Chapter 52 - Wrackspurts

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I hate myself for letting you guys wait for so long. I promise for more content soon.


The school no longer felt magical to him. The reason of his presence here seemed a mere lie, and he was close to losing all of his friends. This place no longer felt like home. He no longer followed the education of witchcraft and wizardry. It felt like he walked the distorted path to his death row. He'd lost his appetite - just as his sanity - and thought of opening up to professor Dumbledore. He wanted to lay low for a while. Perhaps stay at the Weasleys, or any place else just to be far away from Draco. Luna confronted Harry the other day. She claimed his head was full of wrackspurts once more - an infection cause by tiny, invisible magical creatures - possible to be expelled by thinking positive thoughts. Depressing, reminding him he didn't have any.
Harry claimed for last night's encounter to be simply a dream. In fact he decided to visit several teachers today to ask around if anyone had any information about Malfoy. Was it true that he'd been expelled for months? He remembered a while ago when Draco visited him at the Masquerade, telling him so. But still? Would he come to visit, endangering himself just for him? To see Harry? It was impossible to hide a smile during the thought of that.

Harry could no longer remember the moment he first noticed the change. He sat down in the fountain courtyard watching the leaves dance with the wind. His right leg twitched rapidly, unable to control his muscles now nervousness and doubt controlled him. He looked down at his paper note that contained catchwords in case he would forget what he was trying to imply. He still considered whether he should leave or not. If just for a couple of weeks. The headmaster would understand. Wouldn't he?


Hermione appeared from behind the gate wielding a concerned frown. "Harry, please talk to me." She sat down next to him, grabbing his hand as she leaned in. Her hands were as soft as her words. She was calm and loving for once. "You know Ron and I will always love you, no matter what. Right?"

Harry turned his head slowly as Hermione pressed her hand onto his twitching knee. "Right?"

Harry crumpled his notes while he tried to look her in the eye. "Why are you saying this?" he smiled faintly.
"I know you've been feeling like you've lost us. Gosh, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..."

"What are you talking about?"

Hermione huffed under her breath as she looked away - still holding his hand. "I was so caught up with my own infatuation I totally missed yours." She drew her fingers through his hair as she tilted her head to the side. "I'm sorry,"she continued guilty. "I know I shouldn't call it that."

Harry was unable to move. The questioning expression remained on his face, though now panic glistened his eyes. "What?"

"You and Draco. Is it true?"

Harry turned away his face as his eyes turned red. He stammered, but couldn't reply.

"It is, isn't it?" Hermione sighed. "I want you to know that I respect that, Harry." She tried to move his face yet he pulled back - unwilling to look at her. "I'm so sorry I did not know so before. That I wasn't there for you."

"Well, you shouldn't have," Harry mumbled as he jumped off the stone bench, yanking the tears off his cheek. He looked at her, questioning whether to speak, until he turned around and left.
He needed to talk. 

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