Chapter 20 - Puppies

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Nearly headless Nick stayed around, if just for a little chitchat, and followed Harry like a curious black cat as soon as he made his way back towards the Great Hall. Though Harry felt almost obligated to follow Malfoy, it didn't seem to feel as good as he thought it would, and so he made his return. Ron and Hermione were still eating. Ron - stuffing his face as always, and Hermione – now silent and absent. She seemed to be bothered. But who wasn't nowadays? Seamus and Dean sat next to them, above all laughing and chattering, and seemed rather merry than usual. Harry didn't feel like talking to either of them, though, and could barely find the effort to wave them a hand as they called. No, he'd rather take place next to Luna, Neville and Ginny – which seemed to be quiet, and enjoyed some peace while they ate.

"Guys," Harry chugged as he sat down – his arms folding in front of him.

"Hey Harry," Luna's voice was laced with respect; high and soft. "You don't seem too happy."

Ginny dropped her chin, barely able to speak, and scraped her leftovers onto a fork. She didn't seem too happy to see him, for whatever reason possible.

"I've had a rough night, really. I reckon you all know." All three nodded in silence, though Luna granted him a friendly smile. "Of course... Well, that."

"What was it like?" Luna's protuberant grey eyes stared at him, wide and intimidating.

"Fine," Harry replied somewhat awkward. "Nothing special, really. Just rough?"

"Is it true?" Neville whispered as he bend his head towards the group. "Did you manage to get Malfoy kicked out of school?" His eyes were glistening by utter excitement.


Ginny grabbed her stuff and moved, her lips locked and her movements rough.

"What's the matter with her?"

Harry looked at her. He couldn't answer Neville's question. Neither did he know what appeared to be going on. Shrugging, he followed her movements – being taken into Hermione's arms as she sat down next to her. "Leave her be," Harry muttered, even though neither of them made a move to go and get her.

"Aren't you happy for them?" Neville asked – raising hi brows."

"-What about Draco?" Harry cut through. Enclosing the group, he wished to talk about any other business but them two. "What happened?"

"Ehhr," Neville threw Luna a confused look. "Malfoy got kicked out of school?"

"Malfoy?" He was clever enough not to call his first name again – knowing he'd rarely (to never) do that. His palms got sweaty, and nervousness caused his heart to go crazy. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Neville replied excited. "Lucius took a whiff of the situation, and he went totally nuts. Besides, Malfoy hasn't opened up to his father yet. Didn't tell him what he's been doing. What about you, Harry? Do you know anything?"

Harry shrugged, his body unable to find either rest or patience. He wanted to leave, look for Draco, and leave the eating for later. His mouth was dry. Even though he knew he was incapable of holding any stomach content, he couldn't withstand a glass of juice. Taking a large sip, he looked at Neville – still ignoring the question for all it was worth. What could he possible say? Yes, in fact I've been with him the entire night. Oh and we made out like two bitching puppies. No, not so much.

"I've seen him," he answered at last. "Just for a split second or so." He stuffed his mouth with a grape, probably just to look careless, but got even sicker to his stomach as he experienced the sweet taste. Another sip. If just to flush it down his throat.

"That's it?" Neville asked – raising his brows as if not impressed. Luna was simply listening. Her dreamy eyes stuck blank to Harry's glasses, but he didn't mind. He truly liked her, even though her weirdness. Harry gave a nod in return – his mug closed between his hands, as if he was holding a hot mug of coco during the winter. He simply felt sick, nervous and destroyed.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Luna asked after a long silence. Harry gave her a look, smiling faintly. "You look rather pale. Has it anything to do with Ron and Hermione?"

Harry shook his head – lowering his chin to look into his glass. The pulp of the orange juice swirled to the surface as he tipped his glass to the sides.

"Nah," he muttered – ready to drop his forehead to the table.

"It's about Hermione, isn't it? I know you like her. I can see it the way you loo at her."

"What, no? She's my best friend. Always has been. I'm happy for them."

"Doesn't seem like it," Neville replied, now turning the pages of the Daily Prophet he received from Dean after he finished reading it himself.

"I'm pissed at them because they kept it a secret. Did you know?"

"About them hooking up?"

"Yeah." Harry looked at Neville. He could see it whenever he lied.

"No, honestly. I didn't see it. Just as now, Hermione remains complaining about the way he eats."

"Always," Harry replied – shoving his glass away to lean onto the table at last. He sighted.

"Shouldn't you eat, Harry?" Luna smiled at him – rubbing his back in all of the sudden. Though Harry appreciated her effort, he gestured her to stop as he straightened his back.

"I'm not hungry, really. Besides, Ron brought a box of cornflakes. Now he's messing with 'Mione, I'm sure he won't miss it."

"I know a spell that causes one's skin to look as though it is coated in cornflakes. You'd like to see it?" Neville's eyes began to glitter – he loved to impress his friends with his silly skills. "It's..."

"-No," Harry cut through, his voice suddenly a lot louder. "Please, no. I've got to go. I think I'm going to vomit." Harry rushed on his feet – taking his leave with his mug still half-full.

"Shall I hold your glasses?" Luna asked as she got off her seat.

It was pointless. 

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