Borgin and Burkes - Chapter 2

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It had been months since Harry faced Draco. That special meeting caused some serious damage to Harry's brain, and he couldn't afford his school to suffer by it. He had more important things to put his focus to. For example, finishing many essays he'd been piling up over the weeks. Obviously he saw him once a while, at school whenever they had class together, but they never spoke – not that they ever did much. Now school was about to start again, his head became more fuzzy every minute. Malfoy haunted him in his dreams. Causing Harry to see things that weren't really there. Obscure thinking. Not quite pleasant.

'Oh come on Ron!' Hermione barked, and she rolled her eyes.

Ron chuckled under his breath and glanced up at Harry, lifting his brows highly enjoyed. 'Oh please, it was just a joke.'

'It was idiotic,' Hermione concluded, after what Harry nodded convincing – beside the fact he was busy trying to keep the smirk from his face. Ron sighed, taking the pot of floo powder in his hand, and he offered Harry to go first. They were planning on visiting Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Having the strange desire to prank around, and see what they could get their hands on for easy money.

'Don't get lost,' Ron smirked to bring back the memory of years ago when Harry first used the floo powder. Hermione slapped Ron against the shoulder, yet it didn't seem to destroy much of the joy. Harry didn't really mind Ron. He simply took a hand of powder and simply stepped into flames as needed.

'Diagon alley?' he asked nevertheless.

'Obviously,' Ron nodded as he briefly glanced at Hermione who still seemed to be pretty pissed. Harry stared straight in front of him, holding up his hand to throw the powder into the flames any moment, and he started pronouncing the alley accurate to get it right.


He got interrupted by Ron nodding heavily as he smirked, and he frowned briefly as he eventually finished with '-nally.'

Harry got sucked away, in the end thrown out of a dusty fireplace, and he coughed as he rolled over to his eyes – not daring to open his eyes just yet. Had it gone wrong again? After all these years of no-trouble-traveling? He gritted his teeth, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes as he tried to breathe through his with dust stuffed nose. He was quite lucky though. At least his glasses weren't broken this time.

As he put them on again, he glanced around while trying to get on his feet. Curiously he thumbed his eyes along all the strange objects near him, and it didn't take long for him to realize he'd end at the exact same spot like he had years ago. Borgin and Burkes. Harry swiftly moved forward to get out of the store as quickly as possible, knowing he supposed to meet Hermione and Ron in Diagon Alley instead of Knockturn Alley, yet something blocked his way right before he got the change to pop up from behind a storage cabinet. Mr Borgin came out of the room that was attached to the store – probably linking to a space he stayed whenever he had no costumers coming around. He snorted dissatisfied, patting his dirty hands against his trousers, and he glanced through the shop suspiciously since he'd apparently hear Harry shoving over the ground when he got spit out by the flames. This caused Harry to gasp and quickly turn his heels to find a hiding spot elsewhere. Finding – what he thought to be – the same closet he'd seen years ago, he quickly moved towards it and hid himself between the poking brooms to keep Mr. Borgin from finding him. He didn't want the people here to know he was here. No one had to know about his little accident, and he didn't feel like talking to that filthy man of a Borgin.

Mr. Borgin slowly sauntered through the shop, looking for the cause of the sounds, and he stood still staring down at the mess in front of the fireplace. Someone came in there through there... Someone who'd disappear just as quick as he or she arrived.

A clinging sound got audible. A scraping sound came from behind Mr. Borgin's back, and someone coughed. Mr. Borgin turned, rubbing his hands delighted, and an oily smile appeared onto his tired and sly appearance.

'Mr Malfoy, Draco, what a pleasure again. I didn't expect you so early.'

'Plans changed,' Lucius replied as he moved to the centre of the shop and glanced around. Draco followed him shortly after.

'Are you...?' Mr Borgin started.

'Selling,' Lucius finished in a mutter as he scanned the room. 'There's something outside I'd like to you to see.'

'Yes, Mr Malfoy. Of course, I'm coming.'

And as quick as that Harry thought he would be safe again – to his surprise and luck. Unfortunately, in the end it appeared he wasn't going to be left alone like he hoped so. There was one particular person in the shop that remained wandering there, and it was nobody less than Draco Malfoy. He gave the explanation to his father that he wanted to check something. Harry didn't know what to think of that, and it honestly got him quite excited. Spying on Draco was something rather interesting. The whole Slytherin scum was always full of secret. Unfortunately Draco headed straight towards the corner Harry was hiding in, and so he forced his hand to his mouth as the blonde came closer. His breath was pushing against the wooden cabinet door, and he wished he could close the crack in between. If Draco noticed someone was near, and he would investigate the cabinet, Harry would be doomed.     

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