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Mark's P.O.V
I'm running as fast as I can.
I reach the lobby, out if breath, I see jack, julie, and "SAM!" I yell and the entire room looks at me but that's the least if my worries.
"She fell asleep." Jack says as he snuggles with his girlfriend.
I go to sammy and try to shake her awake but it doesn't work.
I have to get her to the doctor.
I pick her up in my arms and run with her to (y/n).
"Stick in there sam."...

Your P.O.V
"Please call DR. Vanessa Lopez, tell her that (y/n) and samantha (l/n) are here" I say to the nurse.
"But I-" he begins to speak but I cut him off.
"Please you don't understand just tell her. I'm begging you."
He looks at me thinks.
"... okay I'll tell her but there are no garenties."
"Thank you!" I breathe a sigh of relief as he leaves.
No to long, mark barges in with sammy in his arms.
"Oh my god what happened?!?!"
"She won't wake up! I don't know what to do!" Mark said as I scoot to the side of the bed and he lays her next to me.
"Sam come on wake up baby girl. We won but I don't think I can do this with out you..." a tear streams and the door opens to reval Vanessa.
She takes no time as she puts her stethoscope on and checks Sams heart. "How long has she been out?" She rushes to say as she presses the Red button.
"I don't know?" I stumble to say as the man nurse walks in "bring a Gurney, open a room, and get the scanner ready stat!"She yells at the guy who does exactly what he's told and soon sam is getting rolled away from me.
I put my head in my hands to take a breath.
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry. I should have brought her sooner I knew she was sick and I didn't do a thing-" I cut him off.
"No mark it's okay." I pull him down to lay with me. "She's gonna be okay. If there is one thing I learned from what happened with... Kenny was to never lose hope and with you by my side I know she'll be fine... she has to be." I say as I snuggle with him. "Just stay with me."
" anything for you my love." I blush and smile as I Barry my face in his chest.
We stay like this until we drift off to sleep.

Marks P.O.V
I wake up when the door to (y/n)'s room is opened.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." Vanessa says
"No don't worry about." I tell her.
"Okay well we have new s on samantha's condition but i can only tell family."
I think back to when I first met sam and remember (y/n) telling her that I was her husband so we could get in to see sam. "I'm (y/n)'s husband." I say hoping to pass.
"Im sorry but I know that (y/n) is married to kenny so who are you really." She eyed me.
I sigh. "It's complicated but her and kenny are no more and I'm her boyfriend."
"Okay well... then I guess I can tell you... Sam is"...

Your P.O.V
My eyes flutter open to the sight of mark pacing the room and mumbling something to himself.
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask groggily.
"I- um well- sam-" he begins to say as he rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"It's ta okay just tell me." I push.
"Um DR.Lopez came back with the results of the cat scan when you were sleeping and so she told me to tell you the news..." he sat next to me and held my hands.
"Okay well how is she can I see her?" I ask hopefully.
"Well the results came back and sam-" he began to tell me but then the door opens revaling jack and Julie.
"Hey they said we could come and see ya'" Jack says smiling as julie runs to me.
"(Y/n)! Oh my Gezz you had me scared to death!" She hugs me. "And didn't I tell you we'd get through this together!" I smile at her. "You sure did but mark was just about to tell me about Sam." I look at mark to go on and so does everyone else.
"Well um... Sam... ha she she's cured." I stare at him in shock.
"What?!?!" I ask, my emotions not yet showing.
"She's cured babe sam doesn't have cancer anymore! The doctor side it was miracle!" He smiled and kisses me.
"Oh my- i have to see her!" I say trying to get off the bed unsuccessfully.
"Hold on baby I'll get you a wheelchair" Mark said.

~Time skip~

"Sammy?" I ask to a sleeping sam.
"Yeah?" She wakes up quickly.
"Did you hear the news?" I ask.
"What news?" She cocks her head.
"Your cure baby girl no more hospitals for you." I hold
old her hand.
"Oh yeah I know crazy right Vanessa couldn't believe it and honestly I couldn't either but now I can get to have a life!" SHe threw her arms around me and I hug her back.
Life's really looking up for us... :)

~Time Skip~ 2 weeks later~

Mark stops the car, shuts it off and looks at me. "Ready?" He asks me
" ... yeah *deep breath* Yeah." I smile at him and he gets out of the car and helps me out.
My boot hits the ground with with a clank. I hate this stupid thing but if I ever want my leg to heal I have to wear it.
Mark opens the front door for me and I walk in. This entire place just sends shivers down my spine. I hate this hell hole so much that I have the urge to just run as far I can away from this place and never look back but I have to get my belongings.
Mark brings in the box's and put them on the ground.
"I'm so glad your gonna be moving with me." He tells me as he holds me in his arms.
"Me too." I smile "Now Let's get packing."

~1 hour later~

"Woo. I think we're done" I grab a box and mark raises an eyebrow.
"You only took your clothing a small porcelain doll."
"Yup and everything else can rot in hell just like kenny"
"I just wish I knew the whole story. But I know your not yet ready to tell and I respect that."
"I- *sigh* sit down and I'll tell you" he takes a seat and I sit right next to him. And begin telling him my story down to every last detail.

Hey guy I'm splitting the chapters up and they will all be coming out at the same time and when the story is finished it will say completed and the last chapter will have The End on it so keep an eye out. And all the rest of the chapters will be a short Epilogue. With the most consisting of 300 or less words :)

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