
This makes no sense.
I tune back in
"Say hello julie."
"Ow. Shit. Jack?! Jack?!" I herd Julie's frightened voice.
"Julie?! Are ya' okay baby? Don't worry I'll help you... I promise. I love you." Jack began to tear up.
"Jack I love you, I love too. Please help m-" her words got muffled. And kenny began to talk.
"Aww now wasn't that cute a real sob story-"
"Fuck you bitch!" Jack spit back
"Shhh jack it's marks turn."
"No." I whisper
"Yes." I could just imagine his smile on the other side. "(Y/n) say hi."
"Ow. Mark, Mark?!"
"(Y/n) I'm right here"
"Mark I'm sorry I'm so sorry... please please find us save them please?"
"Julie and sammy he took them please *sob* I'm sorry... I'm so-"
"Ugh. Shut up. Really mark you could do a lot better than that trust me it seems nice now but it only gets worse. I would know."
What? How would he know that?
Me and jack were speechless.
"Where are they!?" I hit the table.
"Really. I thought you would know it's literally like the one place you haven't checked... come on guys it's really easy... ugh Idiots! Try (y/n)'s house. I swear you guys are stupid. Anyway see you here!" He laughed and the phone went dead.
"Let's go jack" I stood up and grabed my keys. I was out the door when jack spoke.
"Um mark you don't have a shirt on." He blushed.
My face went hot as I rushed up the stairs to grab a shirt.
I came back down jack was waiting for me.
"Like what you saw?" I said jokingly rasping my eyebrows.
"Oh shut up." He said and we were off.
That Kenny bitch is gonna pay for what he did.

Your P.O.V
"Gezz their stupid" he chucked and put the phone on the table.
I tried to talk but the tape was covering my mouth.
He looks at me a try to talk the tape off. "Fine" he snapped his fingers and the tape just fell right off.
"Why did you tell them where we were?" I ask confused at his plan. It didn't make any sense.
He smiled "Well seeming as they will be here in about a couple of minutes we should start." He avoided my question.
Julie was still trying to scream and sam was just crying. She gave up.
But julie won't she tryed her best to yell out from the tape around her.
"Shut UP!" kenny yelled as he swung his arm, letting the knife go and peirced her in the leg.
She began to cry as blood filled around the knife.
"I told you to be quite." He walked towards her as she said somthing that sounded like a muffled mother fucker.
"What?" He asked snapping his fingers and causing her tape to drop.
"You mother fu- ahh" she screamed out as he pushed the knife deeper in her leg.
Still pushing, she screamed out in pain. I started to cry remembering the tool knife I had I began to cut the big rope again, slicing my skin ever so lightly feeling the pain that came with each slice.
"Jezz you guys never learn. But that was fun wasn't it." He smiled at Julie who was holding her tounge. "You know julie, you are very pretty." He reached out to stroke her face. "Your eyes, hair... your body. No wonder jack took a liking to you. Don't worry I respect that but it's to bad, really, or I would have had my way with you."
Julie's face turned mad. " Fuck you. Jack wi-"
He reached his arm back and struck her in the face.
I tried to scream stop as loud as I could but nothing got out from the tape.
Kenny, or whatever he is, stop when Julie's face was bleeding and blue.
He pulled out rag and clened his knuckles moving to sammy, leaving julie practically unconscious.
" as pretty as julie... was, I think samantha has alway had the upper hand"
Fuck you kenny fuck you! I screamed in my head as I began to cut faster making my arm bleed more.
The pain.
He walk to sammy who was crying to the point of being red, he grabed her face in his hand and she jerked her head away.
"Oh poor sweet innocent sam." He stroked her face and she moved away again. "I like it when you squirm." He smiled touching her leg. "So beautiful" he got close to her face. "So tiny." He slid his hand up to her breast. He got closer and I cut faster but the rope was to big but still I tried. I scream, sam tried to move but she was tied too.
Kenny out of no where snapped his fingers and my tape fell as he also brought my chair closer to them.
"Kenny don't you fucking touch her! get you Nasty ass hand off, right now!" I yelled in anger as he forcefully kissed her.
He tugged her shirt and it came off completely.
he began to grop her and I tried so very hard to cut the rope to teach this mother fucker a lesson, I was almost there I can feel the rope coming undone.
Kenny was doing unthinkable things, sammy was trying hard to stop him and get away, and I was screaming and cutting the rope to the point where my rist was now dripping blood, when the door swung open to reval a...

Marks P.O.V
I drive so fast I can get a ticket for it, but I don't give a fuck! (Y/n), julie and samantha need help and I intend to save them no matter what.
I have one hand on the steering wheel and one balled into a fist on the middle box thing between jack and I.
"Why the fuck are we catching a red light! FUCKING CHANGE ALREADY!" I yell at the street light.
I feel somthing touch my hand and I look at it in shock. I want it so badly to be (y/n) to have her sitting here next to me calming me down but it's not it's... jack.
I look at him and he nods. "It's gonna be okay mark. We'll save them. They are going to be fine." He held my hand and I nod feeling myself calm a small bit.
(Your welcome septicplier shippers! 😂)
I see the light turn green and I wast no time speeding away.

~Time Skip ~

I see the house. I drive the car on the grass not giving two fucks as I get out in a hurry.
I rush up to the door as I don't even bother to knock as I burst the door open.
Im greeted with a horid sight...

Your P.O.V
The door burst open and I saw mark.
"Mark! Please stop him! Help sam!" I yell.
Jack pulled up behind mark frozen in shock until they both snapped out of it.
Mark ran towards kenny his fist in the air ready to strike. Jack was right behind him when kenny snapped his fingers and the guys froze in mid stride.
"What the fuck?!" Mark spoke "how the hell did you do this?"
Kenny gave sam a kiss on the lips and stood up grabbing his rag and wiping his hands once more.
He chuckles and answers mark. "I have powers."
"Who are you?" Jack said.
"What are you ass hole!?" Mark challenged
Again kenny laughed. He smiled and turn towards the guys.
"I'm the devil"...

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but this week kind of sucked but here it is. I still have a bad headache but I tried my best.
Anyway we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss!😚
1496 words

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