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Marks P.O.V
(Y/n) just put that girl in her place and it turned me on.
"Your hot when your angry" I wispered in (y/n)'s ear as she guides me to her sisters room.
"Well you better get me mad when we get home then" she wispered back winking at me.
I chuckle at her and she walks me into a room.
"(Y/n)!! You came I didn't think you would show and- oh hello! You brought me some eye candy I see! Thank you but you didn't have to!" I heard a soft but loud voice and was shown a small girl with hazel eyes and no hair. But it fit her face.
She looks similar to (y/n) but more babyish she was really pretty.
"Shut up sammy!" (Y/n) laughed " I already had to put some girl in her place because she was hitting on mark right now."
"Oh so your mark! I've herd so much about you!" She held her hand out to me and I shook it. "Your right (y/n)! He is hot!" She said and I blushed and so did (y/n).
"You guys are too cute! I love it" sam said. "Anyways what do you do again? (y/n) didn't say much beside how nice and sexy your are."
"Sammy!" (Y/n) yells as I take a seat.
I laugh at them and sam just shrugs.
"I'm a youtuber" I say answering her question.
"And how well does that pay?"
"Samantha! Your still younger than me I can ground you!"
"I'm pretty much grounded to this bed until I die what's the worst you can do?" Sam challenged and (y/n) just sat quietly
"You know what I mean..."
Well that escalated quickly.
"It's pretty good I get a few million-"
"Your a millionaire!" Sam and (y/n) said in sync.
I laugh. " no most of it goes to charity since I don't need it. I live alone anyways." I shrug
"Your too nice. Good pick (y/n)." Sam said giving (y/n) a sincere look.

Your P.O.V
Mark makes millions? And he gives it to charities? Omg goodness he's a god sent. I knew I was falling for this guy but man! he gives his money to other people in need. I guess It really hits home.
"Your too nice. Good pick (y/n)." Sam tells me and I can see the pain in her eyes the softness and the happiness all at once.
She knows what's going on with kenny-pain
She knows I can't leave but knows I'm falling to deep with this man and I can't help it- softness
She knows that if I could find some way to get out of this I would be happy by myself or even... with mark.-pain
I'm going to cry. I get up "I'm going to use the ladies room" i say and walk out into the empty hallway

Marks P.O.V
"Are you okay?!" I called after (y/n) but she was out the door.
"What was that about?" I ask sam but she ignores my question.
"What type of youtuber are you?"
I think she knows what happened to (y/n) but I'll just ask later.
"I'm a gamer! Do you watch youtube?" I ask
She shakes her head "no I can't hospital doesn't show youtube and my phone isn't the best..." She shows me her flip phone "Its fine. I can't ask (y/n) for any more than she gives me now in plus the only friends I have are here anyways. (Y/n) pays for my kemo and that's a lot there, and for a private room she does, what she can. I would get a job to help, I did actually but the kemo only works if I'm on it 24/7. Usually people do kemo for a month and then back to life and repeat, but for me, I have to be on it constantly I can probably be out for 4 weeks and then I'm back here for the rest of the year. So I can't eactly have a career with that schedule but (y/n) pays for a school teacher to come here and teach me so I'm getting some education but I finished school already. Shes just amazing how she does it... I'll... I'll never know." Sams eyes stared watering so she looked up.
"Do you ever get out of here?" I ask. She looks at me and smiles then looks down at her hands.
"No. I would be able for the 4 weeks like I said but (y/n) said she doesn't want to risk it. But I know it's because......" a tear ran down her face. "Because... she can't take me anywhere special. She just can't afford to travel either and the equipment I would have to take is too much... so this is my life but I love my big sister so much I can't ask for anything more." She looked up at me.
"So you've never been anywhere before?" I ask baffled
"We've been to some places... not big but good enough. Our parents didn't have wealth either until the year they died. So we had gone to big Bear and Arizona but that was it. I asume (y/n) told you about our parents?"
"Yes. You love your sister don't you?"
"Yeah I do I really do because the things she does for me and the people around her are... crazy... what do you think about my sister?" She questions me
"I like her" I smile at me hands.
"A lot?"
I laugh a little "yeah... a lot"
"Like do you... love her?"
I looked at sam and then back at my hands. I do love (y/n) I love everything about her. She had me raped around her finger the day I leyed eyes on her. I just don't know if she feels the same way.
"Yes I do I love her"
"I knew it! the way you look at her is like your always in awe! But mark listen to me... you need to tell her soon for you... for her. Promise me you'll tell her?"
"Yeah of course but... if she doesn't feel the same what then?!?"
"Trust me. She loves you more than you can imagine. She needs someone like you in her life mark. I tust you'll take care of her?" Her eyes were soft as she smiled sweetly at me.
"I will sam thank you." I got up and huged her.
"So what's your favorite game?" I ask sitting back down onto the chair.
"Well I saw the comertials for the last of us and it looked awsome! But I have nothing to play it on. But I'm 20 so it might be weird to be playing games"
"I'm 26 and I play games for a living! It is never weird! Maybe I could come by sometime and we can play somehing together?!"
"Really?! Oh I'm so gitty right now!"
We both laugh a little and the door opens and (y/n) walks in.
"What did I miss?" She said sitting in the chair to my left.
"Nothing much just talking about games" sam says looking at me.
"Well spill I wanna know!"

Your P.O.V
We talk for what seemed like only 10 minutes but it had been 30 minutes guess time Flys when your having fun.
Sam was telling us the stories of when her friend malissa barfed all over nurse she was flurting with.
"And then she just puked all over him and he was waring white scrubs!" We all laughed hard. But I can't hear Sams laugh anymore?
I stop laughing and wipe a tear from my eye, to see sam spazzing out on the bed.
"Sam? Oh my GOD! SAM?!" Mark and I rushed to her side. I don't know what to do this has never happened before??
"Mark push the red button on the wall!" I yell at him and he hits it like a nail.
A docter came in looking at her chart "What seems to be the-" she looked up to sam shaking on the bed."I need 2 nurses stat!" Two men walked in pulling mark and I frome the room.
I can her the woman yell "Get them out!" As she tried to get hold of sammy but still she shook and I could see nothing more. I was pushed out to the hallway with mark, as the door to the the room was closed In my face.
I can't handle this! Sam! Sam! Please be okay! Please!...
I can feel the hard, cold floor on my hands as I fell to the floor tears beginning to stream uncontrollably...
Hey guys! Do you hate me? What will happen to sammy? Find out in the next chapter!! Dun dun DUN!!😂
Anyways we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person!😚
Ps: Sorry for the late update

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