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"Because I don't want to... hurt you"
"If anyone were to hurt me I would want it to be you" I tell him as I shut the door behind me.
"I don't want to"
If he doesn't want to go hard because he'll hurt does that mean last night wasn't good for him?! Now that I think about it he cam but not very much... I have to know.
"But-" I begin
"(Y/n)! Why are you pushing it so hard?" He looked at me his face was red and i could tell he was mad.
"Well at least someone is..."
He rolled his eyes "whats the real reason?"
I gulped. "Well... didyounothavefunbecauseyoucouldntgohardoryoullhurtme?!"I rushed through my words and mark was confused.
"What?!"he asked
I took a deep breath and told him "did I not... please you?" I said quietly afraid he might say yes.
His face softened his brown eyes becoming soft again. He reaches for my face and held it in both hands. "Is this what it's all about? You think you didn't please me?" I nod "(y/n) last night was the best night of my life! understand that nothing you or anyone else could have done to ruin that night with you, not even wade and the guys" I laugh a little and he pulls me into a kiss.
I pull out leaving mark wanting more this time.i smirk "you do know I'll get you to break right?"
He sighs. "(Y/n) can we just go on our hike already."
"Fine" I agree.
He grabs my hand and we walk in silence. I think he's mad... good maybe if I tease him, he'll snap and do me hard.
I plot my revenge.
"Mark?" I ask "yeah" he replies not looking at me.
"Are you mad at me?" I say in a child's voice
"No" still not looking at me "okay..." I feel bad. I'll just drop the subject for now.
"Whoa!look mark it's a deer!" I say in awe! "Let's go touch it!" He tells me grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the deer.
Im so excited it's so beautiful and majestic and-! "Ahhh!" I tried on a rock and was falling face first to the ground. I can't watch!it's going to hurt, Here it comes here it comes... where did it go? I feel Two arms wrap around me. And instead of going down I'm going up?
"You okay baby?"marks deep voice spoke. "I am now" I say softly looking into his eyes
The deer! I look towards it.
"FUCK ME! the deers gone!" I yell, mark still holding me. "It's fine maybe we'll see one on the way up" he reassures me. I nod
We both let go of each other and walk hand in hand following the trail.
Not five minutes later we get to cliff mark brings me close i can hear the rushing waters below crashing against the rocks I can can taste the salty air and i can see the sky as it lowers into a red sunset. " it's so beautiful" I tell mark gazing into the sky. "Not even remotely beautiful as you" Mark said looking at me. I face him
"Mark your so cheesie" I giggle at him as he hugs me from behind.
He plops on the ground cuddling me in a hug.
"I know but you like it" he winks at me.
My head is cuddled on his chest and his arms are raped around me. His chin is resting lightly on my head as we both soaked in the sunset.
I think it's time to learn more about each other.
(Play song for feels)
"Mark?" I ask
"Yeah?" He responds
"Tell me about your family"
"Um... alright let's see... my parents divorced when I was little I have a step mom, a mom, and a brother currently, since... my father died..."
I move so I look at his face. "Oh my goodness... what happened? If it's okay to ask."
"Its fine. He got sick."
"... with what?"
"Cancer..." he told me his eyes becoming a little watery.
I hug him. "I'm fine. Tell me about your family." he says letting my hug go.
"Um... okay. Well let's see... I use to have a healthy family a mom a dad a sister and me. It was great."I say smiling at the past days but soon it faded. "But one day me and my little sister were at school and we got called out early. I remember everything it was 2 days after my 18th birthday... We were taken to the hospital by a woman in a suit with no explanation... When we arrived they told us to sit in the wating room. hours past until the lady came back. Little 13 year old Sammy was sleeping on me..." tears were now dripping from my face
"You don't have to go on." Mark said worried.
"No no I'm good *sniff* let me finish....The lady pulled me aside and told me that... that my parents were in a car crash. She said that they were blindly hit from the side and we're pushed off a cliff..."
"Where were they going?"
I got a pain in my stomach."Well they said they found my dogs body in with them....... we didn't have a dog... I wanted one for over 3 year but we could never afford to get one... until my dad got a new job that year that paid far more than what we had. They said it was a girl, puppy, husky with one brown eye and the other blue... I wish I would have loved it before it had to go. I blame myself all the time 'why did I have to want a dog'." I was crying now. Mark pulled me into a hard embrace.
"Stop." He said.
"That's not all" I keep going "I had to watch sammy, take care of her, she wasn't 18 yet and I wasn't going to put her in an orphanage. I did everything I could-" I did everything...
"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Mark shook me. I was frozen falling deep into my past my choices. "(Y/n)?!" I herd mark yell my name. I turn towards him with no expression.
"She was 14... 14 years old... 3 months after our parents past... she fainted, I should have saw the signs, she was always tired her noes kept bleeding... after she fainted we- I took her to the hospital... the docter told me she was sick... she had the early stages of cancer..." I stared braking down. Mark huged me close to him not letting me go. We stayed like this for a long time watching the sunset.
As the waves became less harsh the sky got dim and yet mark never let go...
Hey guys! I really wanted so feels in this chapter! Did I succeed? Anyway love ya lovely people and we'll talk in the next chapter ai-yoss! 😚

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