Back To Reality

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Your P.O.V
I throw the door open and...
The room flashed dark blue.
I'm outside in my backyard.
"Dad!?!" I yell and spot him across the way. I run towards him.
I have always been closer to my dad than my mom.
"(Y/n)?" He ask as I run into his arms.
"Daddy" I begin to cry.
"Honey are you okay?! What's wrong??" He sounded worried.
"I'm so sorry... I am so so so sorry..." tears stained my face.
"Wha- did you brake a glass cup again?" He smiled, but I only stayed quite.
How... how could I tell him that I killed his youngest daughter... how could I tell him it was my fault...
He held my head in his hands and looked at me.
"(Y/n), what ever you did, no matter how bad, you can fix it. maybe not all the way but you can try. And as long as you put your best into it nothing can stop you. I know it may seem like the end of the word, like you can't do anything, but you can I know you can. Do not give up (y/n) keep fighting..."
He faded from my grasp.
I'm back to the white room.
Somehow my dad always knew what to say... always.
I look at my parents pictures.
I miss them so much.
I walk to the next door.
This time flashing teal blue/green.
Sammy's favorite color...
I'm in a hospital.
I see my mom on the bed my dad was holding somthing and I, about 5 years old, was staring at it.
"Daddy can I see please?" I tug on his pants.
"Sure but be very careful she's very delicate honey." He said as he got on one knee and handed me a baby.
"This is samantha your baby sister" my tiny self smiles and so do I.
The scene fades, flashes teal blue/green.
I see myself in my high school self sitting on the bed with my phone in my hand when little 12 year old sam came in and jumped on my bed.
"Hey! Twerp get out of my room!" I tell her.
"Nope!" She continued to jump.
"MOOOOOM!" I yell.
"No! No... no." She sat on my bed "I'll stop... I... I came in here to ask you somthing..." She hung her head.
I remember this day... this was one of the best days of my life. The day sammy and I became so close.
"Whats wrong sam?" I ask worried.
"Um... nothing, nothing it's stupid I'll go." She got up but I held her hand.
"No sam it's okay you can trust me, you can tell me anything I will never make fun of you we're sisters remember, we stick together." I smile and I get one in response.
"Thanks, but you can't tell mom or dad." She warned.
I put my hands up in surender "i would never."
" Okay well there's this... Boy..." She looked at me to see what I would do but I only listened intently. "He um... he asked me out, on a date... this Friday to the movies"
"Well what did you say?" I ask.
"I said I would think about it."
"Why? Do you like this boy?"
She blushed "yeah I do but I only said that because I know mom and dad would never let me go..."
"Okay well tell him yes because your going."
"I'll tell mom and dad the two of us are going and I'll drop you off and I'll go watch a different movie. How's that?"
"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU SOO MUCH (y/n)!!! I love you!" She hugged me and smiled.
Everything faded, flashed teal blue/green and was greeted once again by the hospital.
I stood right in front of the Sams current room and I walk in.
She was laying on her bed sound asleep.
Her eyes flutter open. "(Y/n)! You came! Is mark here?" She asks all smiley.
"Um no I don't think so."
"Oh well as long as you came. So what'ch ya up to?"
"I... I just need to see you one last time but sam," I walk to her "I will not die giving up if I wake up from whatever this is I won't give up understand that I love you and I'm so sorry you passed but I tried I really did..."
"I know you did I love you for that I will always love you no matter what." She told me and I kiss her forehead
"thank you" I wispere as she fades away and am brought back to the white room.
One door left.
I go through and it flashed red.
I stood inside Jenny's coffee shop. I see myself looking at my phone when the door swings open and I see myself fall to the ground mark picks me up and offers to get me a new cup of coffee.
The first day we met.
I smile and it fades and flashes red.
I'm in the meadow and I come through the tree with mark by my side. Our first date.
It fades and flashes red.
I'm in marks house.
I hear "won't say I'm in love" and I blush I look to me and mark singing to eachother on the couch. I smirk as I know what's gonna happen.
Mark pulls me close and we stare intently in each others eyes when mark kisses me.
The first time we did it. I blush and the scene fades and flashes red.
I was brought back to marks house.
I hear the song "crazy in love" and spot mark and I dancing like we never danced before.
I smile but it fades away and flashes red.
I'm in marks house, but... no ones here.
"Mark?" I ask but there was no answer.
But then two arms come from behind and hug me.
Mark. I smile.
He lays his chin on my neck.
I miss this.
"Hey babe" he kisses my cheek.
I blush and turn to him "please don't leave me Mark." I say to him and he gets a confused look.
"I would never- I could never, your stuck with me until I die" I lower my head and a tear escapes.
"Hey hey, what's wrong? Point is you will never lose me no matter what. And say somehow I do pass... I will always be in your heart
... and on youtube" he smiles and I pull him into a kiss.
I await his sweet warm lips... but the second before we made contact he was gone and I was in the white room once more.
I look all around and see each face.
I fall to my knees and curl into a ball, letting the tears stream.
I hear doors open in unison.
I lift my head to see where it came from.
Before me stood the ones I love.
My father started speaking. "Honey, we understand you have just lost the people you love right now but you can't give up. Our times maybe over but yours isn't."
Mark spoke up. "Please (y/n) you need to fight back."
"How?" I ask I wipe my tears.
"Kenny may seem as though he can not die but he does have a weakness." My mother informs me.
"What is it?"
"Its like Achilles heel. When he was transformed into the devil he had to have had some way to die and so there is one spot on his body that is weak." Julie stated
"Okay but where is it?"
"You must find that yourself" Jack said.
"But what about all of you?" I stand.
"Don't worry we are in a better place now. I love you big sister." Sammy gives me a hug "please don't fail... please" I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes.
I feel everyone join us and I feel so much better
"Ahhhhhh!" I wake up hyperventilating.
"HEY- ugh finally you woke up." Kenny spit at me.
"How long was I asleep?" I ask.
"Asleep? No. See, you passed out after seeing your little Markimoo die and 2 minutes later here we are."
I don't know but if this is reality and what they said was true I can't go down weak. I need to start looking for a weak spot.
"Anyways let's get back on track, I believe it was your turn to die." He smiles and raises a hand ready to kill me in some evil way.
"WAIT! no kenny, just- just hear me out please, i- I need time to get ready,I'm not prepared to die yet, and I think this whole heart ripping thing is getting a bit boring don't you think? so why don't we spice it up a bit by, say, I don't know a fight?" I offer hoping for getting more time.
"I already did that why would I do it again?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Because this time we can have swords?" I offer.
He thinks. "Yeah, yeah I like that Idea! " he smiles and snaps his fingers letting me fall to the ground.
In front of me is a long sharp sword. I pick it up ad notice I am now wearing armor.
I look before me. The entire house was converted into a big battle stadium but kenny and I were the only people there.the seats were empty and you could here a pin drop and the sound would echo everywhere.
Kenny showed up. He had no armor but his sword is clearly bigger than mine.
"Ready?" Kenny asked smirking since he knew he had the upper hand.
My mind flashed back to my family, and what they told me. I will never give up
"Ready." I say locating the first spot to go after...

Hey guys I'm updating today cuz I haven't in a while. This chapter was ready like 2 days ago but I wanted to edit a bit (yes I know there are still mistakes)
Hey guys here is a tip: if you leave a comment telling me to update I tent to write faster for you guys so if you want me to hurry up there you go cuz it just gets my attention :)
Anyways we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚

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