Chapter 35 - The game

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Warning: This chapter contains "serious" smut

They discovered each other's bodies slowly; sharing slow and passionate kisses – resulting for pieces of clothing to vanish in rhyme. The bed turned messy. Their neatly flattened sheets were now crumbled together – their pillows pushed down on the floor. No matter his headache growing stronger, Harry clamped onto Draco – wanting more. His scar was burning; his head dizzy – and damn how he loved it. Draco hissed, pushing his teeth down into Harry's neck – biting his skin steady but slow, teasing the shit out of him.

"Fuck," Harry groaned as he threw his head back, his nails digging into Draco's back. "You're driving me shit crazy."

"Am I now?"

Harry grinned, pulling Draco closer to pull him back for a kiss, yet the blonde refused. Showing off his gums, his cocky attitude raising Harry's likings, he trailed his hands down Harry's body – his slender fingers drawing patterns on his belly. Harry gasped, his cheeks fluttering bright red now he managed to look down at his own pants – seeing his erection nearly peaking out the hem of his pants. His boner was rock solid.

"Draco," Harry stuttered – his arms searching for his shoulders. "I-"

"Just take it."

Harry held his breath – his eyes wide open as Draco too again his lead; opening the buttons of Harry's trousers like an eagle going for its prey. His breathing got faster, his palms went sweaty, and at the slightest touch near his private parts he flinched – his back quickly covered in sweat.

"What are you going to do?" Harry dug his fingers down his spine – his nails scratching.

"Inexperienced, fruit?"

"Well fuck, do you blame me?"

Draco scoffed, serving him a grin before he moved down – placing his attention elsewhere. Grabbing the hems of Harry's trousers, he pulled them down – no longer willing to talk. He wanted action, just as much as he did. Harry flinched once more, his head heavy and warm – as if he'd been standing upside-down for too long. He wanted to stop him, hold his hands, take action himself – if just because he felt too strange to let the blonde to anything to him first. Draco held him, grabbing his cock as he bit down his lip – pulling his roots to keep Harry down – resulting for him to groan in vain.

"Shit," Harry hissed – closing his eyes, hooking his thumbs along the edges of Draco's pants. Are we really going to do this?

Draco shoved his hand down into his boxers, his fingertips stroking parts no one ever touched before; his tongue now again rushing along the edges of Harry's teeth. Harry could no longer hold back. His hands struggled forward, searching for the buttons of Draco's pants to unbutton them in haste – his breathing speeding up as they went. Draco hissed under his breath – throwing his head in his neck when Harry touched the edge of his boxers, leaving his neck bare for a kiss. Harry went for it, his muscles aching as he leaned in – imitating a sit-up so he managed to bite Draco's shoulder as he pushed down his pants.

"You look so good," he moaned – peaking between their bodies, staring down at his solid cock – still hiding in its boxers. Draco flinched, grabbing one of Harry's wrists to squeeze it – holding his own pants up with the other.

"No," he growled as he pulled it back up. "It's my turn."

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